Keeping the mind busy silly quiz šŸ¤Ŗ

40 things about me. . .

  1. A place youā€™ve always wanted to go? Bora bora :desert_island:. Grand Canyon

  2. Coke or Pepsi- Iā€™m weird with thisā€¦ I like regular coke but Diet Pepsi

  3. Do you own a gun? - We have a few. I personally donā€™t use them. Maybe shot one once I think :thinking:

  4. Favorite kind of car? BMW

  5. Skiing or swimming? Swimming :swimming_woman:t3:

  6. Favorite Type of food? Italian :spaghetti: :pizza:

  7. Favorite holiday? Halloween :jack_o_lantern:

  8. Can you do a 100 Push-ups? Lol :joy: no Iā€™d probably die! :sweat_smile:

  9. Summer, Winter, Spring, Or Autumn? Summer :sunny::ocean: :motor_boat:

  10. Favorite hobby? Taking pics. :camera: painting :framed_picture:

  11. Tattoos? 1 on my toe :blossom: I want more though

  12. Do you wear glasses? Legally Iā€™m suppose to for driving :nerd_face:

  13. Phobias? Snakes, rats, and cockroaches :scream:

14.Nickname? Beema or Court my dad calls me Boze.

  1. Three drinks you drink? Water, Coke, and ice tea.

  2. Do you believe in ghosts? Yes :ghost:

  3. Biggest Downfall? Addictive personality :roll_eyes:

  4. Rain or snow? Rain :umbrella: But really not a fan of either. Except I do like listening to the rain at night.

  5. Piercings? Ears now but had eyebrow and tongue :stuck_out_tongue: when I was younger.

  6. Pet peeves? When people donā€™t say thank you or cut you off when drivingā€¦ Iā€™m from Boston and have a tiny bit of road rage. :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

  7. Favorite show to binge? So many! Dexter :hocho: Dead to me, bored to death, nurse Jackie, breaking bad, Big Bang theory and my favorite favoriteā€¦ the office :rofl::joy: Dwight Schrute is my idol hahaha :laughing:

  8. How tall are you? 5ā€™3ā€™ā€™

  9. Kids? 2 :woman:t4::boy:t2: 19 and 18 years old.

  10. Favorite color? Red :heart: :kiss: :cherries:

  11. Can you whistle? Yeah but I hate itā€¦ well I hate when people do it.

  12. Where were you born? Massachusetts

  13. Brothers or Sisters? 2 sisters :ribbon::ribbon:

  14. Surgeries? 4. Tonsils and adenoids. 2 stomach surgeries, and foot surgery :face_with_head_bandage:

  15. Religious? Not reallyā€¦ was raised Catholic

  16. Shower or bath? Shower but love bubble baths.

  17. Like gambling? No

  18. Favorite place youā€™ve been? The lagoons in Hawaii :hibiscus::shell:

  19. Broken bones? My foot :foot: and arm

  20. How many tvā€™s in your house? 6

  21. Worst pain ever - Meningitisļæ¼, child birth

  22. Do you like to dance? Yes love it :dancer:t2:

  23. Are your parents still alive? My dad is not my momšŸ˜”

  24. If you could go back to one day what day would that be? May 25 2011. Thatā€™s the day before my mom died. I would go see her and give her a big hug and kiss and tell her how much I love her and appreciate her. :blue_heart:

Just copy and paste and replace my answers with yours.


Iā€™ll play!

  1. A place youā€™ve always wanted to go? Korea (both of them)

  2. Coke or Pepsi- Havenā€™t drank soda in a decade, but in a past life I was a Pepsi guy.

  3. Do you own a gun? - Nope.

  4. Favorite kind of car? A reliable one

  5. Skiing or swimming? Swimming. Iā€™d be glad to never go skiing ever again. Up the hill, down the hill. All day. I donā€™t get the allure.

