Introduction to me. :)

Congratulations! :tada: 11 and 9 days! That’s awesome! :clap:

What’s that outside the window? Is that a quarry?


You have a great mindset and I can say I’ve been in a very very similiar spot. Don’t forget how you described how you feel. That only gets better over time. The first thing I noticed where my eyes. They were always read and glazed. They are now white and looks like there is actually life behind them. I’m 187 days today and I’ve had all the random crying, anger, my health was shot when I went to treatment. I walked in and they couldn’t tell I had been drinking. I blew a .29 and hadn’t had near as much as i normally did. Not trying to one up or anything along those lines, but there is always hope. Just have to stay strong and find what works for you! Best of luck and look forward to hearing from ya!


Well done ,ive been struggling for years ,decided to get real with myself, be honest as i was only lying to myself about quitting, now i do want to quit and for good this time ,its been hard but each day i find its getting that little bit better i love seeing a extra day of sobriety add up each day on this app check in daily and read and post be part of the community there a great help


Glad to have you here! I too can relate to feeling allllll the feels all the time now. Sometimes at the most random times. I’m on day 5 for the second time. You have a good mindset for success. This community on this app has been so helpful and encouraging and I hope you will enjoy it too! Congratulations on 11 days!

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Welcome to the forum!!

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Welcome Katie.
Congratulations on your 11 days of sobriety.
This is a great sober forum for support. Lots of helpful caring people here.
I took all my knowledge of addiction and treatment centers and meetings and Al-Anon that I learned from my recovered children. And now this App for my sober journey. And it’s been my main support in my recovery.
My strongest tool in my tool box is gratitude. Without gratitude in my recovery, I wouldn’t last. Every morning for the past 2 years I come here and do my gratitude list. Daily Gratitude List. Gratitude The Air Of Recovery
There’s a great bunch of people on there that understand how important gratitude is to our recovery. The door is alway open and the coffee is always on.
I hope to see you around.


Wow I’m on day 5 my longest has been 7 weeks In nearly 5 years, I have to reset every 3 days normally, absolutely hate it, feeling quite anxious today, I’ve nearly lost my job, back there tomorrow on my last warning, due to me not turning in on my shifts, I feel terrible, but hopefully I’ve found the right mindset this time, I’m 44 which I keep thinking I should grow up, with 7 children and a fantastic partner, stay safe and I wish you well, its good to talk :+1::muscle:

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welcome and congrats on 11 days AF! :heart:

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Thank you for sharing, Katie. Congratulations on your days! My dad was also a severe alcoholic. Thankfully he quit in my late teens. You’d think after seeing and going through all that we would’ve never picked up a drink. But that’s life and we did… I’m so happy we’re here now and on a path to freedom and healing.

P.S. I love your quote. :sparkling_heart:


Lol @Seabee It’s an elementary school. :wink:

I’d rather be one uped on the bac @HillbillyChris. I was in the hospital last year, fully functional - .342. How can I not be grateful to be here???

Thank you. Nice to meet you and big ups on 187!!!

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Thanks @Macy2020. We can use all the support we can get right?! Nice to meet you. :slight_smile:

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All the feels! @K.Slaughter Grateful for feels. Nice to meet you. :slight_smile:

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Best of luck to u u look pretty :sparkling_heart:

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@Dazercat I am all about gratitude :heart: I will definitely see you around. Thank you for the suggestions on boards. I drink a LOT of coffee these days. :wink:

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All the best vibes to you @Law1. All we can do is keep trying and do our best. I’m 44 and have two kids of my own. They keep us going! Nice to meet you. :slight_smile:

Thanks @claire-lo Is AF what I think it is? I’ll I am happy AF to be even this far! :wink: :heart:


@ShesGotMoxie thank you! Alcoholism runs in the blood though too, right? Sigh. My dad passed away from hypothermia 4 years ago. :frowning: I have to be stronger.

So nice to meet you!

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AF can also mean alcohol free. :wink:


Aww. Thank you @Justskill

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