Interesting meeting topics/starters

I have started chairing meetings. It happens to be AA but this question and potential solutions will likely work for any flavor of meeting.

I am trying to find interesting meeting topics. Internet searches come up with lists of one word ideas (i.e. anxiety, willpower, higher power, etc.), but thats about it.

Does anyone have any topics that just led to really great discussions at past meetings?

Thanks so much,


Just had a really good meeting last Tuesday and someone brought up resentments so we all went back and forth about that. That was a good one to see peoples strategies for dealing with them in a healthy way. :+1:t3::call_me_hand:t3:


There was a good thread about this a few months back - this may have some ideas:

Good luck!


Also a good one is asking what it means to them to “ let their Higher Power relieve them of the bondage of self” that’s always been an interesting discussion topic with the people I have asked.


Boundaries is a good topic. Also, living life on life’s terms is a good one to get people to share about difficulties they’re currently experiencing. Exciting things also fall into that topic. Most of us would drink when things weren’t going well and when things were going well.


I think you can’t go wrong using any of the 12 steps individually, or, the way you’re feeling about your recovery on any given day. Just takes a few minutes to think about what challenges you were up against and how you overcame.
A favorite of mine–all we needed in the beginning was a desire to stop drinking/using. That is truly the first step, before knowing we were powerless & life was unmanageable.
Chairing is important and a act of service. Thank you!


My favorite topics where very generic and left for interpretation, often times I used to attend a Saturday meeting that incorporated that

And the dude always started with what’s bringing you here on a Saturday afternoon?


relationships as a topic always gets a meeting going, I try to remember to focus on one with a higher power at some point … as well as the usual, significant other, kids , coworkers, with yourself and so on, as said by smitty thanks for your service


been doing meetings for decades if i share i mention the big book chapter 5 how it works as some people there might be new and discussing some topics might be over their heads


I am listening and taking notes. Thank you very much everyone.