Starting to wonder if I’ll ever actually be able to not drink. I’m embarrassed how many times I’ve come here saying I’m starting over. I know I’m not the only one but damn…I lose more faith in myself every time. My drinking got bad yet again. I had to dump what I had left of a bottle tonight. I’m so tired of this cycle. I miss how bad I wanted it for myself and how much motivation I held. I just want to cry. I am literally an alcoholic and it’s in my blood from my dad. I just want to be healthy physically and mentally. Being a single mom in my late 20’s has been weighing on me heavily, it’s really lonely. I just wonder if that wasn’t the case I wouldn’t keep drinking like this. But I also know I want to be my best self for when I do find my person. It just feels impossible to meet someone when I’m not able to get out. Drinking because I’m lonely yet lonely because I’m drinking…it’s like I can’t escape until I can finally just give it up completely.
I’m better news - hit 4 months weed free, although I think I would have an easier time giving up alcohol if I wasn’t forced to because of CHS I know it’s still a positive change and it was time to give it up anyways
& I don’t think I updated since I said I was checking out a new college since I was let go of my other one (I’m okay with it now but I’m sure that has had an affect on my drinking as well. my brain tends to be able to push things down like it doesn’t matter but then my actions show they most definitely do have an affect on me-that started at 13 when my parents divorced🙃) but I thankfully did get into not only a different esthetician program but a masters program which will make me even more qualified for when I start my own business or just have more job opportunities. It’s 3 days a week rather than 5 but much longer hours, 10 hours a day instead of 5. And it’s also 10 months instead of 6. But it will be so worth it and I am so grateful for the opportunity. I actually had a dream last night where I was back at the old school and I got up and was like wait why am I here I’m not supposed to be here? And left. I thought it was just weird and funny and then I was telling my best friend about it and realized how symbolic it was. Then I saw a quote when I woke up that said “be grateful for closed doors, bad vibes and stuff that falls apart. It’s divine protection from people, places and things that no longer serve you.” I really like the girls in my new class too, and I have learned a lot already. I guess everything does happen for a reason.
Sorry this is so long, if you didn’t read all of it or even any I don’t blame you lol. Just needed to vent.
Sending my love to all of you.