  6. Favorite Type of food? Mexican

  7. Favorite holiday? Halloween

  8. Can you do a 100 Push-ups? Maybe not all in one crack

  9. Summer, Winter, Spring, Or Autumn? Autumn

  10. Favorite hobby? Playing guitar and singing when the mood strikes

  11. Tattoos? 5, and I regret 4 of them.

  12. Do you wear glasses? On days I donā€™t wear my contacts

  13. Phobias? Feeling like I donā€™t know what Iā€™m doing

  14. Nickname? T-Mac, T, parents call me ā€œTrisā€. Iā€™ll take anything because I hate my name.

  15. Three drinks you drink? Water, Black Coffee, Seltzer. Thatā€™s probably the only 3.

  16. Do you believe in ghosts? No

  17. Biggest Downfall? Overthinking

  18. Rain or snow? Rain

  19. Piercings? Nope

  20. Pet peeves? Slow walkers, people who are oblivious to their surroundings, ignorance

  21. Favorite show to binge? I could fire off a long list, so Iā€™ll say that right now Iā€™m watching ā€œOzā€, late 90ā€™s HBO show. Fantastic. Laid the groundwork for more cinematic shows like ā€œThe Sopranosā€ and ā€œThe Wireā€.

  22. How tall are you? 5ā€™9ā€™ā€™

  23. Kids? None. Still figuring out if I want them. Starting to think I might.

  24. Favorite color? Green

  25. Can you whistle? All the time

  26. Where were you born? Massachusetts (I didnā€™t even have to change this one!)

  27. Brothers or Sisters? Nope

  28. Surgeries? Three - surgery to remove a tumor from my spine at age eight, tonsils at sixteen, and septum repair at 28 since I broke my nose 3x in my drinking years and screwed up my breathing.

  29. Religious? Not reallyā€¦ was raised Catholic (another I didnā€™t have to change!) with the add-on that I am trying to be more spiritual.

  30. Shower or bath? Shower.

  31. Like gambling? No. I donā€™t get it. Different strokes. I bought a scratch ticket on my 18th birthday, won my $5 back, and thatā€™s the only gambling Iā€™ve ever done.

  32. Favorite place youā€™ve been? Wales or Vancouver

  33. Broken bones? Not a bone, but my nose 3x

  34. How many tvā€™s in your house? 2

  35. Worst pain ever - heartbreak

  36. Do you like to dance? Poorly

  37. Are your parents still alive? Yes to both

  38. If you could go back to one day what day would that be? I donā€™t know about a specific data, but I would love to go back to my final year of high school to tell myself about my future substance abuse issues (which had already begun to show itself - so fucking reel it in now, buddy boy!) and also to go to school for something more practical than music technology. That degree went to waste and it was never close


Iā€™ll play, but it says 40 thingā€™s and itā€™s only 38 listed.


Lol ya I donā€™t know why the numbers are off

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I cant get it to copyā€¦or I would play alongšŸ˜

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40 things about me. . .

