I’ve really messed up

How to operate zoom? Just input the number in ?

yep, then it’s up to you if you put your video or mic on and if you want to share you can press the 3 little dots and raise your virtual hand and be put in a queue. you will then be asked to unmute and get about 5 minutes to talk, they will tell you when you have 1 minute left. you do not need to put video on to talk if you feel uncomfortable. Every hour the meeting will restart. there are some good shares at times, it’s a mixed bunch really so just be patient for 5 minutes if the person on there doesn’t float your boat.


Literally crying happy tears over all the responses. THANK YOU! I really am grateful for this site and for all of you have shown support.

I’ll definitely be on one of those zoom calls and look up Annie Grace :pray:.

The real test is now. I’ve moved back in with my partner (who has forgiven me for my stupidity). But he is a big drinker as is the lodger he has living here. So temptation will be around. But I’ve vowed to stay sober and have put it on all my social media’s to hold me accountable and I’ve put things in place to keep busy.

Knowing that I can come here to vent is a massive help. Thank you :pray::revolving_hearts:


You can do it; their drinking has no bearing on you. If anything, you can feel strong that you’re defeating that whole shit show~!