Just relapsed : (

After 132 days sober and going to rehab I relapsed last night and just feel miserable about it. I havent posted here before but have had the app for awhile to keep track of my days and figured Id give it a shot. Just at my wits end with it. Completely exhuasted. Not sure what to do now.


Reset and start over. Hang in there.

I’m 19 days in and having a major craving right now. But opened the app and your message is helping me. So, in a way, thanks for posting. And everyone here has your back.


I’m glad my post could help you in a way. Im glad youre pushing forward and getting some clean days behind you. I guess a part of me just really enjoys it, but the part is miserable. I feel defeated


Well…you did it for 132 days…you can do it again. What happened? Lots of good info on here to help.


Try and handle the withdrawals (if there are any), the cravings. What can you do this time to prevent a relapse? Well done coming back and asking for help

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Lifes just real stressful at the moment and i felt suffocated and just missed the relief of cracking open a beer. Just that feeling of a breathe of fress air.


A little shakes and anxiety but not real bad. Im not sure what to do to prevent it. Ive trued so many times in so many ways and just feel defeated. Like there isnt hope.

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Honest question…how you feel now, was it worth it? For me, the longer I am sober…the more peace and serenity I feel. Life will always be life, but if I am sober, i have found that I can still have peace during the bad days.

The Sun always shines bright, sometimes there are clouds, but its still there.


You did one really good thing. You came back here straight away. Many peeps go a few months or more of drinking after a relapse before they decide to jump back on the sober train. So well done to you.

Welcome to the forum. It has saved me from myself. You might just find the same.


Thank you for that. I deal with really crazy depression and some times i dont see the bright days. Most of the time theyre few and far between. I will definately think of what you said. I truly apreaciate it. Wish i had some support close to me.


Welcome @Peep

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There is only one thing you can do.
Pick yourself up. Dust off and start over. You thrived for 132 days. You can certainly do it again. This time around maybe add another tool to the sober tool box .


Thank you mallen. That does make me feel a lot better. Appreaciate the kind words.

I get depression. I have ptsd…and there are times that depression has its grips on me. Sobriety doesnt make depression go away, but it makes it livable.


Thank you! I appreciate that!

I’ve felt the exact same way! But seeing people who’ve been sober a long time gives me hope. Anytime I’ve relapsed I was so down, depressed and hopeless. The next few days will be hard but your mood should improve
You’re here now, you’re talking, you’re looking for help. That’s a great start


Very true. Ive gotta keep things like that in my head. Ive got to remind myself more i guess.

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Thanks Rob! I appreciate the support. Im glad i came here.

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Like the comments below, brush it off. And use the app to vent as needed. As for depression, I’m taking some medication that has really helped. Maybe go to a Dr. and see what he/she has to say / recommend.

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Yeah, ive been on every medication there is and went through hell to get off of meds. Ive been smoking organic cbd flower and it helps sooo much, but just havent had any because money has been so tight.

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