Keeping the mind busy silly quiz đŸ€Ș

I like your style :grin:don’t ever grow up. :snowflake::snowman::snowflake:


Lol had me laughing with going back to the first wedding :joy: that bad huh?


Well I’m 35 already so If I haven’t grown up by now It probably never happens. :blush: To be honest I’m usually having just as fun as the kids in playgrounds, indoor playgrounds, jumping in puddles when it rains, going in to a toy or candy store, watching cartoons and eating junk food. :joy:


I love Scooby-Doo too. But not the new series Be Cool Scooby-Doo or the other new productions. They are all really bad and without the real Scooby-Doo feeling. Welma have hairclips that are ribbons, Daphne and Fred is engaged, and it’s all just bad. Who ever came up with that should bw ashamed of themselves.

40 things about me. . .

  1. A place you’ve always wanted to go? Australia

  2. Coke or Pepsi- diet coke

  3. Do you own a gun? - yes

  4. Favorite kind of car? 1964 &1/2 Ford Mustang

  5. Skiing or swimming? Neither

  6. Favorite Type of food? Mexica

  7. Favorite holiday? Memorial day

  8. Can you do a 100 Push-ups? In how many weeks?

  9. Summer, Winter, Spring, Or Autumn? Spring

  10. Favorite hobby: competitive shooting

  11. Tattoos? 1

  12. Do you wear glasses? No

  13. Phobias? Snakes
    14.Nickname? None now. Scooter when I played baseball

  14. Three drinks you drink? Water, diet Coke, and ice tea.

  15. Do you believe in ghosts? Yes

  16. Biggest Downfall? Alcohol

  17. Rain or snow? Rain

  18. Piercings? None

  19. Pet peeves? People treating people like ahig

  20. Favorite show to binge? Friends, Criminal minds, Ancient Aliens

  21. How tall are you? 5’10.5"

  22. Kids? 0

  23. Favorite color? Blue

  24. Can you whistle? Yes

  25. Where were you born? Kemmerer Wyoming

  26. Brothers or Sisters? Sister

  27. Surgeries? None

  28. Religious? I have a lot of faith

  29. Shower or bath? Shower

  30. Like gambling? No

  31. Favorite place you’ve been? Palma de Mellorca

  32. Broken bones? My feet

  33. How many tv’s in your house? 1

  34. Worst pain ever - kicked in the balls

  35. Do you like to dance? Yes, slow dance

  36. Are your parents still alive? Yes

  37. If you could go back to one day what day would that be? None, everyday made me come to this point in life


this is the truth, I had to get drunk and high to turn up and it was the most lovely sunny day you could imagine but the minute the priest said I had to say “I do” it went really dark and the ground started sinking under my feet. I’ll never know if it went dark for anyone else to this day. This is the thing about being a people pleaser I didn’t actually ask her for her hand in marriage it all just sort of snowballed. I did try and end it months before but she tried to hit me over the head with a wine bottle so it was just easier to agree from that day on. 5 years later I found a loop hole and noticed she was acting different so I said what’s going on, she told me she fancied our next door neighbour so I grabbed my opportunity and invited him round, I told him my wife has feelings for you so if you like her you can have her bc I’m off. Came as a shock to both of them but they did get married and had kids until she decided to leave him as well. I didn’t go through the courts I said it was all my fault and she can keep everything as long as I could take the sofa, I really liked that sofa, didn’t have a house but I had a sofa so when I got my next girlfriend I’m like hey have you got room for a new sofa, I’ve been with her over 20 years now and when people ask her how we met she always says I kinda moved in and never left. :grin::rofl:


I totally agree I actually haven’t seen the new ones. Old school scooby is where it’s at!

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Oh wow :hushed: that is quite the story Paul! Everything happens for a reason I guess. :blush:

