I’m starting my day 1 tomorrow. It’s not my first Day 1

I don’t know if I can do this again I’m at my rock bottom, mentally and emotionally I just can’t keep using my child is depending on me. But how can I do anything for anyone else when my cup is empty with wholes in the bottom.

I’ve done this before I’ve been in much worse of a state and I pulled myself out. This time different, this time I don’t see the purpose the strength the hope. There’s nothing at the end of my tunnel this time and I need all the help I can get


But you’re trying AGAIN! Good on you! You’re not giving up, although you’d like to and you have very little hope. That took strength , doesn’t matter that it was very little and you don’t feel strong.
Hang in there. Keep posting.


This describes the phases of recovery.


Today is your tomorrow :blush:
So how are you doing at your day one?


It’s was and then went, and now I’m on day 3. I find that if I keep myself busy, or sleep the first few days go by quick


Great! Be prepared for that voice creeping back into your head romanticizing the drinking and try to talk you back into it. When you feel better mentally and physically you probably start to wonder why you can’t have “just one” :blush:
Keeping yourself busy helps!
And being here a lot too :hugs:
First year of my recovery I was here daily to check in on the daily check in thread. Feel free to join!

See you around and keep it up! :facepunch::facepunch::facepunch:


Congrats on day 3, busy is good :+1:action action action. I’ve never met anyone who sat on their arse and wished themselves sober, eventually we all had to do something about it. Well done :slightly_smiling_face:

Pretty sure there is a child at the end of the tunnel depending on you.
That’s a very powerful purpose.
Do it for the both of you.


I don’t know you at all but just those few words just 2 sentences play on repeat in my head over and over and over again and that’s all I’ve got going for myself right now I can’t even comprehend what would happen if I just gave up on me gave up on him.

I’ve always wanted to be a mother was always told I’d never be able to. I’ve always wanting to know what true, unconditional love looks and feels like and now I’m laying here listening to him snoring and feeling his chest rise and fall and I wouldn’t change, trade, borrow, or take for granted any moments or memories to come for anything.

I keep looking for anything in my life to keep me going and my purpose and destiny keep getting clouded by any hiccup or bump in the road or setback I don’t think I can handle

I can do this I have to do this.

I can’t give up someone is counting on me, looking up to me for support, security, and love unconditionally


It’s so tough. When we get past a few days then into weeks it becomes something next level. I’ve made so many mistakes and hurt my family a lot over the years but I can tell you that a lot of it fades as you build time. Let’s get through today and meet back here tomorrow for a quick check in.


Thank you so much for the update, and I’m very happy things seem to turning the corner for you.
Stick around and read lots… there will need many more “A-ha!” moments from many others’ inputs too.
Go well

Keep going! It will get easier and it is worth fighting. Take it one day at a time.