I’ve really messed up

I need help. Recently I lost my mum and I’ve hit the bottle hard for the last 6 months. I’ve messed up massively and drunk to the point I’ve acted outrageously and it’s resulted in me losing my partner who I love very much.

I’m a dick. I know I have a problem with alchol and I need to stop. But I just can’t seem to discipline myself. I’m praying to good that with the help of others on this app I can conquer my demon.

I’m heart broken. Today hurts. I don’t want to be the person I’ve become. It’s not me. What do I do please?


Hello there, welcome!

What do you do? Everything you can. If you can’t find it in yourself to take the first steps then put it in the hands of professionals. I did and it saved my damn life. Seek treatment, be it inpatient, outpatient, therapy, whatever. Then follow up on that with some type of program. Meetings of many types exist. Surround yourself with different people, healthy people, positive people. There are a lot of those people here.

This is a life changing decision, you must start by changing your whole life. It’s scary in so many ways, but trust me, the scary becomes strength and pride you never knew you were capable of.



Thank you for your reply. I feel desperate and will do what ever I have too. I need to. I feel so low and desperate. I’m definitely having a potty party for one and need to vent. I feel so alone. :cry:


Welcome J :grin:… You are definitely not alone here… At all. Ever. Have a read around the threads, you will enjoy it here. There are a lot of people that are here to help. Just keep coming back on here everyday, even if only for 5 mins… You will be OK. :kissing_heart:


That’s so kind. I’m just going through some of threads now. I am loving seeing how much support there actually is in this group.

I was so nervous to post on here. But I know I need to speak out to acknowledge that this is real. I’ve been in denial how bad my drinking has become.

I feel this community could help :pray: Thank you for reaching out.


If this is ur first time trying to quit I recommend Annie Grace’s Alcohol experiment, which u can find thru google. Everyday for 30 days there are videos and homework which teach u about alcohol and give u tips to quit. I learnt a lot and it got me on the path to sobriety. And welcome, of course :cherry_blossom:


Thank you. I shall take a look at that later. I really appreciate that.

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I’m really glad you’re here! I know that dark feeling all too well. With time and sobriety, you’ll find it lifts pretty quickly. This is a great place for support. I’m so sorry about your mum :revolving_hearts:


Welcome to TS Jenna! I’m so sorry to hear about the loss of your mom.

I think the two most important things to do are focus on not drinking anymore and then determine what’s causing you to drink in the first place.

For me, it was anxiety. Eventually it turned into a vicious cycle where I would drink to make my anxiety go away, the drinking would cause more anxiety, so naturally I would drink more to fix more anxiety and repeat.

Once I was able to break the cycle and get some sober days and weeks together I was able to really address the issues that caused me to drink. Also, once you get some sober days under your belt you will see that it’s actually amazing and not nearly as scary as it sounds.

Like the others have said this is a great place to start, there are loads of amazing people on here with great advice and experiences to share. Glad you’re here :+1:


I’m actually reading her book This Naked Mind right now. I’m about half way done and it is really good. I wish I’d read it sooner because I think it would have made my first few days and weeks of sobriety a lot easier. I highly recommend the book.


Thank you :slight_smile:. I feel like I need all the support I can get. I isolated myself over the last few months and am so embarrassed to let people know how far it’s got. I am happy I found this group.


Welcome, don’t be embarrassed. You are admitting that there is a problem and you are looking to do something about it.
That takes courage and strength.
Well done.
Use the magnifying glass above to search anything you want to know. All the info you need is here.
Most important…have an open mind and relax.


ThAnk you for sharing your story. It’s amazing to talk to people who all understand and have been there.

My life’s literally fallen apart because I’ve been so selfish and drank. I run away from reality because I get so overwhelmed with life. I have been so suicidal lately. And it’s all down to the drink and I still can’t say no.

There’s only so many times I can say sorry to my partner. He’s had enough now. I’m so scared I won’t get him back and I won’t be able to sort my life out. My hearts braking writing this. Sorry to be so full on.


It’s hitting home hard that I have a real problem. I hate the fact that I’m not in control. I feel blessed for people like you right now taken time out to write. It’s keeping me sane whilst I’m braking here.


You need to get out of this negative spiral.
Yes, ok, you messed up, so put it behind you and move on in a positive way.
Whether you partner has you back or not is probably dependant on how they see you behave over the next few months.
What do you want them to see, someone who can’t cope with life, or someone who has picked themselves up and sorted themselves out?


We have all felt desperate, and most of us used our drug of choice to escape. I have cycled to work, hungover to shit, willing myself to have the guts to swerve in front of a passing car. But I am sober 70 days today, and the past year and a half have been slowly getting longer chunks of sobriety under my belt. It can be done. Many people on here have great stories of getting sober.


It’s ok. At this moment in time your head is wirling around all over the place.
As I said just now relax.
Everything is going to be ok.


I have found this app helpful. I can’t be sure how many times I have reset my time sober. I WAS at 4.8 days, so close to 5. Then Saturday happened. Now im almost at a day. This is frustrating. Im sorry, my Mom is a rock in my life. I can not imagine what type of hell you are going through. I haven’t been here for a long time. I do like the progress tracker and that even when you have to hit reset your time is still on the line graph. Shows me, I did 5. I at leat know I can do that! I also love no one knows who I am. I can just be me. Say what I am feeling. Not worry about what people think. I wish I had great advice for you but I don’t other then I am walking the path as well. Trying, failing, dusting myself off and continue my walk. Chin up, I believe in you! :heartpulse:


Good effort. Really. I can’t remember the last time I went longer then 3 days and where I live EVERYONE I have met are massive drinkers. I’m not excusing MY behaviour. I choose to sit in the pub. But that’s all anyone does here and it’s such a small village. I know if I stay, I will struggle. There’s no AA near me. So I think I’ll be attending the ones online. Do you go?

I appreciate your honesty and kind words. You’ve got this. I know I’ve got this. I have to!


Thanks (for the tough love too). :upside_down_face:

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