Keeping the mind busy silly quiz đŸ€Ș

@saffffronnn I knew what you meant :nerd_face:

40 things about me. . .

  1. A place you’ve always wanted to go? Australia
  2. Coke or Pepsi- No preference, don’t drink soda
  3. Do you own a gun? - We have many
  4. Favorite kind of car? Mustang GT that I reluctantly traded in for something better in the snow.
  5. Skiing or swimming? Swimming
  6. Favorite Type of food? Pizza
  7. Favorite holiday? None
  8. Can you do a 100 Push-ups? No way
  9. Summer, Winter, Spring, Or Autumn? Summer
  10. Favorite hobby? Don’t have a fav
  11. Tattoos? 2
  12. Do you wear glasses? Yes for driving but lost them while wasted in Las Vegas
  13. Phobias? Snakes

14.Nickname? None now. Pizza as a kid

  1. Three drinks you drink? Iced tea, water, coffee
  2. Do you believe in ghosts? Yes
  3. Biggest Downfall? Addiction
  4. Rain or snow? Rain
if I have to choose
  5. Piercings? Ears
  6. Pet peeves? Too many to list
  7. Favorite show to binge? The office
  8. How tall are you? 5’2"
  9. Kids? 1 girl
  10. Favorite color? Purple
  11. Can you whistle? Nope
  12. Where were you born? New Jersey
  13. Brothers or Sisters? 4 sisters
  14. Surgeries? Yes
  15. Religious? Not really
 was raised Catholic
  16. Shower or bath? Shower
  17. Like gambling? No
  18. Favorite place you’ve been? Aruba
  19. Broken bones? Wrist and toes
  20. How many tv’s in your house? 4
  21. Worst pain ever - spinal surgery
  22. Do you like to dance? Yes but I’m horrible
  23. Are your parents still alive? No
  24. If you could go back to one day what day would that be? Sept 3, 2019
I would not drive after drinking and total my car. Then again, that’s what got me into recovery.

Just copy and paste and replace my answers with yours.

  1. Place you’ve always wanted to go: Egypt to see the pyramids.
  2. Coke or Pepsi: Neither
  3. Do you own a gun: Yes. Glock 19 gen 5, 9mm
  4. Favorite kind of car: Maserati Ghibli
  5. Skiing or swimming: Swimming
  6. Favorite type of food: Ribeye Steaks. Is that a type? lol
  7. Favorite holiday: Any day that is not actually a holiday
  8. Can you do 100 push-ups: Not all at once
  9. Summer, Winter, Spring, or Autumn: Spring
  10. Favorite Hobby: Reading
  11. Tattoos: None
  12. Do you wear glasses: Yes
  13. Phobias: the ocean
  14. Nicknames: Z
  15. Three drinks you drink: Water, coffee, sugar free monsters
  16. Do you believe in ghosts: Yes
  17. Biggest downfall: Being too intense and serious
  18. Rain or snow: Rain
  19. Piercings: None
  20. Pet peeves: The phrase, “What you need to understand is
  21. Favorite show to binge: In general, I love binge watching documentaries or lectures, unless I’m going through withdrawal and then something new to get my mind off my life is chosen.
  22. How tall are you: 5’9"
  23. Kids: None
  24. Favorite color: #1a487a
  25. Can you whistle: Yes
  26. Where were you born: Earth
  27. Brothers or sisters: One younger brother
  28. Surgeries: 1. Tonsil removal; 2. Toe surgery; 3. Orthognathic surgery; 4. C5 disk replacement.
  29. Religious: No
  30. Shower or bath: Shower
  31. Gambling: On occasion
  32. Favorite place you’ve been: æ—„æœŹ
  33. Broken bones: Both ankles, both wrists, right arm, every small toe, a few fingers, cracked skull
  34. How many TVs in your house: One
  35. Worst pain ever: Kidney stones
  36. Do you like to dance: Yes
  37. Are your parents still alive: Mother–Yes. | Father–Unknown
  38. If you could go back to one day, what day would that be? I have no desire to look back at anything in my past

@Jdiaz Ancient Aliens is the best :alien: I love all that kind of stuff!
@anon27760155 I literally binge watched all 15 seasons of Criminal Minds earlier this year when I was withdrawing the last time and then I started watching it again :laughing: Who are your favorite characters?
@CapriciousCapricorn I’m with you on the toilet paper thing! I have been known to ‘fix’ the rolls at public restrooms if possible. It’s so annoying.
@icebear I’ve always wanted to go to space too!


I’ll play

40 things about me. . .