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  1. A place you’ve always wanted to go? Outer space. Would love to look back on this blue marble of ours, and out to the infinity of space with its stars that don’t twinkle (no atmosphere to corrupt the light).
  2. Coke or Pepsi - coke no sugar
  3. Do you own a gun? - Nope.
  4. Favorite kind of car? Small, light, swift, handles great, manual gearbox.
  5. Skiing or swimming? Depends where i am.
  6. Favorite Type of food? Japanese
  7. Favorite holiday? Unplanned
  8. Can you do a 100 Push-ups? In two sets, yes.
  9. Summer, Winter, Spring, Or Autumn? Spring and Autumn
  10. Favorite hobby? Discgolf
  11. Tattoos? None
  12. Do you wear glasses? Yes. They surely make me smarter and more handsome.
  13. Phobias? Not really
  14. Nickname? AB
  15. Three drinks you drink? Lemon/ginger tea, black coffee, Coke no sugar
  16. Do you believe in ghosts? No
  17. Biggest Downfall? Not reaching for help when needed. Feeling I need to do it all on my own even if to my detriment.
  18. Rain or snow? Snow
  19. Piercings? Not any more
  20. Pet peeves? Yes
  21. Favorite show to binge? Not big on binge watching, but the last time i did something close was Breaking Bad
  22. How tall are you? 6’2"
  23. Kids? No
  24. Favorite color? Orange
  25. Can you whistle? Totally can
  26. Where were you born? Melbourne, Australia
  27. Brothers or Sisters? One sister
  28. Surgeries? Yes. Broken jaw plated and wired, open-heart surgery.
  29. Religious? Not in any conventional way.
  30. Shower or bath? Shower.
  31. Like gambling? Nope.
  32. Favorite place you’ve been? No single place.
  33. Broken bones? Yes. Broken jaw, clavicle, scapula, finger, ribs x7
  34. How many tv’s in your house? 3
  35. Worst pain ever - all the broken bones. All happened at once
  36. Do you like to dance? When the mood takes me. Pretty fly for a white guy
  37. Are your parents still alive? Yes
  38. If you could go back to one day what day would that be? I don’t really know. I love the opportunity but would need more time to think this through. Don’t want to waste it

I wanna go to outta space too. That would be wicked cool to see.

  1. A place you’ve always wanted to go? India
  2. Coke or Pepsi? Pepsi
  3. Do you own a gun? - No
  4. Favorite kind of car? Safe, environmentally friendly (ier)
  5. Skiing or swimming? Swimming
  6. Favorite Type of food? Indian
  7. Favorite holiday? Bonfire night!
  8. Can you do a 100 Push-ups? No
  9. Summer, Winter, Spring, Or Autumn? Autumn
  10. Favorite hobby? Listening to music, watching comedy
  11. Tattoos? No, I want a lotus flower (no mud no lotus) but won’t be able to go to hot springs
  12. Do you wear glasses? Blind as a bat without them
  13. Phobias? Fear, and cicadas
    14.Nickname? Flo, Flower
  14. Three drinks you drink? Coffee, tea, ginger ale
  15. Do you believe in ghosts? Nope
  16. Biggest Downfall? Worrying too much about what others think
  17. Rain or snow? Snow
  18. Piercings? Only ears, two in each
  19. Pet peeves? Poor manners in public transport, ear wax
  20. Favorite show to binge? I binge all shows, addictive personality
  21. How tall are you? 5’7’’
  22. Kids? 7 year old and 11 year old
  23. Favorite colour? Purple or turquoise
  24. Can you whistle? Yes
  25. Where were you born? Derbyshire, UK
  26. Brothers or Sisters? One brother and one sister both older
  27. Surgeries? Two D and Cs
  28. Religious? No
  29. Shower or bath? Bath
  30. Like gambling? Not at all, don’t see the appeal
  31. Favorite place you’ve been? Thailand
  32. Broken bones? Only a toe, once
  33. How many tv’s in your house? 2
  34. Worst pain ever - Childbirth
  35. Do you like to dance? Yes, if I am sure noone is looking
  36. Are your parents still alive? The people who I thought were my parents until last year are both gone, my stepdad, who may actually be my biological father is alive
  37. If you could go back to one day what day would that be? Go back to any time when my mum was alive and ask her what the hell she was doing re. Q36

And @AyBee I am a bit scared of flying so space is no-go for me!

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40 things about me. . .

