Its only pot but I cant stop

Hi there.
Very nervous to post because im pregnant with my second child and just begun my third trimester.
I have been dependent on pot for about 10years on and off. Cant seem to change my mindset when im craving. Puts a massive strain on my relationship, we both smoke and I get it from him and if he doesnt let me smoke I just get so annoyed he gives in.
I have just downloaded some sobriety meditations, hoping this app/support group can help me too.
I hope I don’t get trolled, I already loathe myself for the way ive turned out and how I cant beat this even for the love of my children.

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Hi there, I’m Andrea. Congrats on the baby but honestly, there isn’t anything wrong with it but good job on stopping. Keep up the good work girl,it’s hard but in the end it’s gonna be worth it all :slight_smile:


I think moving on from the guilt is important. You are a strong person and a good parent. You can stay strong for yourself and your kids. Lots of the resources on here are primarily aimed for alcohol recovery but lots of the principles are the same for any addiction. Think about why uou were using. Think of your motivations to quit. Make a plan for when you crave. Write it all down. Get a sponsor or buddy or support of some kind. Take up better habits, like exercise and meditation.

Hi @dangermouse, no trolling and not being judgemental here (who would I be to be judgemental) but you might want to read this article from Psychology Today to give you a bit of added strength in your resolve to stop.

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I can’t express how much I appreciate you having the courage to post the truth about what you are going through! I have been dealing with the same situation. I have been smoking weed for 12+ years on and off (more on than off). It’s far more addicting to some of us than people think.

I too am in my third trimester of pregnancy and have been dealing with hyperemesis gravidarum the whole time. I have been to the hospital for hydration therapy at least 5 times, had a PICC line inserted and spent a week in L&D from the severe sickness. The zofran and phenergan I was given was not helping me so I continued to smoke marijuana to help with being constantly sick. I have never felt so guilty in my life!!

Eventually I stopped smoking high THC content weed and getting stuff that had .2% THC and 10.5% CBD. I still felt extremely guilty and my fiancé could tell it was really depressing me. I finally had a day where I couldn’t deal with the guilt and depression anymore and talked to him about quitting with me to make it easier on me. He was all for it! We threw away all of our pipes, bongs, left over marijuana and I downloaded this app to keep track of how many days it’s been since last smoking.

Tomorrow will be 35 days since the last time I took a hit and focusing on the positive change I have made instead of the guilt from previously smoking has helped tremendously!

Also getting back into hobbies I previously had have helped. I like going on walks around various parks or just the neighborhood, even just going to Target to walk around haha, working on puzzles, now that I have an appetite again - cooking and reading random recipes are fun again, playing disc golf is fun again and I am a huge fan of basketball so making a bracket for March Madness and getting into that has consumed a lot of my thoughts lately. Also getting the baby’s room ready and the house cleaned up occupies my time as well.

I hope you are able to find the support you need to make the change you want to and feel much better about it. And thank you again for your post. I have kept it a secret that I have been pregnant while dealing with this myself. It’s nice to know I am not the only one going through this. Feel free to message me whenever you like :slight_smile:

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@dangermouse you won’t get trolled here. We won’t let that happen. This is a safe place to come without judgment. Not one person here has a right to judge because we are all dealing with our own stuff. Because of that, we come from a place of experiences and compassion. Welcome :sunny:

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Thanks guys, its not something I can discuss with people in real life.
I used Meth for 6 months pre kids annd since then my dependence on pot has become strong…
Obviously im addicted to the escape and the numbing effects of drugs. No major trauma in my life but growing up I think I didnt have a proper attachment to my mum as she wasnt emotionally available. There is so much mental health history (Bipolar/depression) in my family too. I just feel like im medicating myself and weed is the only medicine I want or need. Been on anti depressants but still smoked pot. Abused antianxieties in my youth. So I guess that justifies the pot smoking in my own head but I always thought once I got preg/had kids id not need it anymore or at least have the strength to stop. Im not the person I thought id be.
Ive also self harmed on and off in the past and had times where you could consider me bulemic.
Thanks for the support!

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I can officially say that i have been clean from marijuana since January 30th . This is the longest I’ve went and had been smoking for 22 years non stop. You can do this. I know you can its rough but if you change your daily routine you will make it happen. Much love and support!

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