I need to drink. Crisis moment

Thanks for replying, I appreciate it. How long have you been sober? I was actually wondering last night if this is a life time fight I’m going to have to battle? I hear it gets easier with time, it’s just 3 days in a row of desperately wanting a drink has been brutal!


Thanks for this. I had a good read of the HALT thread yesterday. I was definitely ticking the ‘A’ box yesterday!! :grimacing:


I personally have had some tough stretches but they do pass. It’s hard to get out of a funk sometimes but as long as you don’t pick up a drink you are winning. You can do this, you deserve a sober, happy, healthy life.


You’re welcome!
That’s what I like about this app: there is loads of info to find here and there is always someone here to help out.
See you around! :raising_hand_woman:


Hi Amalia. I’ve been sober now 923 days. Some days are easier than others but after a while it becomes less of a battle and more of a way of life. The last three days that you have struggled is opportunity to learn. You have learned to reach out BEFORE you pick up a drink, that is a major tool!!! You gain tools along the way, as I just read you have been looking into H.A.L.T. this is a really good thing to bear in mind when the voice in our heads starts. Also. Sugar. There is tons of sugar in booze and our bodies are looking for it as it’s a shock it just stopping. Get in some nice sweet treats, ice cream was a game changer for me early on. I celebrate milestones with a nice icecream. The best advice I can give you is not to focus on the future or to dwell on the past just look here! Right here today and only deal with not drinking now, today. Just don’t drink Today and then tomorrow rinse and repeat :+1:If you don’t have the first drink there can be no 5th, 8th or 10th. (As a wise man on here says)… Honestly I understand how hard it is when cravings call but with tools it makes it a little easier. I read somewhere that it takes 66 days for the brain to make a new neuro pathway (habit). Eventually the voice gets quieter, for me it hasn’t completely gone but I can barely hear it. Have you read any quit lit books? I found them priceless in the beginning. Allen Carr the easy way to stop drinking for women is good or This naked mind by Annie Grace. You can get them on Amazon. There is lots of good information in them that explains why we become addicted and what happens to our bodies whilst drinking and whilst becoming sober. I think you are a true warrior and you are surrounded here with people who totally get what a battle you are fighting. Together we can do this, we just have to lean on each other. :pray:t2::two_hearts::two_hearts:


I’ve been struggling again massively today. Don’t know what’s going on? I was sailing through fine before. Anxiety is through the roof again today. But I’ve made it through again. Just strange how it just gets so intense every now and then.

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Thank you. I was just saying, it’s 3 days in a row now after I’ve been sailing along fine. Not really sure where the overwhelming cravings came from. They are intense!

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Oh thank you! And you are definitely a warrior also! I look forward to having 900+ days under my belt. I’m at 83 days today.
I have read ‘this naked mind’ thought it was great. I’ve also done a few addiction classes when I was in rehab and the book reiterated what I had previously learned, with more detail. So I have a good understanding what’s going on with my brain, but when I’m in that moment is actually physically painful and I get short of breath, almost like panic I suppose, and it’s so hard to steer away from it. I hope tomorrow is better as I spent a lot of today crying and feeling very anxious.
Unfortunately I follow a keto diet so sugar is a no no for me. But I find when I’m bed after dinner, I’m safe and water serves me well.
Thank you for your reply :blush:


How long have you been keto for?

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I really enjoy reading a good quit lit book, Annie Grace is a good one! I couldn’t of got through without a sweet treat in the beginning, I have never tried keto. It seems like a lot to do all at once, becoming sober and dieting but you have to do what is best for you. Do you go to AA meetings? That’s something I haven’t done yet as I’m managing ok on my own and with the support here but I would never say never. I was wondering if you could maybe go and talk to someone regarding the panic and anxiety, it might help to talk through what goes on when that flares up? 83 days is amazing! Congratulations! :pray:t2::two_hearts:

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I’m so sorry you are having such a rough time. But you can get through this!!

You are strong, you are brave, you are a blessing!

Things may not be going your way in life right now but you, yourself, deserve to have the ability to feel all the feelings your feeling. They may not be good but they are real. Maybe take some time and write an extra long gratitude list. Find a safe place, take deep breaths for about 2 minutes, and just start writing your list.

And then if you still have those negative thoughts, write in a journal how you feel… give it to the paper. Give your pain to the paper. And walk away from it.

You got this!

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Keto flu is a real thing and can make you feel very unsettled. Please take good care of yourself.

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Coming from a now grown up (38) who was an awful teenage girl girl… I am very sorry. She will be very sorry and once she has passed through this phase she will be mortified at the things she is saying/ doing now.
I’m sure I’m one of the reasons my mum is alcohol dependant and I am desperately regretful.
So I am sorry on her behalf sorry for how she is behaving and sorry that you are the closest person to her, so you suffer the brunt of the hormones, shouting and rages. But please believe me if you drink in response to this nothing will change and tomorrow you will be less equipped to deal with it x
She doesn’t mean what she says and her actions are not a reflection of you she is just trying to navigate through the maze.

I hope I haven’t spoken out of turn but your post really hit me and bought out all the feels x

I hope you are feeling strong and full of fire today x

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I know, an I’m anxious again today too!
I think my partner has a lot to do with it. He has been drinking heavily and therefore I never see him. He knows that I have been struggling the last few days yet he drank before he know I was popping over last week, he drank yesterday morning before I came over to look at a house for him, and he drank at lunch yesterday infront of me. I’m at his house now and am shocked that on top of his bottle of vodka he had yesterday afternoon, he has obviously gone and got another half bottle and that’s empty too. This is what he chose instead of staying with me last night. And pretty much every night since my sobriety.
I need to find the HALT page…

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I was keto last year for a while and got to a really healthy me. But then I started drinking again and put on 20kg!! So when I started my sobriety I went keto again and I’ve lost about 15kg! Today I’m wearing my skinny jeans that I haven’t worn comfortably in over 6 months!! Yay!!
Ps. I do Australian version which is low carb, high protein and medium fat, as opposed to American which opts for high fat. I pretty much live on protein and salad, or veg, and make sure I meet my electrolytes each day.


Thank you.
I have a great psychiatrist who I see monthly, I will discuss the anxiety with him in a few weeks as it’s really flared up! I’m pretty sure it’s got a lot to do with my boyfriend at the moment. I never hardly see him as he chooses to drink every day, a bottle of vodka at the very least. I can’t do drunk people at the moment!


That’s a good idea. I used to write poetry too when I felt down. The words just poured onto paper. I might try that again too :slightly_smiling_face:

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Thank you. Our argument turned to text message as that was the only way she would communicate with me and she’s talking to me again. This was all due to the fact that I bought her a computer, but couldn’t afford the expensive one she wanted. In fact the one I got her was the original one she wanted (single mum here and have been off work for 19 months now). So yeah, pretty selfish. But I had the last text and tonight I’m picking her up from her boyfriends where we will chat like nothing ever happened.
Kids hey? (Insert eye roll)
I was very angry at the time though! But kept calm infront of her which I’m proud of.

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You should be. I felt so hard done by as a kid teenager and I had everything! It won’t last forever x

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There are so many red flaf triggers there …

I don’t know you at all but please ditch him run for the hills and concentrate on your own sobriety xx you are worth so much more than someone who shows such little respect for you :heart: I’d be anxious too! Hope you are OK now?

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