  1. A place you’ve always wanted to go? Alaska
  2. Coke or Pepsi? Neither.
  3. Do you own a gun? - No. Although I go to a target range from time to time.
  4. Favorite kind of car? Mine because I have no car payment. LOL. Would love a Jeep tho.
  5. Skiing or swimming? Swimming
  6. Favorite Type of food? Mexican
  7. Favorite holiday? Any that gives me a day off work.
  8. Can you do a 100 Push-ups? No.
  9. Summer, Winter, Spring, Or Autumn? Autumn
  10. Favorite hobby? Cooking
  11. Tattoos? Yes. Arm. Upper and Lower Back, Finger,
  12. Do you wear glasses? Yes.
  13. Phobias? Elevators
    14.Nickname? none
  14. Three drinks you drink? Coffee, water, soda water
  15. Do you believe in ghosts? No
  16. Biggest Downfall? My alcoholic ego.
  17. Rain or snow? rain
  18. Piercings? ears
  19. Pet peeves? people chewing with mouth open.
  20. Favorite show to binge? suits. selling sunset.
  21. How tall are you? 5’4
  22. Kids? 2
  23. Favorite colour? indigo blue
  24. Can you whistle? not really
  25. Where were you born? NY
  26. Brothers or Sisters? no
  27. Surgeries? wisdom teeth
  28. Religious? yes
  29. Shower or bath? both
  30. Like gambling? No way
  31. Favorite place you’ve been? beaches in thailand
  32. Broken bones? not yet
  33. How many tv’s in your house? 1
  34. Worst pain ever - childbirth.
  35. Do you like to dance? not so much anymore
  36. Are your parents still alive? yes. thankfully.
  37. If you could go back to one day what day would that be? I really don’t know. too much is still being unpacked with sobriety.

when I read that part about your step dad I had to read it 3xs.

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40 things about me. . .

  1. A place you’ve always wanted to go? Australia and Scotland
  2. Coke or Pepsi? Neither.
  3. Do you own a gun? - No. But my husband has many. Behind a locked door. He target shoots. I’ve tried and have a pretty good shot. But they make me nervous
  4. Favorite kind of car? Hmm
  5. Skiing or swimming? Swimming
  6. Favorite Type of food? Lobster/shellfish, especially in creamy pasta :yum:
  7. Favorite holiday? Christmas.
  8. Can you do a 100 Push-ups? Yes but not in a row
  9. Summer, Winter, Spring, Or Autumn? Autumn
  10. Favorite hobby? Cooking
  11. Tattoos? No
  12. Do you wear glasses? Driving
  13. Phobias? Losing my child. And spiders
  14. Nickname? Not anymore, really
  15. Three drinks you drink? Coffee, water, soda water
  16. Do you believe in ghosts? No
  17. Biggest Downfall? Low self esteem
  18. Rain or snow? Snow
  19. Piercings? ears
  20. Pet peeves? Poor manners; dishonesty
  21. Favorite show to binge? The Office, Wentworth, Ozarks
  22. How tall are you? 5’6
  23. Kids? 1
  24. Favorite colour? black, purple
  25. Can you whistle? not very well
  26. Where were you born? Canada
  27. Brothers or Sisters? Yes, brothers
  28. Surgeries? Appendectomy; miscarriage
  29. Religious? Somewhat
  30. Shower or bath? Shower
  31. Like gambling? No
  32. Favorite place you’ve been? Nova Scotia
  33. Broken bones? no
  34. How many tv’s in your house? 3
  35. Worst pain ever - watching my mum die from cancer.
  36. Do you like to dance? I used to
  37. Are your parents still alive? No, both have passed :cry:
  38. If you could go back to one day what day would that be? I might go back and rethink moving across country solo, away from all my family. But I’m thankful for my current life

40 things about me. . .

  1. A place you’ve always wanted to go? Scandinavia Finland Iceland

  2. Coke or Pepsi- Not

  3. Do you own a gun? - No

  4. Favorite kind of car? My 2002 M3 Laguna Seca Blue Convertible BMW

  5. Skiing or swimming? Swimming

  6. Favorite Type of food? Italian the red meaty saucy bolognais kind.

7 Favorite holiday? Flag Day. That’s the day my daughter was born :slightly_smiling_face:

8 Can you do a 100 Push-ups? Ya right :crazy_face:

  1. Summer, Winter, Spring, Or Autumn? Spring :bouquet: :cherry_blossom: :tulip:

  2. Favorite hobby? I got nothing :slightly_frowning_face:

  3. Tattoos? Never happen.

  4. Do you wear glasses? Readers

  5. Phobias? Acrophobia with a side of Agoraphobia

14.Nickname? Kids call me Flop instead of Pop. I been known as Mr McGoo and Guzzy because my last name begins with a Guz and a whole lot of consonants.

