July workout challenge 🏋️‍♂️

Hello everybody, I’ve been missing the workout challenge, so I’ve decided to launch one again for July! I’m mostly doing this for myself, but if anybody wants to join, feel free, I’d be very happy!!:blush: The exercises and number of reps are not mandatory, feel free to adjust to your own needs.


Looks like I came back to the site right on time!!! Joining…

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Cool! :clap:t2::clap:t2::clap:t2:

I’m on day 8 of my sober journey, many many attempts, but I’m fighting harder this time, I’ve always done some kind of exercise, but had a break over past couple of weeks to try and find my self again and think things through with my emotions, one day at a time, just looked at this though and it looks brilliant I’m definitely going to start it :blush::+1::muscle:


Not sure as in the end push-ups and crunches seem a bit challenging in one go for sure and in addition to usual things. But I bookmarked it and am happy that you are the new challenges creator :crazy_face::sunflower::partying_face::blossom:

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Thank you, Jenny! I’m going to do what I can with the knee that I have, instead of giving in and giving up. I like how there are rest days for each facet, that will help me to be consistent!

See you on July 1, Canada Day!


Hi Laura, it’s great to see you joining! :clap:t2::muscle:t2:

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Yeah, how nice you’ll be joining again Dan! :heart_eyes: I just realized there are no real rest days… I guess I’ll add at least one day per week. We’ll see how the challenge goes, I have been working out, but I want to start checking in here again for accountability! See you on Canada Day! :grimacing:

Wenn dir danach ist, machste einfach mit, und wenn nicht… dann nicht! No stress! :kissing_heart:

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Day 1 done! :white_check_mark: This was still fast ‘n easy! :sweat_smile:

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Day 1 done. Subbing in more push-ups for the lunges, but I was able to tolerate the squats!


Day 1 :white_check_mark: I think I shall join :blush: Done late after work cause it was a crazy day!!


I shall join as well


Day 2 done! :white_check_mark: I think I’ll do these exercises first thing in the morning instead of in the afternoon! Right after I wake up… we’ll see if I can stick to it.

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How was Canada day? :canada:

Quieter than usual - we got tropical type rains right after sundown!

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If I can recommend you something… Are you familiar with yoga a little? Sun salutation precisely. This was always making me feel so great in the morning, it stretches so nice and gently warm out all body. Even if you repeat only one time each side.
Sun salutation right before this challenge, that’s my plan :slight_smile:

Btw, I’m joining!


I’m joining!!


Thanks Mischa! I haven’t given yoga a try, to be honest. Thanks for adding the picture. That makes it a lot easier to do! :grin: I’ll give it a go! And nice to see you’re joining! :muscle:t2:

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Great to see you joining Nastya! :clap:t2::muscle:t2:

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