  1. A place youā€™ve always wanted to go? The Netherlands
  2. Coke or Pepsi? Pepsi (Dr. Pepper is my fav tho)
  3. Do you own a gun? - Nope, not a gun dude
  4. Favorite kind of car? My '02 Civic. It was my dads before he passed and my new project car.
  5. Skiing or swimming? Swimming
  6. Favorite Type of food? Mexican
  7. Favorite holiday? Thanksgiving
  8. Can you do a 100 Push-ups? Uhā€¦no lol
  9. Summer, Winter, Spring, Or Autumn? Summer 100%
  10. Favorite hobby? Cycling
  11. Tattoos? Yesā€¦compass on left arm, world on right arm
  12. Do you wear glasses? Only for reading (love being over 40)
  13. Phobias? Death of a loved one and mosquitos in my bedroom
    14.Nickname? Jay
  14. Three drinks you drink? Coffee, water, kombucha
  15. Do you believe in ghosts? Yes, I have seen dead people
  16. Biggest Downfall? Student debt
  17. Rain or snow? Snow but hate cold weather
  18. Piercings? None
  19. Pet peeves? When people leave one drop of soda or juice in the fridge, and when people donā€™t known how to re-seal bags or properly close bottle caps :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:
  20. Favorite show to binge? Breaking Bad, Ancient Aliens
  21. How tall are you? 5ā€™5ā€™ā€™
  22. Kids? 4: daughter is 25, sons are 23, 17, and 14
  23. Favorite colour? Slate Gray
  24. Can you whistle? Like a pro
  25. Where were you born? Los Angeles
  26. Brothers or Sisters? 2 sisters no bros
  27. Surgeries? Donated my left kidney to my wife
  28. Religious? No, but believe in something bigger
  29. Shower or bath? Showers
  30. Like gambling? Not really
  31. Favorite place youā€™ve been? Maui
  32. Broken bones? Baby toe on right foot
  33. How many tvā€™s in your house? 4
  34. Worst pain ever - From breaking my toe (it seems like it wouldnā€™t hurt but damnnn)
  35. Do you like to dance? Yes!
  36. Are your parents still alive? My mom is, dad died from drinking and liver failure
  37. If you could go back to one day what day would that be? October 15, 2019 to shoot the shit with my pops before he passed. I have so many questions I wish I could ask him.

40 things about me. . .

  1. A place youā€™ve always wanted to go?
    Cape Town

  2. Coke or Pepsi- Pepsi Max or Coca-Cola Cherry Zero. But mostly Root beer

  3. Do you own a gun? I would if it was legal in my country, Iā€™m actually a pretty good shooter.

  4. Favorite kind of car? Nissan Navara and my absolute dream car Cadillac coupe deville 59 :heart_eyes:

  5. Skiing or swimming? Swimming I donā€™t know how to ski. Ironically for a Swede I know.

  6. Favorite Type of food? American Style Pan Pizza, Buffalo Chicken Wings, Tacos

  7. Favorite holiday? Christmas and Halloween

  8. Can you do a 100 Push-ups? Iā€™m afraid to try

  9. Summer, winter, spring or autumn? Summer

  10. Favorite hobby? Walking in the woods, among the fields, by the river. Shopping and pinning stuff on Pinterest. Writing,daydreaming.

  11. Tattoos? Yes Maā€™am, a Peacesign, a kids drawing and the Shanghaineese signs for the five elements.

  12. Do you wear glasses? Sometimes when I really need them. (That means when the headache from not wearing them gets to bad)

  13. Phobias? Powerlines, Powergear stations and insects including butterflies.

  14. Nickname? Friends calls me Kitchenwitch, CrazyGypsie, The Hippie or banana pie. Pa calls me Goofy (as in the Disney character Goofy)

  15. Three drinks you drink? Sweet tea, Iced coffee, and to many Pumpkin Spiced lattes

  16. Do you believe in ghosts? Ghosts as in Evil ghosts will come to haunt you, No definitely not. Ghosts as in our forefathers spirits Yes.

  17. Biggest Downfall? My non existing social abilities and the almost non existing ability to live in the real world.

  18. Rain or snow? Neither, but Iā€™m a Swede so I get to much of both.

  19. Piercings? Yes Maā€™am, Nostril (x3 but I only use one) monroe (that means upper lip side) ears and used to have lower lip middle, tongue and from lobe to top in my right ear.

  20. Pet peeves? Small talk, I donā€™t understand it, canā€™t do it and it annoys me because itā€™s pointless.

  21. Favorite show to binge? The old nicley drawn Scooby-Doo or the 80s He-Man

  22. How tall are you? 5"6

  23. Kids? Four of my own, and three extras. Only two lives here the youngest ones 8 and 10. All special need kids in the ages 17 to 8

  24. Favorite color? Hot Pink

  25. Can you whistle? Nope

  26. Where were you born? BorƄs Sweden

  27. Brothers or Sisters? Two sisters one brother

  28. Surgeries? Removed ovaries a few years ago because of the high risk for cancer.

  29. Religious? Maybe, raised in the pentecostal church, some ideas are hard to get out of my brain. I donā€™t go to church and Iā€™m distancing from following a religion or do anything in the name of God or religion, I donā€™t pray, but the subject is interesting. And put most of my faith in my own ability.

