Im new to this app!

Ohh heyyy! Im new to this group just wanted to say Hi and say that today was day#15 being clean today!


I’m glad you’re here. This community of people is amazing and they are a huge part of the reason I am where I am. They are great. Keep coming back okay :slightly_smiling_face:


Heyo! Welcome to the club. Great space for addicts and drunks, been hanging around for 3+ years, 3.5 years sober and this app has been helpful.

Check in and read daily, hope to see you keep slaying


Welcome Tracey,
Congrats on your 15 days of being clean. That’s great! This community is a great place to get and give support.
2 good threads I like to visit every day.

Have a good read around.
Join in when your comfortable.
I hope to see you around.

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Welcome! This is a great first step.

Welcome to the family! Well done on 15 days, let’s keep on going together!! :pray:t2::two_hearts: