I wanna drink so bad right now

Oh my, I hope she is ok!:pray:t2::pray:t2::pray:t2::pray:t2:

Yesterday i realized i reached new levels of anger i didnt know i could feel. I was so mad i was getting dizzy. Just kinda screamed alot in the woods for a bit. I skipped work today, didnt have another way to get their at the moment. Ive slept for about 13 hours off n on. Finally time to get up. Waiting for the insurance company to call ne back. I have sent them pictures and video already.

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Awesome choice! It feels like things happen to make you drink when you’re trying so hard to stay sober. This too shall pass…the car is fixable

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I didnt drink last night. I went to bed very early. Waiting to hear back from the insurance company. Just woke up. Feeling all groggy, but i did make myself sleep about 11 hours. That always makes me feel a,bit loopy and groggy. Im kind of just over it. I dont care. This is the third time this car will be in the body shop. The first two times were because of deer.


Fair play i get the urge when your so pissed off u just want to get wasted it just seems life wants to kick me alone lol but like others have said im realising what good would it do ? if your like me with anger if anything it gets worse when drunk so id probably do something even worse id have to face when sober. Again great choice another day sober :+1::muscle:


Well done you!

I’m sorry to hear about your predicaments, sometimes life really does suck, but you’re here and you’re doing all the right things.
You should be very proud of yourself, I know just how hard it is to get out of that spiral.

Be kind to yourself, and I hope life will be kinder to you from now on.

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I think taking the day off was the right call even if you had another way there. You probably needed that sleep. Hopefully now things will start to sort themselves out today. Fingers crossed for you.

Good for you. Hang in there.

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Thanks. Appreciate it. I got my car already hauled off to the body shop. Now, just have to wait for the insurance company to do an estimate and haggle with the body shop. Im guessing three weeks minimum before i get my car back.


I did that once. I forgot to park break my car in germany. Right into traffic. I was really lucky

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Oh snap that is crazy. Least mine was at home and i live in the middle of no where.


3 weeks will pass before you know it

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Yeah, hopefully. I have no way to get booze after work today. But, ive caught myself trying to figure out how to do so. Cant think of a way. Im being driving to and from work. Trying to get those dumb thoughts outta my head.

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Tell that voice to F@*k OFF!!! It only wants to hurt you…do not let it win!

If in any doubt that your doing the right thing by not drinking have a read of this thread today. .

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Everything you are feeling…we all felt…and went through.

Acting on them is 100% choice. May not seem like it, but its an “easy choice”. For people like you and me, drinking is simply not an option. Keep telling that little voice “NO!!”


Hope you didnt mind me tagging your post on here Scott x

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Tag away! Its all out there to help.


In order to succeed, we must first believe we can


I just want to share also that I am a new driver (only for about 2 years) and I am 37. And this year, during NOT A FINANCIALLY AWESOME TIME i backed my car. ME. ALL ME. BACKED MY CAR. Into a tree. On our property. And not even like a small bump. Nope. Like really wrecked the entire hatch. It SUCKED, I was embarassed as all hell. And not to mention, paid out of pocket for the car to be fixed bc my/our insurance would have gone sky high. So. I feel you. I feel you SO HARD right now. But i can tell you RIGHT NOW, that I was still in my drinking and oh i drank over it.

Today im sober, and that shit with my car is a blip on the radar. Dont even think about it. Being sober, Im endlessly grateful for everyday. The car sucks today, but in npt so long it’ll be ancient history. Being sober is worth so much more, and staying sober through shit loke this also gives you a bit of a boost in the future. You can do this. Xo.


Well, i have no way to get any booze. But, i ended up playing some helldivers 2 for about 5 hours and my graving finally went away and i forgot about. Its just so difficult to ignore that little voice in my head.

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