I'm trying to cope

I posted this earlier in the Mental Health memes. The point of posting it here is to help you see that you are worthwhile and not worthless.
That situation and the place where you were took you down.
I am sorry it happened. You had been friends through a lot.



If you werent worth our time we wouldnt be here talking to you, you matter to us and we care


Why is it complete strangers help and is there for you more than the people you love, care and would do anything for.
I’m trying so hard not to hurt myself right now for being this way, for wanting to express my pain that is in me


I see from your past posts that you have a lot of empathy and good words for others who may be in a situation similar to yours.
You have a good voice that can be helpful to others.

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My friend you are spinning out there. Your thoughts are racing and negative feelings seem to crash in on you and take you away. You’re in an acute state of pain and overwhelm and that’s horrible. I have been there last week, acute breakdown. What you need to do is realise that this feeling will pass. You are feeling so awful now because it’s all there at once, at the problems seem so goddam close and you’re having a strong reaction to what happened with your ex-friend. That’s ok. You’ll be ok. You’re just having a strong reaction because of his misperception, the misgendering, your values being corrupted. You’re not in imminent danger, you don’t have to do anything bad to yourself, this is just how your mind reacts to emergency and pain. That’s ok. Mind does too, a lot of people’s minds do.

Take it all down a few notches. What do you need right now? To calm down? Can you withdraw? Just engage here? Take a bath? Go for a run if that’s your thing? Put on an old series you love? Anything to take you out of this acute state of threat and overwhelm. This will pass. You don’t have to face all your issues right this minute. Nothing changed expect you’re disappointed in your friend. You still have all the time you had yesterday to be on your journey and work on your stuff. You’re ok. You’re just in pain.

How can you soothe yourself? How can you just get through this day with your most fundamental needs met, food, shelter, comfort?

Big hug.


I try, I try so hard to make sure people don’t feel the way I do because that is not fair, they don’t deserve to feel what I am feeling on a daily feeli g, no one does.


Some of the words that you would tell them, you have to tell yourself right now.
Words to you from you.
As you can try to replace the negative repetitive thoughts with good thoughts.

That’s were the self loathing starts I don’t think I need these words, others need them to hear them out more than I do, I feel like I need to be there for people like my family, friends I shouldn’t be wasting time on myself.


Yes… you need to be there for your family and friends…

That’s why I am trying so hard to fight because I need to make sure people around me are okay.

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We are here to help you fight this fight and you come out feeling better. You matter.

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Why does it feel like I don’t mate, I’m overwhelmed and worn out, I can’t wait to go home and just crash in bed and just sleep hoping not to wake up.

It’s been 5 months since my last attempt and I would like to prolong that time


You had a bad situation happen, it upset you, on top of everything else going on in your life.
Are you at work right now? Or just out and not home?
Getting rest would be good. Do wake up.
Those who matter to you want you to wake up. We want you to.

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Okay, so you have to use the tools that you have used to get to the five months… one second, one minute at a time. Use those tools to get more life time!
How do you think we can help you the best?
Ae you able to get rid of whatever you have that would keep you from waking up?

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All I can do is sending you hugs. Lot of hugs. Please feel huged and cared and you are a good person. Give yourself a goody, a warm cup of tea or hot chocolate, a walk around the block listening to the sounds on your way, listen to music you like and dance … whatever makes you feel comfortable. Maybe only for a minute. That’s ok. Keep adding these minutes. ODAAT :hugs::hugs::hugs::sunflower:


I am at working having this mental breakdown, I have been trying to focus at work but I can’t my head is all over the place. I have been trying pervious tools but I don’t think they are helping out anymore or I was just supressing them until I have reached this point.
You are helping me, you have no idea how much you are, I have been staring at the razor blade for the past hour trying no to hurt myself.
You talking to me is helping me because people here are not helping me at all, all they say is I need to pray more and how can I do that when I am losing faith in myself in doing anything.

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Can you throw it away?
Please do not hurt yourself.
I know it all seems awful right now but things can and will get better. The black curtain you see can lift.
That person is not worth you hurting yourself or killing yourself.
Again, that was your past.
Now you are in your present.



It’s a big positive you’re here looking for help. You’re not alone. Know you’re loved. Be hugged. We do this together.


Youre expressing your pain here and your doing really well at expressing, keep doing this for as long as you need, i think you should get rid of the razor blade throw it away as Alisa said and keep talking on here…im with u, weve got you, you matter to me and us