  30. Shower or bath? Shower I donā€™t have patience to lay in a bath. But I love the thought of it.

  31. Like gambling? No, I donā€™t even buy lottery tickets. Iā€™m bad luck in things like that.

  32. Favorite place youā€™ve been? Equally between Memphis TN and Daftƶ on the Swedish west coast.

  33. Broken bones? A few ribs, had a Crack in my arm ones if that counts.

  34. How many tvā€™s in your house? 3, dining room for breakfast tv. Kids room, and the upstairs living room. We compensate that with not owning a computer :joy:

  35. Worst pain ever - Iā€™ve got a pretty high tolerance for pain. This far, nothing.

  36. Do you like to dance? Yes, I was supposed to compete in a Swedish dance called bug when I was a kid, but church didnā€™t approve, so I never did.

  37. Are your parents still alive? Yes

  38. If you could go back to one day what day would that be? Iā€™ve watched Back to the Future enough times to know that you shouldnā€™t mess with the past.


So youā€™re saying thereā€™s a proper way to re-seal bags and bottles caps. You would faint here, I tie my bags and puts plastic foil on non-screw back bottles when the metal cap is off :joy:

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Lol at least you have a method of keeping things fresh! Iā€™ve thrown out so much $$ worth of food because theyā€™ve gone stale. It makes me so mad :angry:.

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I live in the middle of nowhere, I donā€™t really have a choice. Itā€™s not that easy or convenient to just go to the store :blush:


40 things about me. . .

  1. A place youā€™ve always wanted to go? Vietnam
  2. Coke or Pepsi- Coke
  3. Do you own a gun? - No, nvr touch on either!
  4. Favorite kind of car? Mustang
  5. Skiing or swimming? Swimming never tried skiing too scad ed
  6. Favorite Type of food? Sushi
  7. Favorite holiday? Easter
  8. Can you do a 100 Push-ups? Not a chance!
  9. Summer, Winter, Spring, Or Autumn? Spring, everything feels fresh
  10. Favorite hobby? Colouring, I have quite Alot of pencils and felt rip pens
  11. Tattoos? 11 so far want more!
  12. Do you wear glasses? No but always wanted to wear them!
  13. Phobias? Cowsā€¦ Make me panic if Iā€™m in a field, just the mooing alone makes me run a mile!

14.Nickname? Danni, twat!

  1. Three drinks you drink? Flavoured water, ribena and cherry Coke.

  2. Do you believe in ghosts? Yes

  3. Biggest Downfall? Iā€™m a all or nothing person!

  4. Rain or snow? Rain like standing outside in it and feeling hit my skin.

  5. Piercings? 1 Gential piercing.

  6. Pet peeves? Bikes on the street when the city I live in has bike lanes all the way through it!

  7. Favorite show to binge? Criminal minds

  8. How tall are you? 5ā€™3ā€™ā€™

  9. Kids? 0

  10. Favorite color? Purple

  11. Can you whistle? Yes but donā€™t like the sound.

  12. Where were you born? Birmingham UK

  13. Brothers or Sisters? 1 sister Little contactā€¦

  14. Surgeries? 2. Knee op and cancer of the ear (deaf in right ear now)

  15. Religious? Christianā€¦ Went to a Catholic school thou!

  16. Shower or bath? Shower nice and hot!

  17. Like gambling? Never fear of getting addicted

  18. Favorite place youā€™ve been? Goa, India

  19. Broken bones? Never

  20. How many tvā€™s in your house? 2

  21. Worst pain ever - My ear operation the pain after was extreme!

  22. Do you like to dance? Yes prefer to mosh!

  23. Are your parents still alive? Yes but my step dad who I saw at my Dad passed away from MS

  24. If you could go back to one day what day would that be? It would be when I was 18 and tell myself not to go into the swinging sceneā€¦ It took me to places Iā€™d wished Iā€™d never seen or done.