15 Three drinks you drink? Coffee, green teas, sparkling waters.

16 Do you believe in ghosts? Only Emily at Amberley Castle Nr Arundel, West Sussex

  1. Biggest Downfall? Too sensitive.

  2. Rain or snow? Rain

  3. Piercings? Not

  4. Pet peeves? People that don’t pick up after their dogs and packaging.

  5. Favorite show to binge? So many! Seinfeld, Malcolm In The Middle, Arrested Development, The Office.

  6. How tall are you? 6’2”

  7. Kids? Daughter 32 son 30
    niece/daughter 40

  8. Favorite color? Blue :blue_heart:

  9. Can you whistle? What’s it to ya :joy:

  10. Where were you born? Massachusetts

  11. Brothers or Sisters? Older sister & younger sister.

28 Surgeries? 7. Tonsils and adenoids. Hernia. Bi Lateral Hip replacements. Appendectomy. Torn meniscus. Hernia again. Catheter Ablation for Atrial Fibrillation.

  1. Religious? Proud Christian. But not the shit that’s out there now.

  2. Shower or bath? Shower

  3. Like gambling? No but I like going to Vegas once and awhile.

  4. Favorite place you’ve been? Greek Islands Santorini and Patmos

  5. Broken bones? Left Ankle over and over again :confounded:

  6. How many tv’s in your house? 2

  7. Worst pain ever - watching and trying to comfort my mother while dying in hospice before the morphine injection came.

  8. Do you like to dance? Never happen.

  9. Are your parents still alive? Nope

  10. If you could go back to one day what day would that be? Early 2007 before my older sister died of complications of MS and pray and hold her hand and comfort her. I wasn’t strong enough in my faith back then. A real missed opportunity.
    She was my best buddy :broken_heart:


A place you’ve always wanted to go? Iceland

Coke or Pepsi- Coke Zero

Do you own a gun? - No but used to go shooting

Favorite kind of car? Old school mustang

Skiing or swimming? Swimming but would love to try skiing

Favorite Type of food? Nothing specific like trying all different types

7 Favorite holiday? Halloween

8 Can you do a 100 Push-ups? Hyperflexion in my shoulder does not make a push up easy

Summer, Winter, Spring, Or Autumn? Spring

Favorite hobby? Watching live music

Tattoos? 3 so far

Do you wear glasses? Nope

Phobias? Rollercoasters

14.Nickname? Hella

15 Three drinks you drink? Water, Coke for caffeine and Chai Latte

16 Do you believe in ghosts? I don’t not believe

Biggest Downfall? Big mouth

Rain or snow? Snow every time

Piercings? Only ears

Pet peeves? Mouth breathers, nail chewers, public spitting

Favorite show to binge watch: Schitts Creek

How tall are you? 5”8”

Kids? No thank you

Favorite color? Purple I think

Can you whistle? Sure can

Where were you born? Perth, Australia

Brothers or Sisters? Brother

Surgeries? Yeah I’ve had a few

Religious? Nope

Shower or bath? Bath with bubbles

Like gambling? I can take it or leave it

Favorite place you’ve been? Cannot pick

Broken bones? Yes but none of the major ones

How many tv’s in your house? 5

Worse pain ever? Physical - shingles
Mental - loosing my dad

Do you like to dance? Not in the traditional sense

Are your parents still alive? Mum only

If you could go back to one day what day would that be? Too many to pick and can’t happen so I don’t worry to much about it :woman_shrugging:


How could you answer no to nicknames? What about Salty? :rofl: :joy:


Haha well no one in “real life” calls me Salty. Some folks not from my province call us bluenosers though

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I went on the Blue Nose ferry when I was little, went to Halifax. :ferry:


A ferry? Or the big Bluenose schooner/sailing ship?
edit: I just googled and there used to be a bluenose ferry around NS and Maine. Didn’t know that! Looks like it stopped running in ‘82

I was 5 or 6 so maaaany moons ago!

