iPhone/YouTube and links in TS tech question

@cwak and I are wondering if anyone else has had this issue and been able to change settings to solve it.

When I visit a thread that has a YouTube link anywhere in the thread, my iPhone automatically opens the link in either the YouTube app or Safari. I tried deleting the YouTube app and that didn’t help, my phone just decided to open Safari to get to YouTube instead. Not only that, but periodically when on the thread my phone will open the link, switching to YouTube or Safari without me even clicking on the link.

I looked through YouTube settings on the app and on the browser, and haven’t found a solution. Anyone have any ideas? It’s really freaking annoying…

@Robin tagging you for help if possible.


Thanks @RosaCanDo. So far the only solution I’ve found is to hide the person who posted the link, but that’s not a great solution since I’d like to be able to see all the other things they post.

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I haven’t found anything that works so far, but it’s hard to believe we are the only ones with this issue. I got a new iPhone recently and it is still happening (also happened with my old iPhone).

Others have said they do not have this problem on Android OS. Thanks.

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This is the only setting on this app I found that could be related, but when I deselected it, the problem wasn’t resolved. This is under Preferences, then Interface.

Hey, thanks for bringing this up! I have this problem, I have an iPhone.

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It’s good to not feel alone! :joy:

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And funny thing is, that it’s actually not all the threads, that have YouTube links, it’s some. Well, for me at least. :woman_shrugging:t2:

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Same here. Though it is more often than not. I don’t want to call Apple care regarding this issue, but I might…

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Okay! I think for it’s the music threads that don’t do that, with loads of YouTube videos.

I wouldn’t wanna call apple either :see_no_evil:

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It could totally be an Apple issue, but I wouldn’t rule out a coding issue in the app just yet. I think once @Robin is able to take a look, he may find a bug in the code. Maybe not though…

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@SassyRocks @Eke @siand I know you guys aren’t tech support, but if you have suggestions for how to go about getting some support with this, I’d be interested to hear what you have to say. So far, we have just tagged Robin here, but that’s all. Been dealing with this for a long time, so it’s not like there is a rush. But now that there is an issue with the daily checkin thread it’s harder for me to avoid :sweat_smile:

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Yeah, I have the problem with one of those threads, too. :pensive:

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Sorry that is way out of my zone. If no one comes back with an answer soon, you might be best emailing robin@sociosoftware.com (think that email is correct!)


Thanks, Sian!

@cwak @Milele If we don’t have any more info by the end of the day, I’ll shoot Robin an email.

Sounds good Rosa! Thank you! Mine stopped doing it now on the daily check in thread, but I’m assuming the trouble is not gone all the way :thinking:

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I’m afraid I tried that and it didn’t solve the problem.

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I have iOS 14.3

I repeated the action, just in case. Now, when I visit the thread it doesn’t automatically take me to the YouTube link in a new window. But if I scroll past that post, it still does it. I suppose that is an improvement! Not sure about other threads yet.