Toilet roll on backwardsā€¦ OK is there a certain way it should be put on??
Have I been doing it wrong all my adult life?


Iā€™ve been doing it wrong!
goes to bathroom
Now itā€™s the right way :joy::toilet:


A place youā€™ve always wanted to go? New Zealand

Coke or Pepsi- coke but its very rare bc it sends me on one

Do you own a gun. No

Favorite kind of car? I donā€™t drive so anything with plenty of leg room and a descent stereo

Skiing or swimming? Swimming even though Iā€™m terrible at it

Favorite Type of food? snickers bars and salted peanuts

Favorite holiday? camping on the beach watching the sea and the sun rise and set

Can you do a 100 Push-ups? In a day.

Summer, Winter, Spring, Or Autumn? Autumn or spring, not too hot and not too cold but I do prefer the leaves on the ground

Favorite hobby? Reading a good book

Tattoos? No there is nothing I want to look at for the rest of my life and I donā€™t understand tattooā€™s that only other people can see like on your back

Do you wear glasses No but I am registered partially sighted and currently using a magnifying glass to read and type this, itā€™s a long job so thanks for so many questions

Phobias? A fear of drowning in the sea

14.Nickname? Dolse, my real name is Dales but I spelt it wrong at school when I was about 5 years old and the teacher called me it and its stuck ever since, some people donā€™t even know my real name, Iā€™m just The Dolse

Three drinks you drink? Tea, water, ginger beer

Do you believe in ghosts. Yes I live with them and have seen stuff moving around the house and other people have been round my house and seen them

Biggest Downfall? Caring more about others than I do myself. if I treated myself with the respect I give others I wouldnā€™t be in this situation

Rain or snow. snow, pure unbroken landscapes and being the first person to walk in it, then re tread in my own foot prints and confuse the shit out of peopleā€™s bc it looks like I just vanished half way across a field

Piercings. Not anymore but did have one ear done.

Pet peeves? People that lie

Favorite show to binge? So many but Iā€™m currently on cobra kia so Iā€™ll go with that

How tall are you. 5, 11 ish

kids? 2 girls, 1 boy, 1 step daughter, 1 grandson

Favorite color? metallic royal blue

Can you whistle? Yes.

Where were you born? Great Yarmouth, England

Brothers or Sisters? 1 sister

Surgeries Had my appendix out

Religious? Itā€™s hard to say, I pray to a god but of no religion

Shower or bath? Bath and a podcast or Spotify

Like gambling? Was addicted but now just do the lottery

Favorite place youā€™ve been? Peak and the lake district in UK

Broken bones? My toes while playing football

How many tvā€™s in your house? 2 both in the same room so we can watch different things together

Worst pain ever? toothache

Do you like to dance? yes but I canā€™t

Are your parents still alive? Dad yes, my mum I havenā€™t got a clue

If you could go back to one day what day would that be? My first wedding day so that I could say, NO I DONT.


I am on board with this topic lol

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That was my first question reading this to. I had no idea you could put it backwards,in my opinion itā€™s good as long as itā€™s possible to roll it out.

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I kinda do the same things in snow but I usually ends it with a few barefoot prints. I have to feel the ground under my feets, first day of frost Iā€™m talking a barefoot walk around the house in the frozen grass, first day of snow I make snow prints out on a field or on the sidewalk or something ending it with a few barefoot prints so people walking there will have something to talk about during the day :joy:


You are 6 feet? Iā€™m jealous I always wanted to be taller. Itā€™s a struggle especially the top shelves at the grocery store :joy:


I love scooby too! Used to watch every morning with my dad before school.

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Oh I can imagine lol Iā€™m opposite need to get short fit and sometimes still needs to be hemmed. My sons girlfriend is tiny she is only 4ā€™9ā€™ā€™ she has a real hard time with clothes

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