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  1. place you’ve always wanted to go?
  2. Coke or pepsi:
  3. Do you own a gun?
    Dont like guns
  4. Favorite kind of car?
    I’m a motorcycle guy, dont like cars.
  5. Skiing or swimming?
  6. Favorite Type of food?
  7. Favorite holiday?
    Dont have none
  8. Can you do a 100 Push-ups?
    Usualy i do 200 every day,in series of 20 ofc
  9. Summer, Winter, Spring,
  10. Favorite hobby?
    Have many, but number one, motorcycle traveling,others
gaming,drawing,tattooing, eletronics, and others.
  11. Tattoos?
  12. Do you wear glasses?
  13. Phobias?
    Dont have


  1. Three drinks you drink?
    Water, coffee and cappuccinos.
  2. Do you believe in ghosts?
  3. Biggest Downfall?
  4. Rain or snow?
  5. Piercings?
    A few
  6. Pet peeves?
    Usualy dont care with others
  7. Favorite show to binge?
  8. How tall are you?
  9. Kids?
  10. Favorite color?
  11. Can you whistle?
  12. Where were you born?
  13. Brothers or Sisters?
    1 sister
  14. Surgeries?
    1 to my head, fell from a 3rd floor when i was six,9 days in coma.
  15. Religious?
  16. Shower or bath?
  17. Like gambling?
  18. Favorite place you’ve been?
    Serra da estrela
  19. Broken bones?
    None, even after i hited with my head after i fell from 3rd floor it didnt break.
  20. How many tv’s in your house?
    Tv’s one, monitors, alot

  21. Worst pain ever.
    The day my best friend hang himself
  22. Do you like to dance?
  23. Are your parents still alive?
  24. If you could go back to one day what day would that be?
    To have 15 y old again and not knowing what i know today.

38 things about me (Twas supposed to be 40 but some questions got lost

  1. A place you’ve always wanted to go? So many! I’ve already been to some of them. These are still on my list: Italy (for 2nd time), Scotland, Åland, Jungfraujoch in Switzerland
  2. Coke or Pepsi? Coke, full sugar
  3. Do you own a gun? Thinking of getting a hot glue gun
  4. Favorite kind of car? One that’s not broken, has aircon and starts at -30C
  5. Skiing or swimming? Swimming. Haven’t skied since 1990’s
  6. Favorite Type of food? Mashed potatoes, authentic Italian pizza
  7. Favorite holiday? Summer holiday
  8. Can you do a 100 Push-ups? Why should I?
  9. Summer, Winter, Spring, Or Autumn? August
  10. Favorite hobby? Polar swimming, crocheting
  11. Tattoos? Nope
  12. Do you wear glasses? Not yet :crazy_face:
  13. Phobias? Nothing that strong. Not a fan of heights or top speeds
    14.Nickname? So not telling ya
  14. Three drinks you drink? Water, tea, sodas
  15. Do you believe in ghosts? Ghosts, no. Spirits, yes.
  16. Biggest Downfall? Suicidal depression 2018
  17. Rain or snow? Both, when they’re gentle. Coming in horizontal dsnt impress me.
  18. Piercings? Ears. 5 regulars in lobes and an industrial
  19. Pet peeves? Chewing food mouth open and making sounds, being late, ignorance towards household chores
  20. Favorite show to binge? Brooklyn 99, Friends
  21. How tall are you? 162cm
  22. Kids? Not yet
  23. Favorite colour? Depends on the season. ATM teal and violet
  24. Can you whistle? A bit
  25. Where were you born? At a hospital
  26. Brothers or Sisters? One sister
  27. Surgeries? Some
  28. Religious? No. But I do believe in Jesus
    30 Shower or bath? Shower
  29. Like gambling? Never have
  30. Favorite place you’ve been? Most of the time it’s my home :purple_heart:
  31. Broken bones? Ankle and collarbone
  32. How many tv’s in your house? None. One computer screen.
  33. Worst pain ever? Broken heart. Physical: blistering infection in my throat by adenovirus. I kid you not. I was in the ER 3 times because of pain. Couldn’t even swallow water at the worst.
  34. Do you like to dance? Depends. By myself always. Hopefully with a hubby one day :purple_heart:
  35. Are your parents still alive? Yes.
  36. If you could go back to one day what day would that be? To my greatest downfall and I would say to myself in that hellish agony: ‘You will survive this. Don’t lose hope.’

@Milele, u want to play?


Unbeknownst to me. Wifey took a pic of me and Alice reading everyone’s answers on your silly quiz on Friday. I’m taking notes :crazy_face:
I think only 3 of us prefer spring :bouquet:

I guess after awhile I look like I wasn’t too impressed. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


Lol :joy: love it and hi :wave:t3: Alice!!