  1. A place you’ve always wanted to go? Australia
  2. Coke or Pepsi- Neither
  3. Do you own a gun? - No
  4. Favorite kind of car? That’s tough. I like so many for different reasons I don’t really have a favorite. Favorite car I owned was my 1986 Z28 Camaro with t-tops
  5. Skiing or swimming? Swimming!
  6. Favorite Type of food? Sushi
  7. Favorite holiday? Christmas
  8. Can you do a 100 Push-ups? Not anymore
  9. Summer, Winter, Spring, Or Autumn? Summer
  10. Favorite hobby? Make up I guess
  11. Tattoos? 4. Led Zeppelin symbols down my spine, a blue flower on my calf, an anime cat on the back of my neck(getting covered one day), a kangaroo on my wrist
  12. Do you wear glasses? Yes
  13. Phobias? Swimming in bodies of water I know have fish bigger than me(although I forced myself into the ocean in Atlantic city bc it’s the only time I’ve ever been). House centipedes
    14.Nickname? The only one I ever had was Squirrelly in high school (I was a little hyper)
  14. Three drinks you drink? Coffee, green tea, soda water with lime juice
  15. Do you believe in ghosts? Maybe
  16. Biggest Downfall? Procrastination
  17. Rain or snow? Rain if its warm out
  18. Piercings? 5 in my ears, bellybutton, and I used to have my lip pierced for 14 years but took it out bc of gum damage
  19. Pet peeves? Misophonia
  20. Favorite show to binge? Ugh, too many. Was watching the office earlier (for the 1000 time) but so many others I cant even list them
  21. How tall are you? 5’8"
  22. Kids? 1. A 6yo girl. My world.
  23. Favorite color? Green
  24. Can you whistle? Yes. And my daughter just learned after loosing her 2 front teeth!
  25. Where were you born? Lockport NY
  26. Brothers or Sisters? 1 younger brother
  27. Surgeries? 1. Cut out cervical cancer Feb 2019.
  28. Religious? Trying to be. Or just being more spiritual
  29. Shower or bath? I love baths but have not had a decent sized tub since living on my own(and having part of me stick out one end isn’t relaxing) so shower.
  30. Like gambling? No
  31. Favorite place you’ve been? Atlantic city and Blunt county Tennessee(I dont remember the exact town but I stayed with my friends uncle and it was a beautiful blast)
  32. Broken bones? No
  33. How many tv’s in your house? 3. But only 1 is hooked up and used.
  34. Worst pain ever- Double root canal when I was 18. And i feel i should say childbirth (bc i did it au natural, zero medication) but in the end it was worth it so I’d do it again in a second. Not the root canals tho.
  35. Do you like to dance? Yes. When no ones watching
  36. Are your parents still alive? Yes. Grateful for that as they’re older than most peoples parents my age.
  37. If you could go back to one day what day would that be? A lot of different occurrences come to mind. All radically different. But in the end I cant single one out and also know I truly cant. My past has made me who I am.

Dang girl! You’re 6’ tall?! I find that question particularly interesting. We see each others faces, here and there, but I like picturing the whole person. A girl who can understand all pants being too short! Am I right?!


The toilet paper! I grew up in the ‘right’ household. And recently I saw an ad from when toilet paper hit the market(100 years ago) explaining the right way to hang it!

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Do you own a gun? - Nope
Favorite kind of car? 1971 Hemi Cuda
Skiing or swimming? neither
Favorite Type of food? Soul Food (good ol’ fashioned Southern cookin’)
Favorite holiday? tie between Halloween and Christmas
Can you do a 100 Push-ups? lol, good one!
Summer, Winter, Spring, Or Autumn? Fall (Autumn)
Favorite hobby? Reading
Tattoos? Hell no
Do you wear glasses? Yep
Phobias? one or two
Nickname? nope
Three drinks you drink? Water, coffee, more coffee!
Do you believe in ghosts? yep
Biggest Downfall? Alcohol apparently!
Rain or snow? rain
Piercings? just my ears
Pet peeves? Yes
Favorite show to binge? too many to list
How tall are you? 5’2"
Kids? Yes, A son (28), a daughter (24), and a granddaughter (almost 2)
Favorite color? Blue
Can you whistle? yep
Where were you born? Hawaii
Brothers or Sisters? A twin sister (not identical), two older sisters, and one brother (also older)
Surgeries? Yes. Spinal fusion, cholecystectomy, appendectomy, c-section, tubal ligation, endometrial ablation, removal of bone tumor on my thumb, and I’m currently waiting to have shoulder surgery (rotator cuff), and another spinal fusion.
Religious? I believe in a higher power (I’m a lapsed Catholic)
Shower or bath? Shower, but can appreciate a nice bubble bath.
Like gambling? Not really my thing.
Favorite place you’ve been? Georgia
Broken bones? Toes, foot, both ankles (at the same time!), thumb
How many tv’s in your house? 2
Worst pain ever - pancreatitis
Do you like to dance? Now that I’m sober, I’ve realized that alcohol was lying to me all those years when it told me I could (and should) dance!
Are your parents still alive? My mother is, but my father passed away almost 20 years ago and I still miss him everyday. I was definitely a daddy’s girl!
If you could go back to one day what day would that be? Too hard to choose just one day. Lots of days I’d love to experience again and a few I’d like to change, but in the long run they’ve all made me who I am today.


oops, I see I left off the first two questions!

A place you’ve always wanted to go? Italy
Coke or Pepsi - Coke, back when I drank soda


40 things about me. . .

