I’m here, I need help and I need community

Hello DJ, my name is Ashley and I’m in recovery as well. My choice was alcohol and pills. In the past few years I discovered ice and went down and immediate downward spiral. Today Friday, marks my seven week sobriety mark. The counter on this app tells me that Tuesday will be 60 days. You can do this. You are strong enough to withstand the addiction. All of this is very tough yet it is quite simple. All you have to do is have a mindset. That’s all recovery is is a mindset. I tell myself every morning as I wake up today is a good day, today I will not use, I will not drink and I choose sobriety over intoxication. I know, it’s easier said than done. When you put your mind to it anything is possible, do not limit yourself. Once your mind realizes that you are in this for the Long haul and you tell yourself that you will do this not you’ll try but that you will. You will get this in your head and on your mind and after about a week it will get easier. If you ever need to talk I am here. I’m hoping and praying this email finds you and I’m hoping and praying that you have my email address. Please email me with any questions or concerns and I will try my best to help you. Again, if I can help I am here. With all love in the world, and prayers go along with it. Within love always, ashley.


Wow, thank you thank you for these kind words and I will for sure keep in touch in touch with you. You’ve really brightened an already pleasant day.

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You are not alone! Soooooo many nights I would wake up in a sweat at 3 or 4 am and check Facebook and my text messages to see if I did anything regretful.
You can do this-one day at a time.


Hi DJ… you can do this. Addiction leads to death, insanity and can really be wretched for your mental health. You are choosing a new path which is great :+1: it won’t be easy but it’s well worth it. I’m on day 5 and am struggling but a fellow ST member said to me something that marked me. Try to remember putting a sober head on your pillow each night and how much better you will feel in the morning! Be strong :muscle:.you can do this!:slightly_smiling_face:


@liminal.rehab welcome DJ! I’m on day 24 sober and totally understand where you are coming from. This community is great and the support is amazing.


Welcome! Yeah, the reining yourself in while around people, then go home to get ‘properly’ drunk. :roll_eyes: I did plenty of drunk texting too. :sob: So I can relate. I am happy to hear your clear plan, and your announcement to your friends. You can do it!


Welcome! It will not be easy, but your determination will get you through. I started drinking to deal with a poor marriage and it turned into an addiction. I decided to make a change for me and my children. It’s been difficult as my husband thinks that when I’m drunk, that’s how I really want to be and I’m more agreeable. I’ve been sober for two months now and we are getting divorced soon. Your health and relationship with those you love is important enough to make the change. You can do this!


Hey @liminal.rehab :blush:
how are you going? Hope you are holding up okay. Early sobriety can be tough x

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Hey DJ I can relate bro but you know what has help me this time, is a pill call Naltrexone it freaking works buddy read or watch the video on you tube before you decide on taking it good luck.


Hey thanks for checking in. Todays a rough day but I’m hanging in there. Going to busy myself with running, reading, and making a nice meal for myself later


Hey :wave: that sounds like a wonderful plan. The beginning of sobriety felt so tough for me, the only thing that got me through was swimming, nice food and a bunch of exercise. And I had to force myself through it until it felt good again. It sounds like you are taking care of yourself in all the right ways, keep going :heartpulse:


Thanks for this! Today is another rough day but I will see it through. If anything, I’m stubborn


It really be like that early days. I was an actual mess for a good month. Be kind to yourself, it’s okay to feel like crap for a while.
You read any quit lit? There’s some great books that really helped get me through the early days. I think there’s a few good links on here if you search em up :mag:


I read the Unexpected Joy of Being Sober by Catherine Gray. Now I’m doing some exercises from The Artist’s Way by Julia Cameron—not quit lit but the book came from her decision to find ways of being creative while sober and sane after confronting her unmanageable drinking problem. She comes at it from a more spiritual angle. I would love more recommendations. I love factual but funny and relatable. Not into being preached at because not into high horses and the people who ride them, except me sometimes :sweat_smile:

Edit: actually high horses are fine, they can’t help it. people just need to stop taking advantage of them

Edit 2: just found the thread! I’ll look through em


I really enjoyed quit like a woman because it was funny and moving but obviously not aimed directly at men. I wouldn’t discredit it though, it had some really fantastic and helpful information that men and woman could learn from.
Alan Carrs guide to quitting alcohol was helpful too. I’ve read a tonne of memoirs, there isn’t a shortage of them in the links on here.
Hope your resting up, I found audio books really helpful when I didn’t have the energy to read or while I was commuting. I think there’s a tonne of podcasts also on a link in here (I haven’t figured out how to attach a link on here but definitely search it up).


Well said! Congrats on 60 days today! I hit mine on Sunday :heart: For years I watched my brother drink and he and my mom would fight and he would tell her it’s in our family blood to drink and she would say yes that’s true but it’s also a choice. As I grew up I never thought I would get to that point having watched my brother drink. But alcoholism can come in part at least from your genetics. Nearly every man in my family has struggled with alcohol. Some died from it, some lived with it, the best ones chose to part ways with it. My grandpa made that choice and he became the greatest man I ever knew. That’s part of my motivation. I know that the choice for sobriety can be hugely life altering. It can free you to become the best version of yourself because you’re not living a blind existence masked by alcohol or other drugs. I made the choice to be sober 62 days ago and the thought of what good lies ahead beats the prospect of having another drink. Great thread thanks everyone! DJ this place is a saving grace, keep your phone in your pocket and when you feel weak, reach out to us! We will be here.


Hi DJ! I’m so very proud of how far you e come! I would love to hear some excerpts or what resonates with you from the book. Here for you and your enlightened journey.

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Welcome to the community! Congratulations on beginning you’re journey :slight_smile:

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DJ, that’s a beautiful post and I appreciate you sharing it. All you said was correct, and what you saw in your grandfather’s life has been my experience as well. So many possibilities when you are sober.


How are you doing DJ?

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