I'm not resetting

yes your right

Personally ? I would say that youā€™re fine.
Having a bit of communion wine or the cold remedy didnā€™t lead to a binge, did it ?

but we took the same amount a half of shot and i should reset well atleast thats wat everyone said i should do

That was a heck of a sip of communion wine ! :laughing:
In any event, it doesnā€™t matter what I say, the choice is yours. Doing a line of coke or having a shot (or even half) because you wanted the drugs / alcohol is a different thing, I think, from sharing in your religious faith.
Again, itā€™s up to youā€¦ but if you want to be a purist, then you probably should reset.
You will probably be prouder of yourself if you do, in fact.

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The day counter is a very big help for me. When I take a bit of alcohol and donā€™t reset it then the value of it becomes less. Because next time when alcohol calls to me he says: you can take me! You have not reset the day counter. You didnā€™t last time so drink me and still be ā€œsoberā€.
No drinking is no drinking, no cocaĆÆne is no cocaĆÆne. No sip, sniff ore whatsoever. But thatā€™s how I see it and how it works for me!
Hope you find your way to handle your addiction. I wish you strength and wisdom.

I ended up making another timer for alcohol and one for cocaine so yes i reset the alcohol but Iā€™ve been clean from cocaine so no reset there

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I look at it this way, if I know thereā€™s alcohol in there, and I make the decision to drink it, Iā€™m reseting. If I donā€™t know and only realize it after, then no, I wonā€™t. Take a mulligan on this one, but be mindful of everything you put in your body, including medicine. Iā€™m not looking forward to catching a cold. Nyquil was my go to, along with my Nanaā€™s old irish remedy, a spoonful of whiskey with some honey cloves and lemon. Just chicken soup for me this year.

Communion is a bit different. If your faith uses real wine, then you arenā€™t really drinking wine, you are drinking the blood of Christ. Itā€™s called transsubstantiation. I think your good here. Do you?

I would err on the side of caution regarding transubstantiation and pass on the communion wine.

Itā€™s a tough call, Iā€™ll admit, but I think it fully important to participate in communion. Nothing says one canā€™t touch the wine to the lips, and call it done. My denomination uses grape juice and doesnā€™t hold to transsubstantiation, so itā€™s an easy choice for me. However, I was raised catholic and remember how communion is central in living in a state of grace, so someone wetting their lips with wine, transformed into blood through rite, is a big part of practicing faith. I try not to be a stumbling block to someone seeking full communion with their Lord.

This makes me think of Mathew 23. The Pharisees know the law to the letter, but not the spirit behind it.

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I tried to have a counter for when I got drunk, not just had a drink or two. Bad idea lol

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Between the rum in the remedy and the app of wine was barely half a shot together. Also, I didnā€™t even remember it was alcohol either time before it hit my lips. I realize this is subjective and personal for everyone, but because my issue is with with abusing alcohol to get drunk I donā€™t think ingesting minute amounts for medicinal or spiritual purposes requires me to reset, particularly as I wasnā€™t using those vehicles only as an excuse to ingest alcohol and obtain some sort of buzz. It may sound like rationalizing but it feels right.

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Iā€™d cut yourself slack if itā€™s going to cause guilt or shameful feelings if you reset. More importantly, I would set hard and fast rules moving forward. One sip -> does cause reset, or so on. Otherwise it is a slippery slope

I had one drink two days agoā€¦it was a glass of red wine and cola. After 92 days. I didnā€™t resetā€¦I feel like shit now and did after that drink. But I didnā€™t reset because for my reasons-usually I would lie and say that I didnā€™t drink, I would definitely not stop at one drink, never. But now I did. Am I right for not resetting, I donā€™t know. Did I change for the better so far, yes. I feel bad but Iā€™m still proud for not drinking after that one drink. Iā€™m not trying to defend myselfā€¦what I did was wrong, but Iā€™m admitting it which is a big deal. I now know that I donā€™t want for this to happen again. Before I thought that I didnā€™t want to get drunk again but now I know that I donā€™t want to drink again.

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I did that in the beginningā€¦ very bad idea :drooling_face:. Oh how we trick ourselfs.

If it feels right to you, then thatā€™s what you should do. I agree with what other people have said, Cut yourself some slack, but set some rules for the future.
The important thing is progressing towards what you want, not stressing about something that hasnā€™t gone EXACTLY as you might have wanted.
The important thing is how YOU feel, not what any of us might think.