I relapsed today in porn and masturbation

Sadly after 25 days sober I relapsed in PMO two times today. I feel devastated. Sad sad sad and crapy. I really appreciate your prayers. I committed the error of checking my cellphone in the night. Was a beautiful day but I destroyed everything. Thank you for being there


It sounds like you know what triggered you and that’s good. Pick yourself up and move forward. Maybe you can sleep with the cellphone in another room? Your relapse doesn’t negate all the work you’ve done!


Hey man @Bomdhil

I relapsed yesterday and I will tell you something good but not just for motivating. If you know ‘’ chaser effect’’ never let it to grab you. It means that if you relapse your serotonin level never hit the maximum and you need to do it over and over again to feel high. Like a cocain addict or anyway, your brain loves novelty. As you get more addicted to porn, you don’t feel pleased with simple videos and you go extreme…click click click. But serotonin never hits the high. Your brain just release dopamin as you taste the novelty. But we gotto know that we we will never be pleased at all. So keep up the hard work. Waow 25 days, perfect. Assume that you are on the 15 days but it is not day 0 as long as you are not caught by chaser effect. Lets get start off together. Just behind you😊


Hey man, been there many, many times before. It sucks. But, don’t sit around and mope. Channel your energy right now into something constructive. Go for a hike or something. Accomplish something hard right now. When you’re done, you will realize that the addiction is not in control. You relapsed. So what? Do better next time.

One thing I’d like to stress that I’ve been trying to say a lot more, this is not your addiction. Never claim it. It is not you, you are not it. The addiction has a parasitic relationship, not a symbiotic one. I want you and everyone else to know that I will never say my addiction again! It doesn’t have claim on me, and I will never claim it.

You got this. You did awesome with 25 days. Now go for 26 and more.


@Hope0110 thank you so much. As you said I need to avoid cellphone on night. Meanwhile I need to work on why I did this. Why I needed to destroyed my day in such a way. I only can blame myself

@Cgty04. Thank you so much for your answer. All of you gave me great hope. I feel sad and discouraged but I need to fight. After all this years fighting I can not give up. I can not. All of you help me to know I am not alone. Thank you for the bottom of my heart


@DungeonMaster Thank you so much for your answer. You are right and I learned from you not to say “my addiction” thank you for giving to me this new light. I never thought it but you are completely right. Today is my 2 day sober


@Legacy thanks for the answer and the advice. Today is my 3 day sober. But something happened with me. I am full of anger and very upset with me.and I transmitted this bad feellings to all who are arround.
I would like to have peace. I pray but I have to struggle with the idea That the Lord is really dissapointed with me

I’m sorry that happened. I fell recently as well after 23 days and it has been a struggle to get back on track.

You have to remember that the Lord could easily take away this issue if He wanted. The Lord has allowed this pain in overcoming it though. He often allows this struggle to keep us humble and realize that apart from Him we can do nothing. Don’t despair! The Lord is allowing this to test your love for Him to show how willing you are to get back up and serve Him. Remember, the people who make it to heaven don’t get there because they are perfect, but because they persevere. Keep striving to do the Lord’s will!


In addition, through the struggles of life, we find greater joy in everything else. Who could appreciate virtue as much as someone who struggles to keep it? Everyone else would take it for granted.


@Legacy thanks again for this very encouraging words. Thank you for being there. Answering my post. In this first 4 days of sobriety I needed I need support from others. I have to recognize how much I need the help of brothers and sisters. I see in that the hand of the Lord.

@DungeonMaster Rob you are right. It is like the blind. They really appreciate the Light

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Maybe, but it also must be something you can experience, not just something you wish you had. We can appreciate and hold to virtue because we can become virtuous, in spite of our vice.


Right. For this we need someone to teach us the way. I consider myself without virtue but I long for it. I need someone to teach me the way towards Purity.
Today I am struggling with temptations. I am amazed of how dirt is my heart.
Please Lord forgive me. I want to be pure . I really need it!!


We need to believe in ourselves at first. Someone who’s never got into this darkness could never tell you how bad it was. We are just the ones into this and there are many people struggling with this brain and soul exploiting devil. So we have to know that we are not alone, we are not the only ones experiencing this kind of life. Yes, we need purity and it’s been tough to fight over and over again. Finding the power to move forward has been difficult sometimes. But my friend, you are there in your land, and I am here in my land. I am backing you up and I know there has been many people encouraging me to stand up again and again. Cmon we need this.


Let me tell you, virtue is attainable, but it’s tough to hang on to. I’m 47 days sober and the cravings are getting stronger by the day. I usually do pretty well for 30 days. It’s taken me years to get to the point where 30 days is my “easy sobriety” mark. After that the cravings come in waves. Usually on a monthly basis. Like I’m having a period or something.


Thank you so much brother. I need to be very honest and I have to say that today I relapsed again two times with porn and masturbation. The promise of little happines becames real Hell for me. How much I suffer this. Your words brings a balm in this dark moments

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Keep it up. Put up barriers. Associate yourself with good people. Listen to wholesome music. Watch appropriate television. Set rules, no phones/devices in certain areas of your home, curtains must remain open in living area, time limit and temperature control on shower.

Your life has to change to accommodate your sobriety. It needs to be your focus every day.


Thank you again. Thank you… I hope this time do it better

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Just keep talking to us. When you feel significant or even minor cravings come here and talk it out!