Identify your triggers šŸ˜²

Iā€™ll startā€¦ My main trigger is my emotions, which is crazy because being sober allows me to feel them. Mainly the angry and sad emotions. :angry::smiling_imp::triumph::cry::hushed::persevere::disappointed_relieved::fearful::astonished: One of the reasons I would drink was to numb them. Iā€™m still learning how to deal with them daily. Iā€™m sure I have more triggers but Iā€™m still in the process of discovering them! Share yours and maybe it will help me identify more of mine. I think is important to know so we are aware of what leads us to our addiction. Thanks and happy sober day today! :joy::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::sunglasses::pray::broken_heart::cupid::broken_heart::cupid::sparkling_heart::+1::+1::+1::v::v::v:


One of my biggest triggers is people and places. I have yet to let go of my using boyfriend, and although he does not use around me its the same place and person I was around when I hit rock bottom. Unfortunately the people I associated with most during my drug use are the biggest triggers. Its incredibly hard to cut ties, especially if you love them. I also get triggered very easily when people discuss drug use around meā€¦almost like I have to glamorize by telling them how ā€œbadā€ of an addict I was. It sounds crazy but these things trigger me even more then working in a restaurant and serving alcohol.


I know what you mean about your emotions, @Soberlife05ā€¦ I have borderline personality disorder, which basically means that I feel emotions much more intensely than those without BPD. Itā€™s agonizing. Using heroin made that all go away, but it was only temporary and so not worth it. Now when I have a panic attack or i feel like killing myself, i have to learn to deal with those feelings rather than use.

Like @Ash, certain people and places can set me off big time. The entire east side of Phoenix is off-limits to me because thatā€™s where i used to go to shoplift and score. I had to cut off contact with all the users i knew (which wasnt that big of a dealā€¦ All junkies know how fickle and disingenuous heroin addicts are. Not a true friend to be found in the junkie community). My ex is the worst though. Every time Iā€™ve seen him in the past, i relapse. Recently i finally decided to stop seeing him. I got him into rehab, and now i have to focus on myself.

My family sets me off in a big way too. Whenever my mother guilt trips me, or my brother enrages me, i feel the burning need to use. Certain movies i used to watch while high will trigger me a bit too.

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Well like @Soberlife05 and @Ash my triggers would have to be emotions, people and places. I started drinking when I was in a rough relationship to numb my feelings and at times would binge drink. I have an alcoholic mother who i would visit often and drink with also most of the people that I hung around with were party animals. I work in the downtown area where I live which is mostly all barsā€¦first thing I see before walking into work bars with people partying on the patios and the last thing I see when I leave work more barsā€¦everywhere I look there always seems to be alcohol.

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@Ash @Volatile @Chris Thanks for sharing! I think thatā€™s one of my triggers too when people mention drinking and the activities their doing while doing it. I start to imagine in my mind but have to stop the train of thought. It starts with a thought then an action if Iā€™m not careful. :disappointed::wink::blush:

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@Chris yeah I know what you mean. I use to work at a gas station a few years ago and it was like having a mini bar at my reach. I constantly saw it and rang it up, which would lead me to buy alcohol so easily after work. Iā€™m glad I donā€™t have that constant temptation because it was super hard for me to quit at that time. Maybe changing your environment would help. :blush:

Boredom; highs;lows any mood or excuse would trigger my desire to want to drink.Yesterday was hard as itā€™s always been the norm for me to drink and take tramadhol on a Saturday. I have to learn to accept and expect triggers and lifeā€™s curve balls that cause them. I try to manage my triggers as and when they come & I hope they get easier to manageā€‹:persevere::sob::smiling_imp::smiling_imp:

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@Soberlife05 I totally agree with changing my environment because when you see it almost everyday it starts to get the ball rolling now and again for having those thoughts of wanting to do it

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Damn, a drink and a tramadol would knock me out cold! Lol :dizzy_face:

Itā€™s probably become a habit for you to drink in the morningā€¦ I formed strange little habits like that too. For instance, every time I watched the movie Looper I would shoot up. Why? Who knows reallyā€¦

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Triggersā€¦hmmmm love drinking and gaming. Yeah Iā€™m a nerd.

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ā€¦and the movie fear and loathing in Las Vegas.


You and I have 2 out of 3 things in common. Iā€™m a die-hard rpg gamer and movie buff. :smirk: Itā€™s a shame that you attach your addiction to hings you love :frowning: I couldnā€™t live without video games and movies.

Yeah I donā€™t think Iā€™ll stop gaming or movies. Loving heroes of the Storm at the moment. Just got back into Witcher 3.

Witcher is awesome, but Iā€™m more of an old school kinda girl. The earlier Final Fantasies, Chrono Trigger, etc.

Made it through a trigger tonight. Biggest drink time is when Iā€™m stressed cooking and cleaning. Hubby drinking and stressing at me and bubs wonā€™t go to bed. Just the sheer madness. But I had some chamomile tea and kept telling myself I canā€™t. Normally I start gulping the wine down. But I won tonight!


Nice! Thatā€™s great news.

@Sin15 Thatā€™s great that you pulled through! Keep up the hard work, 1 day at a time! Blessings! :smile::v:

My triggers are boredom and low self-esteem!

The family wanted to go to the county fair last night and invited me to go with them.
I remembered going last year in which i drankā€¦i didnā€™t get drunk but there was beer thereā€¦so i drank it.
Knowing this i kindly declined because i didnā€™t want to put myself in a place where i would see it, smell it, and do nothing but think about it!
So i told them to be safe and have fun as i sat home, ate ramen noodles and binged hulu.
Yeah i missed out on some popcorn, bbq, and some cotton candy but i didnā€™t torture myself and make myself unhappy to be some place Iā€™m not ready to be yet!