  1. A place you’ve always wanted to go? - Hawaii
  2. Coke or Pepsi- Coke
  3. Do you own a gun? - no way, I live in the UK
  4. Favorite kind of car? - jeep/range rover
  5. Skiing or swimming? - I can’t do either!
  6. Favorite Type of food? - any kind of grill (Argentinian, Turkish, Jerk). Alternatively, Mediterranean cuisine.
  7. Favorite holiday? - summer/winter
  8. Can you do a 100 Push-ups? - maybe. but do I want to find out? no.
  9. Summer, Winter, Spring, Or Autumn? - Spring & Winter
  10. Favorite hobby? - Homely things like cooking and sewing (with banging music ofc).
  11. Tattoos? - getting some small scorpions in various places soon.
  12. Do you wear glasses? - no
  13. Phobias? - a lot :sob: I have GAD. but agoraphobia is probably the worst.
    14.Nickname? - people call me saff/saffi. I’m not a fan of “saffi”
  14. Three drinks you drink? - iced tea, mojitos, and green teas
  15. Do you believe in ghosts? - im not sure
 spirit(s), yes. ghosts
 eh :woman_shrugging:t4:
  16. Biggest Downfall? - obsessive personality :roll_eyes: :roll_eyes:
  17. Rain or snow? - snow any day
  18. Piercings? - Ears & nose stud. would like another stud on opposite nostril, and a bar in the ear as well.
  19. Pet peeves? - selfish people :face_vomiting:
  20. Favorite show to binge? - harlots, chewing gum, community, misfits, horrible histories and much more LOL
  21. How tall are you? - 5’6"
  22. Kids? - none. I am a kid(20) and I’ve always had a gut feeling that I may be infertile anyway.
  23. Favorite color? - any shade of blue :blue_heart: also lime green and baby pink never hurt
  24. Can you whistle? - yes, my brother taught me
  25. Where were you born? - south east london, lewisham
  26. Brothers or Sisters? - 3 brothers, 1 sister
  27. Surgeries? - NOPE and I hope to keep it that way
  28. Religious? - i want to be, but I don’t think any of the organised religions out there suit my beliefs.
  29. Shower or bath? - a bath will always be superior imo, they’re just not that incredibly efficient
  30. Like gambling? - No, unless its uno online and I’m gambling fake coins :money_mouth_face:
  31. Favorite place you’ve been? - everytime I leave the UK I wish i wouldn’t have to return. maybe it’s just london though.
  32. Broken bones? - 0
  33. How many tv’s in your house? - 2
  34. Worst pain ever - burnt my forehead on an iron as a child. toe nail incident :grimacing: periods bc mine can be super f*cking intense
  35. Do you like to dance? - yass. ofc
  36. Are your parents still alive? - yes
  37. If you could go back to one day what day would that be? - the day I broke up with my first ex, bc he is a beautiful person who fully accepted me for me and I won’t ever really get over him. perfect person, horrible f*cking time.

LOL, two broken ankles** at the same time! yikes!

40 things about me. . .

  1. A place you’ve always wanted to go? - Space

  2. Coke or Pepsi- neither (used to be Pepsi)

  3. Do you own a gun? - never!

  4. Favorite kind of car? - my carbon neutral bicycle :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

  5. Skiing or swimming? - skiing

  6. Favorite Type of food? - all of it! Except lima beans. Screw them.

  7. Favorite holiday? - Christmas

  8. Can you do a 100 Push-ups? - probably not

  9. Summer, Winter, Spring, Or Autumn? - autumn

  10. Favorite hobby? - Hiking in the woods

  11. Tattoos? - love 'em, could never decide on any of my own

  12. Do you wear glasses? - when my contact lenses are out

  13. Phobias? - weird bugs, swimming pools, and failure

14.Nickname? - don’t really have one

  1. Three drinks you drink? - coffee, coffee, sparkling water

  2. Do you believe in ghosts? - no

  3. Biggest Downfall? - socially inept

  4. Rain or snow? - rain

  5. Piercings? - none

  6. Pet peeves? - willful ignorance

  7. Favorite show to binge? - any sci fi series

  8. How tall are you? - 6’

  9. Kids? - two

  10. Favorite color? - blue

  11. Can you whistle? - yes

  12. Where were you born? - American southwest

  13. Brothers or Sisters? - 1 of each

  14. Surgeries? - no

  15. Religious? - no

  16. Shower or bath? - shower

  17. Like gambling? - no

  18. Favorite place you’ve been? - gah, couldn’t choose. Maybe Sicily?

  19. Broken bones? - I broke my middle toe playing beach volleyball

  20. How many tv’s in your house? - 1

  21. Worst pain ever - a broken heart

  22. Do you like to dance? - not really. You wouldn’t want to see that anyway

  23. Are your parents still alive? - yes

  24. If you could go back to one day what day would that be? - I don’t know the exact date, but one night I woke up in a cold sweat with a scream reverberating in my room. I feel like my life went off the rails some time after that. I guess I’d go back and do things differently (or convince past me to make some changes).