I'm done with all this shit for the last damn time first time here since my relapse

For the past 3-4 years of my short life I have wasted being stoned or off meth liquor or any number of things I’m done. I’m done staying up for days at a time or not eating I’m done being so zonked on ketamine I can barely breathe. I’m not just doing this for me but for my brother who has seen my decline in health. I wanted to go to medical school but I wasted that money on drugs. I’m back at square one and I’m ready for the process of change. Let’s do this join me please.


Best decision youl ever make, you must do this for yourself aswell as your brother…surely that life is not what you want for yourself either? Stay on here with us and vent as much as you need to friend, we all understand and are here to support you :people_hugging:


Welcome. Coming here is a great first step. Get busy being active here, it will help you with your journey.


There’s only forward from here. Keep coming back and sharing your story. Do it for your brother but don’t forget about yourself in the process :people_hugging::heart:

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This is the best place to be. Congrats on arriving there early in life. Not everyone is that lucky.

Here are some resources to get you started. Pick a few and give them an honest try. Looking for similarities not differences is the key in recovery work. It’s all about relating.

Resources for our recovery

Good luck!


It’s nice to see you’re so motivated for this!
You’re in the right place!

Arm yourself for success, are you planning on joining meetings? Reading books?? Watching useful information? You need a plan for success
