I made it one year!

Although, I think one year is a great accomplishment, in the bigger scheme of things, it’s really not. This is a forever type of thing. But I would like to start a thread with little tips that everyone shares on things that help them get through the first year. And I am so grateful to everyone on here, there were quite a few times where people talk to me off the ledge.


Yay! I am proud of you. Don’t forget to also be proud of yourself. :blush:

So true. The real goal is to die sober. 🫶🏻 I highly recommend celebrating milestones though. :blush:

Congratulations!!! It will be my 1 year on June13th… I can relate to you saying its the difference between heaven and hell… also wishing you would have tried 10 yrs ago. I was talking to a sober friend recently, and said something to that effect, he said, “yea, but you probably wasnt ready…” I said “yea, I was still having fun” 10 yrs ago although still out of control, I had drinking buddies, and hadnt brought my marriage to the brink of divorce. I was sitting in the garage every night getting loaded, and at the time, that was fun for me. Looking back now I realize it was just the beginning of the end. With hindsight vision, I still wouldn’t have done it any other way. I had to hit my rock bottom version of hell to get here. Im glad you’ve come this far and see the light too bro, keep it up :100:


Congratulations! Yep, I can say I wish I would have 10 years ago, but I wasn’t ready either.

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This is a great way of explaining the feeling!!

It is a great idea for a thread…this is an active one on the tip topic, but asks for 2 years sober…maybe a new thread of tips from those celebrating a year? Idk…we can always use more tips for sobriety!!
It is a great idea for a thread…and we have several of them like that…here is a popular one you can add to if you want…


Congratulations!! :clap:t2::clap:t2::partying_face: great work :ok_hand:t2::pray:t2::two_hearts:


Amazing!! WELL DONE :slight_smile:


Wow!!! That’s really great and :slightly_smiling_face::+1:t5: NICE

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That is just remarkable you are not just a work in progress you have actually arrived amen congratulations on your personal challenge


Oh, believe me, I am still a work in progress lol. Major construction, might never be finished.

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I was thinking about calling it the toolbox. Where everyone just leaves a short tip of something that help them. We have so much in common, but then again, we all have different circumstances. I thought if everybody left one chip, everybody can come grab a tip that helps.


That’s a cool idea and title. Everyone likes and asks for tips, that’s for sure.

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That is amazing, you must be so proud and relieved. Keep up the good work. Enjoy being sober :slight_smile:


Bravooo! Congratulations! Keep on going! You’ve already seen it IS worth it!


Sooooo worth it


Congratulations :call_me_hand:

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