If You feel like You need an accountability in Your life, then I'll help You with my project

If You feel like You need an accountability in Your life, then I’ll help You with my project

Basically I created a group on both telegram and whatsapp (whichever You prefer, I created both.

These groups function consist of basically of us writing our desired goals for the next day, that each of us wish to achieve.
Besides that every day we’ll report on our current day’s goal status (achieved/not achieved).

On Sunday each of us in the group will write down their summary of the whole week, so basically how much they achieved, how much not and also why managed to achieve goals and why not in case of not achieving.

This project will help improve productivity due to being accountable to the whole group.

The most important part is to be honest, both with Yourself and others.
Deceit won’t do any good to anyone.

If You want to be a part of this group/project, here’s the link to join telegram and whatsapp group:




I wish You all the best and hopefully see You in one of these groups :pray::pray::pray: