Insomnia and Guilt Through the Night

Ready to escape into this, thank you. :white_heart:


You can do this, im here if u need me ok :heart:


Not sleeping was about my feeling I wasn’t living the life my HP wanted me to.

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That’s where I’m at. The incident led me to this sobriety but I’ve been needing this for 20 years. I’m 39 and learning about myself and I’m scared and lost. But, have tools now and going to try AA tomorrow :heartpulse:


I was scared and lost too, thats normal… it can be done though, i think you can do it, if i can you can, sending some hugs your way :people_hugging:


Allen Carr is a perfect start! :raised_hands:t2::people_hugging::heart:

We are right here with you.


Putting this on the list too. The overwhelming compassion is CARRYING me through this. This space for addiction is amazing. The thought of drinking nauseates me because of the incident. I need EVERY tool for when the cravings hit next week. 2 weeks has been the longest in 19 years (minus 7-8 mts when I was pregnant).


I have said it before, and I have to keep saying it- those two books helped me save my life. You can do this, sweet friend!

Have you ever tried tapping (EFT)? It may feel a little weird, kinda kooky at first but give it a try or two, see how you feel afterward. It can be a very helpful tool.

Hang in there. :people_hugging: You got this! We are right here with you.:heart:


No, but I’ll definitely read up on it and got myself a fancy gym membership to keep me occupied while it’s 114° out here. I’m realizing right now I have to stay busy till the point of exhaustion. Just praying sleep comes too. Again, thank you.


This tugged more than a nerve :pleading_face: when i was at my rock bottom i was emotionally exhausted, full of self loathing, hate for others… i felt so guilty and alone…ive said the same thing since then that it was compassion and kindness that pulled me out of it…the nurse in hospital that gave me a hug when she didnt have to…the neighbour i saw after a few days that hugged me…my close friends that rallied around and checked on me daily…the people on this site that helped and understood…i was shown that even though i hated myself i was cared for and someone worthy of compassion…thats what made the difference and from there, with alot of work on myself its how i got where i am today


The hope as well. I see so much hope even though I FEEL so much despair. But, the compassion is just something I haven’t heard because of all the loved ones I hurt. I finally told my buddies and coworkers I’m sober and they laughed it off. It was a joke. But, I get it.


That hope is your little ray of light at the end of the tunnel so hold onto it. I see my rock bottom now as a blessing, something that had to happen to get me where i am now, id have never done so much soul searching without it…you can have that too but like i said, baby steps for now…it really doesnt matter what others think for now you can prove through actions in time that your to be taken seriously. Did u manage some food etc? Xx


It will definetwly pass, engage in some other activities as well when you struggle where you can listen other voices. It can be a training, a movie, book, meditation class, quick sport session, listening music, doing some volunteer work, or just playing a game. whatever you can participate… It will help you to get out of your head and may be help you to feel you do something meaningfull for yourself or for others. Dont let your old thinking habits to drive you and try to get control and drive your mind,body and soul in together for your future goals. We all had made mistakes, but this is not only caused by us. This is something that we together with our environment. All the best, hope you are feeling better and stronger than yesterday.


I have a friend who’s been 4 years sober come and give me her AA book and some other tools for when it’s all too much. She brought a BIG container of homemade chicken broth and rice. With little oyster crackers, and I broke down. I felt so pathetic, and grateful, and embarrassed, and just lonely. It was absolutely touching though. I was telling her about the incident and how I have to think of every mistake my partner made to ease the guilt of my episode and she said that’s the addict rationale. And believe it or not it helps to move on to hear these things but God, it all still hurts.


Thank you so much, I’m pretty base level today but just sad and still have that knot of God what have I done :broken_heart: but, I’ll take your advice and think I’ll buy some canvases to start painting again. I used to love to paint and listen to music but music is so hard to hear without getting emotional. Find it so bizarre because music would be a great soother, instead it’s a trigger.

Thats lovely of her and im sure it will have helped you to eat, talk and to have a good cry, keep pushing yourself forward even if u feel like u cant, remember to keep the basics in check for now until u start feeling a little better, that knot you have will start to ease with a bit more time, keep talking on here, we are all here for you :heart:


I will :heartpulse: when I get overwhelmed I read random posts and journal. I now fully understand I’ve always had a problem. I don’t know how everyone normalized it, including myself.


Its clever…it creeps up slowly over time i know mine did…a little bit more. …a few more times a week…it gets its hooks in before u even realise it then bam your hooked and you have a problem…it could happen to anyone and does :heart:


I dont know if youve seen this on here today…so inspirational…


HOLY MOLY :pleading_face::heartpulse: I’M ONCE AGAIN SOBBING!! GUT WRENCH, GUTTURAL SOBBING. It is the SAME story from a beautiful human in Ireland. I’ve always believed because I’m Native American and my entire family are destructive Listene drinking alcoholics I was “pre-destined” to drink. AND REALLY BELIEVED I AM NOT LIKE THEM!! I AM, WE ARE, ADDICTION IS ADDICTION :broken_heart::sob: ohhhh Kelly, I screenshot this and want to frame it. This is the most accurate feeling right now. I told my friend I wish I could stop remembering random embarrassing moments and she laughed and said, “No!! Keep them, cherish them, those images are a blessing and will keep you sober”, I thought she was insane but it’s making sense.