If I am posting a lot…

It’s because this is the first time in a long time I’m having to just sit with my emotions. I feel like sometimes I need a sounding board and this is a good platform for it. I want to look back on these posts in a years time and say ‘I did it’.

I was close to slipping today but I stuck with my plan. I went to the gym which I was dreading, it went pretty well. I came home and spent a few hours playing my guitar and my keyboard and singing at the top of my lungs which felt therapeutic.

My new neighbours knocked on and invited me over for some tea, I’m English and expected Yorkshire tea, they’re from Pakistan and they gave me this lovely Masala Chai tea which was a nice change of pace. I sat chatting with them and their kid for two hours. Their kid loved superhero’s and so do I so I told him all about my comic book collection and my favourite heroes, he cried when I left because he wanted me to stay.

It’s been a super wholesome day considering I could have drank myself further in to depression and continued that feeling in to work tomorrow. I need to hold on to this. :+1:


That’s awesome Jambo. You doing things absolutely right. Seeking connection instead of slipping back into addiction. Fucking A :star:


Love that energy! You seem like a very positive person and I like that! :sweat_smile:

Always wanted an A fucking star! That has made me smile!!

I hope you’re having a boss weekend and smashing all of your goals! :grin:


Boy you funny.

But I’m easily enthused about things that are awesome. Like the way you spent your weekend and dealt w your shit. Also having good relationships w the neighbours rocks.

I worked two hardcore shifts bossing at the job and spent my day off completely in the horizontal w my Scottie queen. :crown: eating all the chicken. Body felt smashed up today. Gonna be back at the grind the morra and looking forward to it.

Keep those sober days and new experiences coming, that’s how you build what we call sober muscles. Recovery hypertrophy like, odaat. :ok_hand:t2: :star2:


Agree. Dogs over cats anytime tho :-* just stirring the shit lol


Here’s one of mine shouting at me that he wants to go out after curfew!


He’s making a good argument. I think he could hold his own in the post curfew streets lol

Pet pics! #6 been here yet?

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No I’m very new, I’m actually struggling to navigate this app, I am not big on technology or social media. I’m only 34 but my internet age is 93. :sweat_smile::sweat_smile:


You’ll get it. A lot of pet lovers on here you’ll make friends soon.

Also welcome to join us on the Gym selfies, weightlifting & fitness :fire: (TW gym attire. Keep rules #6 and #7 in mind) (Part 2) thread.

And my other fav thread to recommend: Your #1 tip for sobriety (over 2 years sober)


I can’t seem to copy/paste threads in discussions like you’ve done here, am I doing something incorrectly unlike normal copy/paste technique?

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I am not sure buddy, I don’t know how to do it either. I am very new to the app.

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The wee chain link symbol in your reply window. Then search for the thread you wanna link.

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Aha, thank you kindly


Love and strength to you buddy, you’ve got this! :heart::muscle:


Ive learned it is possible to have a good time sober! The more you experience it the better it gets! Cravings are there, but filling your time with positivity like that helps! You got this :hugs:


Get that guitar out play a few tunes sing out loud , i got sober at 34 so if this old fart can do it you can wish you well

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