Day 4 done! Man, it is ridiculous how much my arms are quivering!
Are you on your forearms or straight arms? If straight arms, switch to forearms and see how that feels. If forearms, tense your butt and core more, might help a little.
And ps…I am shaking with you.
Day 4
Day 3 done…
I also decided to do sit up challenge omg my stomach hurts after doing nothing since begin of December!
I’m gonna be SO HONEST. I forgot LOL. I’ve done 0 seconds of planks.
short term memory. I will start today.
Missed day 3 yesterday so did it this morning. Day 4 this afternoon!
I keep a daily alarm on my phone…only way I remember anything…that and my phone calendar.
Another day, another plank
Been doing straight arms. Will try the other way - thank you!!!
Mine joins too. His technique could use some work though although I’m sure mine could too
There you go!!
Day 3 for me. My whole body was quivering
Day 4 done and feeling good
Day 4!! The dog’s head hit the stopwatch and I had to start over. Good thing it was only 30 seconds!
Day four done! My core was a little sore from all the catching up I did yesterday.
Is there a way to pin this topic so it’s always at the top of my page?
Totally spaced yesterday but I’ll skip the next rest day. Day 3 done on the 4th!!
That’s awesome. There’s so many topics I’ll be bookmarking now!!! Thank you.