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Heck yeah, I’ll play, @Olivia :star_struck:

  1. A place you’ve always wanted to go? New Zealand aka Middle Earth! (Love the Lotr and Hobbit films, love Tolkien!)
  2. Coke or Pepsi? Either goes
  3. Do you own a gun? Nope
  4. Favorite kind of car? Don’t know much about cars, something that’s reliable
  5. Skiing or swimming? Swimming
  6. Favorite Type of food? Indian, Indonesian, Chinese, Thai, Mexican
  7. Favorite holiday? Summer holiday
  8. Can you do a 100 Push-ups? Not in a row
  9. Summer, Winter, Spring, Or Autumn? Spring
  10. Favorite hobby? Knitting, crocheting, baking
  11. Tattoos? No
  12. Do you wear glasses? Yes!
  13. Phobias? Heights, pores and holes (trypophobia), some insects
  14. Nickname? Yeah I have, maybe one day I’ll share them
  15. Three drinks you drink? Water, coffee, homemade juices
  16. Do you believe in ghosts? No
  17. Biggest Downfall? I sometimes let people use me as a doormat
  18. Rain or snow? Snow
  19. Piercings? No
  20. Pet peeves? Loud chewing, constant need to be right, micro management
  21. Favorite show to binge? Friends
  22. How tall are you? 168cm/ 5”5
  23. Kids? No
  24. Favorite colour? Yellow, gold, pink
  25. Can you whistle? Yes
  26. Where were you born? In Finland!
  27. Brothers or Sisters? Two older brothers
  28. Surgeries? Nope
  29. Religious? I guess, I could say am a Christian
  30. Shower or bath? Would love a bath! I don’t have one in my flat at the moment
  31. Like gambling? No
  32. Favorite place you’ve been? Having a hard time answering this one

  33. Broken bones? Tail bone
  34. How many tv’s in your house? One
  35. Worst pain ever? Not sure exactly what it was, I think it was menstrual pain, but it’s also possible it was a miscarriage, but can’t say, ‘cos I never took a pregnancy test.
  36. Do you like to dance? Yes!
  37. Are your parents still alive? My mum is, dad died this May
  38. If you could go back to one day what day would that be? I guess, I’d go back to that day when I was about to try weed for the first time, and talk myself out of doing it.
  1. A place you’ve always wanted to go? The top of mount Everest and space
  2. Coke or Pepsi? Coke, I love regular, cherry and vanilla
  3. Do you own a gun? I don’t want a criminal record or go to prison, so no
  4. Favorite kind of car? Stereotypical Lambo or Bugatti chiron
  5. Skiing or swimming? Skiing
  6. Favorite Type of food? Pizza corbonara especiale
  7. Favorite holiday? Sinterklaas, the thing Santa Claus is a ripoff off
  8. Can you do a 100 Push-ups? I did the last day of rehab and now my shoulder doesn’t function properly anymore
  9. Summer, Winter, Spring, Or Autumn? Summer
  10. Favorite hobby? I’d still say gaming
  11. Tattoos? Planning on getting the logo of my rehab
  12. Do you wear glasses? Yes
  13. Phobias? Spiders, needles, a light form of claustrophobia, being scared that there’s something in the dark out to kill me
    14.Nickname? Sjonnie, Jantje, Jannus, Sid(ice age), the sloth from Zootopia, Harry potter, Matt Damon.
  14. Three drinks you drink? Coke, ice tea, milkshakes
  15. Do you believe in ghosts? Yes, my room in rehab was haunted
  16. Biggest Downfall? Pissing my pants because I wanted to game
  17. Rain or snow? Snow, it’s fun to play in
  18. Piercings? Nooe
  19. Pet peeves? When I’m greeting customers and they ignore me
  20. Favorite show to binge? I don’t have a specific, but comedy shows with 20 minute episodes, except friends. I hate friends
  21. How tall are you? 6’3"/1,90
  22. Kids? Nope, that would be messed up
  23. Favorite color? Green
  24. Can you whistle? Yes and I do it all the time
  25. Where were you born? Hospital Nij Smellinghe, Drachten, The Netherlands
  26. Brothers or Sisters? 1 half brother, 1 half sister, 1 full sister, but I see them all as full siblings
  27. Surgeries? None
  28. Religious? Christian
  29. Shower or bath? Shower
  30. Like gambling? I haven’t tried, but I can guarantee I’ll get addicted
  31. Favorite place you’ve been? Tenerife
  32. Broken bones? None
  33. How many tv’s in your house? 1
  34. Worst pain ever? Climbing a fence gate, slipping and landing on my nuts
  35. Do you like to dance? Sometimes
  36. Are your parents still alive? Yes
  37. If you could go back to one day what day would that be? The day I won a national mathematics championship

Get the glue gun. I bought mine years ago, and I use it way more than I thought I would. Imagine the excitement when I discovered that there’s glittery decoration glue you can buy for it too. It’s awesome for crafts, quick fix for a lot of things and sometimes I might glue the table too :joy: so if you get one have something under like a plastic coaster and be careful that glue gets really hot.