Introduce myself

Hi. Im Katie, mom of a 9 and 6 year old. I’ve been wanting to stop drinking, the longest I’ve ever made it was 20 days ( other than when i was pregnant and nursing ) My husband drinks everyday. I drank a lot before I had kids snd then stopped for a while when i was pregnant, breast-feeding and raising little ones but have picked it back up again.


Welcome! May you find what you need here. Just keep coming back.


Hi, Katie. I’ve been where you are. You can do this, and this is an awesome place to start. Welcome! We are right here with you. I like to recommend the two books that helped me save my life:

Allen Carr’s Easy Way for Women to Quit Drinking: The original Easyway method (Allen Carr’s Easyway, 7)
Quit Like a Woman: The Radical Choice to Not Drink in a Culture Obsessed with Alcohol

There are many other very helpful books that can help you find what works for you.
Glad you’re here! :people_hugging:👩🏻‍🤝‍👩🏼 Happy to be here with you!

Welcome Katie! Glad ur here :slight_smile:

Welcome Katie! Glad you’re here.
My husband was an extremely heavy drinker when I got sober. It was difficult most evenings knowing alcohol was around my home that was supposed to be my safe place. Coming here and going to meetings got me through those early days. We have a choice and as long as we make the right one every single day, it’s possible to live with a daily drinker.
Wishing you the best on your journey.


Welcome Katie.
I’m glad you found us.
My wife and I drank forever together. I finally just got tired of it and found this great sober community and I’ve been AF Alcohol Free ever since.
I hid the app from my wife for about ten days. I finally told her how serious I was. She said she supports me. But she’s gonna keep drinking.

Early sobriety wasn’t so bad with her drinking because I was so focused on myself and me quitting. Now that I got some sober time under my belt I struggle with her drinking. But I’m learning through Al-Anon that’s my problem.
The 3 C’s
I can’t control it.
I can’t cure it.
I didn’t cause it.

Have a good read around. Join in when your comfortable.

Welcome Katie! Glad you found us :blush: I have a 9yo old too. While I was pregnant is the longest I’ve ever been sober in 20 years. I’m trying to beat that now.

This is the place to be. I’ve just returned after some time away and realized how much I missed it. I hope you make it to 21 days and so much further! See you around :grin:

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Hi Katie,

My husband is a daily drinker too. What helps me is that I work on my relationship with alcohol and my relationship with him. His relationship with alcohol is none of my business. If something changes and he becomes an a-hole or alcohol affects how he treats me then that becomes my business, but until then I am just staying in my own lane. We drank completely different things and I have never been interested in drinking his so I guess I am fortunate in that way - what he has in his fridge is not a temptation for me.
I hope you can figure out a way to make it work. I have my own fridge and that is a 100% alcohol-free zone!

Welcome to the forum. Thank you for honesty. I’ll say as a chronic relapser , this is the hardest thing I’ve ever done in my life. The most recovery I earned was 18 months. I just can’t seem to stay past a few days lately. But I keep trying, and I keep resetting, and I will get the running start I need with God’s plan. Stay true, :v:t4::muscle:t4::wave:t4:

Welcome Katie! This is a supportive loving space. I was never a drinker until my mid 30s was sober for awhile because my son was in recovery. I picked it back up when he turned 18. I have fallen broken bones, I’m a mean drunk. I decided to get sober because I began drinking at 1 to get through my stressful day and to deal with pain I was experiencing in my back. I’ve now been sober 37 days and I am beginning to see the weight fall off, my mind is clearing and I am less anxious. Welcome!

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Best of luck to you