ITS COVID!/Down Time For Corin

Sorry to hear that. Hopefully you don’t feel to bad!

When one symptom stops another one starts. Im trying to stay on top of the headaches now.
Thank you for asking. I was expecting more progress by now. Trying Theraflu, someone suggested.


Oh no…I was hoping it was just GONE! Lots of rest, too, I hope. Tomorrow will be better! ((virtual hug))

I’m thinking the same way u are. Lol.

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Good luck with it, I hope you get to feeling better soon. It does pass quickly for some!

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Shitty, bastard, wanking covid!!! It just needs to piss off now!!! :exploding_head: (sorry for my outburst and language) it affected so many peoples lives and taken so many lovely people.:pensive::cry: I’m really sorry you’re still feeling rough Corin… I hope you feel better soon lovely lady :pray:t2::two_hearts:

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Thank you… I feel the same way about it. My kids lost 2 aunts to it. My head hurts so bad I can’t lay it on a pillow. Im 7 days in tomorrow, I hope it backs off soon. It wasn’t this bad yesterday. It just doesn’t make sense.


You and your father are in my prayers @ProofOfLife Wishing both of you a speedy recovery. :pray:t2:

Oh sweetheart, it’s an awful virus. When my friends had it they said the pain moves around your body, it’s a very strange one. I’m sending love and hugs to you, did you try the medicine you said you were going to try? I hope you find comfort soon :pray:t2::two_hearts:

I’m sorry that you have the virus. I had it a while back. I was lucky initially. I felt awful for just one day and was tested the same day. The following day I felt fine. Until I had a vaccine. I think that piqued my immune system, my blood oxygen fell and I go the full mony of symptoms, so I appreciate what you are going through. The great thing is that after isolating I felt like I was invincible. I was unlikely to catch it, I was unlikely to give it although I still wear a mask.

I hope you make a full recovery soon :pray:

So what did ya’ll do for the headaches? Its so bad and been going strong for days. I rotate Tylenol and Ibuprofen and it literally doesn’t put a dent in it…
What do u recommend?
I’m drinking plenty of fluids.

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Sending you a long distance hug! @ProofOfLife hope you’re feeling better.

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Epson salt baths and I ended up taking a migraine med, which helped me… Peace and healing for you Corin.

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Thanks. I didn’t even think of that. Dad just ran out the door 2 get some for me.

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Sending you lots of love :sparkling_heart: hope you feel better soon

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So I liked to had a breakdown about 3am this morning. My head hurt too bad for too long. I just wanted to cry, but that would make it hurt worse. So I moaned quietly… ( it can be funny now but it wasn’t then ) @MagicMama I did the Epsom Salts… @Gotno Took the Theraflu
@Gonefishin Burned the candle… added ibuprofen to boot… And I’m sitting here able to relax for a min. Headache isn’t gone, but manageable for now. Thanks for all your advice and moral support. It really means alot.
Oh and @Fury got me my sobriety chips today which absolutely made me feel specail. You addicts and alcoholics are my tribe!!! I love you :heart:


You will up and at em in now time just remember to take it easy!

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@ProofOfLife… You are a poster child for having done all the things Covid related!

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Thanks Laura :blush:

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Hey corin, hope you feel better :slightly_frowning_face:

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