I'm trying again,

What do you think is holding you back?


Iā€™m currently NOT sober. Thatā€™s the sad part, but Iā€™m beyond coherent in reading this. For the past month Iā€™ve drank more than I can handle. Iā€™ve woken up drunk. Barely managed to function enough to take care of my niece. Have been having both caffeine and alcohol withdrawals . My anxiety has shot through the roof. Iā€™m seizuring and losing sleep. Hyper and then sick as a dog the next minute and canā€™t bring my self to care anymore than I normally would about myself which is little to none. On top of that my environment is literally aiding it. Im supplied free alcohol everyday at every turn and Iā€™m good at lying to pass it off as happy drunk when really I can feel the strain on my lungs to supply my oxygen. My body heat has felt like itā€™s doubled. Iā€™ve gained a good bit of weight as a result. Gotten lazier beyond measure and my kidneys are practically crying for help. I cannot pinpoint WHY I want to wreck myself so bad but itā€™s sad I feel more human when I do. I have this false sense of happiness that Iā€™m okay but then I go and do this shit.


I honestly donā€™t know for sure. I know I need to stop. I know my life is better when I do stop. I have every reason to quit booze for good. My concious mind says get sober, but my AV always gets the last word.

In the end i didnā€™t want to die. That was the choice I had. So i dragged my ass off to AA. Did so many mtgs (sometimes 3 in a day) in the early days. I also suffer with social anxiety.

Iā€™m 230 days today. I also now dabble in other therapies alongside AA. Thatā€™s the freedom I have. Its a wonderful program. One day at a time. I wish you well :full_moon_with_face:


What things havenā€™t you tried yet? Maybe they are worth looking in to

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I havnt tried Aa. My reason for that is my job and family dont leave me much time, but Iā€™m realizing now I will lose both of those anyway if i donā€™t get clean.


I say this from experience, if you can find time to drink, you can find time to go to a meeting. I know that excuse, because Iā€™ve said that excuse. You might have to shuffle things around and re-prioritize your todos, but if you want to do it, youā€™ll find a way.