Hello all!
I’m a newbie here, and wanted to introduce myself.
I am a mother of 2 children, my husband works out of town for 3-4 weeks at a time and I work from home.
My alcohol of choice is wine (Pinot Grigio exactly) and I have been known to drink 2-3 bottles per night.
I realize how much $$ I spend every week on it and it makes me sick. I realize how I switch up the store or gas station I buy from and I hate myself.
I realize that there is no way my children don’t know I’m drinking. I can imagine They smell it on me when I put them to bed.
Just writing this makes me tear up.
But, I am GOING to change. I have to change for my family. For myself and for my health.
I am Most concerned about withdrawal. I have been trying to cut back and been successful for the most part. The journaling in this app is really helpful for me to get my feelings out and remind myself to keep going when that nausea hits.
Anyway, I have read so many other folks posts and the support is amazing. I am so glad to be a part of this community!
Thank you!!
Welcome, and good for you for wanting to address it. It takes a lot of courage to quit drinking, and that starts with being honest with yourself about your problem.
I was a heavy drinker. I didnt really experience any withdrawals, but cravings and grumpiness! LoL find some good hobbies or habits and stick to them. It helped me immensely. Good luck!
Hi and welcome aboard.
Good on you for accepting you have a problem and having the desire and strength to want to change things, that’s one of the hardest hurdles to overcome in the beginning.
Best probably not to worry about things like withdrawal to start with as that concern could be a barrier to moving forward, in my experience I would begin with small changes and making plans / ideas on how to occupy the time that you are drinking at the moment, that way it seems less daunting. Not sure if you are going to have med / councillor assistance but again these can be a great help early on, above all reach out and seek as much help assistance as you need or want. Remember it’s important to do things that work for you as not all answers are the same for us all, we have to work out what is best.
I wish you luck and if you need to talk just shout and there will be plenty willing to listen and not judge on here.
Welcome, from a former wine drinker, though I ended buying boxes and have no clue how much I was drinking at the worst times. You have made a brave choice. I’m glad you posted to introduce yourself and engage with this community. It was the single most valuable thing to me in the early days of trying on sobriety and getting to the point where I truly wanted to get the alcohol monkey off my back for good. So good that you use the journal too! I don’t have kids, but I also drank alone and in secret and know the guilt and shame that came with it for me, anyway. Feel free to message me anytime.
Have you worked out a plan for how you’re going to work toward getting and staying sober? It helped me a lot to write things out. I’d also recommend you look at this thread if you haven’t already:
Change your relationship with alcohol
I love how he lays it out.
Hang in there and welcome! Rosa
Welcome to Talking sober.
I commend you for wanting sobriety.
Hi! I’m new here too! Welcome!
Im new here to and would like advice or inspiration from anyone who can really. Thank you.
Heyy colliee
Your here so you know something isn’t acceptable to you
Life’s terms arnt always fair but drinking or drugging or picking up isn’t going to help with anything
Just take it one day at a time. You can do it I know it
How are you doing today, @ELM ?
You’re in the right place! Welcome. Just think about how much pride you will feel knowing your kids won’t smell it on you anymore. That’s huge! You can do it, you’re worth it. Keep journaling and find other things that make you feel good and keep you busy and focused. You’ve got this!
Welcome! Your in the right place!!!
Just super glad your here… Congratulations
Im a single parent and it took for me to end up having a drink fuelled mental breakdown to stop, my drinking started at a small amount and got worse over time, it crept up and as time went on the more it messed with my head and the more depressed i got, i used to hide it from my daughter or only drink when she went to bed or when she stayed at her dads but one night after feeling down for weeks i massively crossed the line…id had a huge arguement with a family member…drank vodka too fast on an empty stomach…i fell asleep on the couch drunk in charge of my daughter something il probably never forgive myself for…id ordered a take away and the driver saw me through the window asleep and my daughter got upset at him knocking etc so he alerted a neighbour, my neighbour came in and took my daughter to her aunts who lives around the corner from me, he then rang an ambulance and police because he couldnt wake me up…when i did wake up with the police and several neighbours in my house and my daughter not there i had a full melt down eventhough they kept trying to tell me she was ok and safe…i ended up in a and e all night and had to speak to a mental health crisis team. Social services were alerted to safeguard my child…the next day was the worst day of my life…wondering if id have my daughter taken away from me, family, neighbours and friends had all seen the state i was in…when i first set out drinking i never in a million years thought that something like that would ever happen but somewhere along the line i stepped across the invisible line from drinking normally to something completely different and that was the beginning of the slippery slope into alcoholism. The worst part is that i let my beautiful daughter down and that was my rock bottom.
Today im 80 days sober, i didnt lose my daughter but only because of sobriety, please think carefully about drinking and keep sobriety, id never want anyone to feel how i did.
Welcome Sis! You have started your journey of Change and we’re here for it.
Abstinence will be the catalyst for identifying and addressing the root-cause for your alcohol abuse.
For me, it took 30 days in an inpatient facility and my commitment to the NA program. Every sobriety journey is personal, and subsequently, different. I am here to encourage you to find and live yours!
Your Share strengthens this community and helps the addicts suffering in silence. Thank You.
Awesome reply; thank You.
Starlight, this was so raw and honest. I could see this happening to me. I am so grateful for your post. I see you have this story as motivation, but what else do you do to stay sober and not let guilt/shame suck you back in?
One minute, one hour, one day at a time!!! You got this!!!
Hey there. I haven’t checked in a bit and wanted to see how your are doing now?
I am a mom too, to an almost 17 year old. I think back to many nights I would lay with her as a small child and try to read her a story but I couldn’t focus on the words because the 6 vodka sodas made the letters blurr and dance arround on the page. I would fight to keep my eyes open and slur my words and my little girl would ask" Mommy, are you tired? Can’t you please read for me"
I think if all the years I wish I’d quit drinking - but it is never too late. I’ll be 80 days completely Alcohol free tomorrow.
I try not to look back- I can’t change the past. I also can not possibly predict the future, but what I can do right now, this moment and this day is chose not to take that first sip. One craving at a time. Just ride the wave and it will pass. Learn your triggers- find other activities- talk about it, read about it, and remember you are stronger than you think you are. You are stronger than your addiction. Sending love, hope and strength. Please message me any time.
Because in the end it came down to 1 clear decision…alcohol or my daughter because i cannot have both…there is no comparison. …the love i have for my daughter outweighs everything… she didnt ask be here and she needs me so the guilt and shame simply cant have me. I took every bit of help i was offered and ive done alot of soul searching and working on myself since then…im working on forgiving myself and loving myself while staying sober and being the best mother i can possibly be
Hello, I too drank about six glasses per night. I bought it by the box. I drank my whole adult life but the isolation of the pandemic made it worse. My biggest challenge was come “happy hour” what was I to do with myself. You must stay busy. New habits,hobbies etc. In a couple of days I will be six months sober. That is amazing to a drunk like me. You can do this. Maybe lots of projects with your precious kids. You have a lot of support here. God bless!