I relapsed and started drinking again after being sober for 4 months

Hello, I’m a 32-year-old male struggling to stay sober. It has been 4 months, but I wanted the taste and buzz alcohol gave me, so I relapsed and started drinking again. I’m now 4 days without a drink, but I always end up giving up and drinking again and again. I have made loads of mistakes while being drunk, and I cannot get the regrets out of my head. I constantly analyze everything.


Welcome Peter.
Glad you found us.
Have a good read around. This is a great sober community. Fucking magical :man_mage:
Being active on here keeps me sober. Among many other important tools.



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Welcome! Coming here is a great forst step. Those who come here and are active tend to have a successful sober journey.

Read around, you are not alone. You will find a lot of advice that will help you. You dont have to feel like this again

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Good place to be here. I was just like you man. Was even a bartender. It’s going to come down to a decision for you. How sick and tired are you getting of the same patterns you’re doing to yourself and not growing in your life because of alcohol. The booze was my main issue because it led to other things and just not caring. So in order to be a better me, I had to stop at the source. I’m now 1 day away from 100 days sober and I’m not looking back brother. My life has improved so much in just this small time. It’s a big leap but you can do it. One day at a time. Find other stuff to do and fill your time. Make some drastic routine changes. Set some amazing goals for the week, month, year. Kill that past you and never look back!