I'm 71 days clean

So I made it to 71 days clean. I’m going home Friday, I’m currently in a inpatient rehab. I’m kind of nervous because I don’t Kno what’s going to happen. But I feel strong headed and really going to commit to staying out of the way. Is this a normal feeling or no?


Happy for you friend! 71 is no joke and takes work on our part, work on ourselves. What kind of program is there? 12 step model is what I went to and really saved my ass.
All I can say is stay the course no matter what. Hang around here and in the presence of like minded folks who wanna work a program and it becomes easier as the days pass.

You and I don’t ever have to use/drink again. Hugs!

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What has helped these past 71days? Try and keep some healthy structure in your life.

AA meetings help me but there are smart recovery mtgs, dharma recovery, etc plus this amazing community where the light is always on with supportive folks who just get it.

Checkin often

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Definitely great you’re feeling commited.

What is the plan/elements of recovery you have in place for back home?

I’m probably Gunna go to meetings an spend time with my kids

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Um , what has worked. Many things but the biggest thing was knowing I can’t go back to how I was. I lost it all in such a short amount of time. And people are coming back in my life that I missed so much.

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I’m in a upstate program. I’m just going to stay level headed. Go to work and come home .


For me…i didnt go to a rehab facility but at the very beginning of getting sober for the first week my friend controlled my money she had my bank card etc and my mother kept my car keys so that i basically had no way of being able to get alcohol…somewhere in those first few days i came to the realisation that this was all on me and that i actually wanted it to be…that it is my responsibility to be sober or not and that i would not be staying sober just because i had no way of getting alcohol but because i have control and i am choosing it for myself…i got my money back and my car keys and took responsibility for myself and my life…that realisation changed everything and continues to do so 19 months on, i make that decision work by working on myself and my recovery every day


Hm. I don’t think spending time w your kids is a solid recovery plan. I can see why you’re nervous about what’s going to happen.

Meetings should move from a probably to a definitely.

Pick a few resources from here Resources for our recovery
Like two three at a time and really immerse yourself in recovery 24/7.

Also being active on here is keeping long term members sober. Use the magnifying glass to find relevant subjects for you. So much info and knowledge on here.

Like this one What’s YOUR plan?

Make a plan. Stick to it. Odaat.