I relapsed today in porn and masturbation

Ok. I will do it.
Today is day one. Really stresd out. And tomorrow the same. I realized my bad mood. I hope to keep calm and cool tomorrow. How do you deal with stressful situations?


You mean situations where I’m having bad cravings? Honestly having a lifeline has been the best thing for me. I’ve never been able to use my wife as an accountability partner. I think she is probably part of the whole addiction as well, but I haven’t explored the whole psychology of what’s wrong. Maybe someday.

Yeah, talking to others with similar problems has been huge to me. Whether in groups or on the forum.


Thanks for the answer brother!!! Today is my 3 day. I am agree with you. Here I find support and sharing is helpful. Today I am happy although really tired. Today I haven’t been selfish and that brought me happiness. I visited friends with sufferings and I shared my time.


Always be careful when you’re tired. You’re vulnerable when you’re at your weakest.


Day 4.thanks for the advice. i am going to rest now. Blessings

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Comparing this to my drinking days, I would say you where thinking about what a great day it was, enjoying that “good feeling” and reflexively went to something to kick the high a bit higher…your DOC. I drank on bad days to take the edge off of bad days, and I drank on good days, to make them “better”.

What I didn’t want to consider was that drinking never solved anything…it just temporarily made me feel good, but the price for feeling good, what feeling a whole lot worse down the road.

Think of it like buying something on credit. You want it, and it feels good to get it. But then the bill comes due, with interest, and that’s when you feel the pain.


What a great way of thinking. You are completely right! And It is true. The question is. How to break the damn circle.?I know it is wrong falling in Porn. Increases my sadness and my inner void but I keep falling again and again. Almost 30 years! It is really sad and disappointing. I am my worst enemy

5 day of sobriety…I hope to reach the week


Six day. Tired and hopefull and the same time. Thank you brothers and sisters for all the support

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Sadly I relapsed again. :pensive::pensive::pensive::pensive::pensive:

You can get down on yourself, or you can look back on the six awesome days of sobriety you just had and realize how great you did and how great you’re going to do this next time around! Let’s evaluate your relapse. What happened?


Yesterday I had a big argument with a coworker. I arrived home upset and frustrated. I went directly to the cellphone I started to waste all my precious time in it and finally a thought came to my mind: look for porn. You will feel better. A lie. I feel destroyed and depressed


Yep, totally a lie. You now at least realize that the worst time for you to be on your phone is when you’re hurt, frustrated or angry.


Right. Today first day again…taking the day easy and cool.
Thanks for your support.
One question? Do you use any kind of filter or blocking app in the cellphone?

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@MikeSeekingHope @TheTwilightRunner Pretty sure we’ve discussed this in depth several times. Can’t tell you any specific apps for mobile devices myself, sorry.


I’ve never had a blocker on my phone, I tried several on various computers over the years… I struggle to remember the names of any of them as none of them ever worked for more than a week. In the early years of my addiction I would occasionally go up to a month without looking at porn. I was 19 and in a borderline cult at the time that shamed men for looking at porn but masterbation rarely came up, so I would still do that. At a certain point, I used images that were in no way pornographic, my imagination filled in whatever gaps there were.

I say all this simply to explain why I don’t use blockers. If the blocker were the only thing keeping me sober, it would need to filter out every female image on the internet.

If I could offer you a challenge, next time you feel like looking at porn or masterbating come check-in in the “Checking in daily to help maintain focus” thread. After you post something and read a couple posts from others you may be in a better place to resist the temptation.


Great advice. @Bomdhil this forum has been a huge lifeline to me. Pornography and Masturbation are isolating. The addiction further isolates you. It thrives in darkness and deceit. Having a community that I can actually talk to about it has been immensely supportive. Dont just limit your activity on here to talking about the addiction, get to know us. If you’re able to give trust to us, we’re able to help you much more.


@MikeSeekingHope thanks for the advice . I really appreciate it. I am going to follow it. But I need your help. I am new in the app. Only few months. I don’t undestand really how it works. It is difficult to me to answer at the end of any thread… But I will try…
Be patience with me. I will still posting here until I get used to the other thread

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@DungeonMaster I want to trust in you. Help me to use this app better. I am willing to ask your questions and to know more people fighting addiction.
Today is my third day sober.
Ah! One thing I bought the book you told me. The wheel of time.The first one. I am excited to receive it and start reading

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@Bomdhil today is my first day on this forum but I know your story is not unusual, specifically in porn and sex addiction. I’m 3 years in recovery myself.
You’re taking the first steps by coming here for help, I would suggest finding a meeting in your area and development accountability friends.

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