Keeping the mind busy silly quiz đŸ€Ș

Spring in Sweden is still cold. This year we had snow and +5 degrees until late May, rainy and cold about +12-14 C until July. But I love the brightness that starts to come back in April, and Walpurgis eve.

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Oh my, I know bumping your toe is like the world is ending. Can’t imagine breaking one :scream:

Hahaha laughed out loud with the ‘Nerf’ answer :joy:

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Whaaat the heck!!! You’re 1,90??? No way :joy::smile::smile: Never would have thought that :slight_smile:

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I know right, I wouldn’t have believed it if he hadn’t stood in a door frame on zoom :flushed:

  1. A place you’ve always wanted to go? Costa Rica
  2. Coke or Pepsi - no thanks
  3. Do you own a gun? - no
  4. Favorite kind of car? Mercedes
  5. Skiing or swimming? Swimming. Not a fan of the cold or going fast
  6. Favorite Type of food? Carbohydrates
  7. Favorite holiday? Halloween
  8. Can you do a 100 Push-ups? Not even close
  9. Summer, Winter, Spring, Or Autumn? Autumn
  10. Favorite hobby? Tie between art and thrifting
  11. Tattoos? 1.25 - I used to have 3, but one is completely removed and the other one is most of the way removed (fyi getting them removed hurts WAY more than getting them done)
  12. Do you wear glasses? Yes, for distance - but I have pretty good vision without them
  13. Phobias? Abandonment
  14. Nickname? No
 I’ve always wanted one but maybe my name just suits me too well
  15. Three drinks you drink? Coffee, mineral water, Kombucha
  16. Do you believe in ghosts? No but I’m open to being proven wrong
  17. Biggest Downfall? Perfectionism
  18. Rain or snow? Rain. Not a fan of snow at all
  19. Piercings? Yes - 5 in my ears &1 in my nose. My bellybutton is also pierced but I recently took out the jewelry
  20. Pet peeves? Physics. People who don’t walk with purpose. The black licorice Trader Joe’s jelly beans that look exactly like the berry flavor FOR THE LOVE OF GODDESS WHY?!
  21. Favorite show to binge? GLOW, social documentaries, true crime shows
  22. How tall are you? 5’3"
  23. Kids? No thank you
  24. Favorite color? Gray
  25. Can you whistle? Yes, but not with my fingers
  26. Where were you born? Los Angeles
  27. Brothers or Sisters? One brother
  28. Surgeries? Nope
  29. Religious? No. Spiritual, yes
  30. Shower or bath? Shower usually but Epsom salt baths are nice sometimes
  31. Like gambling? No. I’d rather take my money and go shopping
  32. Favorite place you’ve been? Careyes, Mexico
  33. Broken bones? Nope
  34. How many tv’s in your house? 2
  35. Worst pain ever - betrayal
  36. Do you like to dance? Sure
  37. Are your parents still alive? Yes
  38. If you could go back to one day what day would that be? Just being a kid chasing butterflies in the backyard

Fave color in hexadecimal, sweet! A fetching shade, I might add. :nerd_face:

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I❀Dwight!!! The Office keeps me smiling! =D Thanks for sharing😊


40 things about me (Dana). . .

  1. A place you’ve always wanted to go? Any tropical island or Africa
  2. Coke or Pepsi- Pepsi
  3. Do you own a gun? - I dont own one but have shot alot of guns. Actually my team won 3rd place for sharp shooting in the youth division for all of Canada (this was many, many years ago)
  4. Favorite kind of car? Muscle cars, sport cars
  5. Skiing or swimming? Swimming
  6. Favorite Type of food? Pizza & fruit & wings
  7. Favorite holiday? Christmas
  8. Can you do a 100 Push-ups? Haha no
  9. Summer, Winter, Spring, Or Autumn? Autumn hands down :fallen_leaf::maple_leaf: Love the colors
  10. Favorite hobby? Weight lifting and baking custom themed cakes for others
  11. Tattoos? 7 and a half sleeve. Need more!
  12. Do you wear glasses? Occasionally but mostly contact lenses
  13. Phobias? Spiders, other bugs, heights, and fast rushing water
    14.Nickname? Used to be called “Trouble”. But im no longer trouble
 well I try not to be :wink:
  14. Three drinks you drink? Coffee, water, and smoothies
  15. Do you believe in ghosts? Yes
  16. Biggest Downfall? Addictive personality
  17. Rain or snow? Rain
  18. Piercings? I had so many at one point, now I just have my munroe piercing, nose pierced, and my ears pierced.
  19. Pet peeves? When people don’t clean up after themselves, people cursing and being ignorant on public transit (especially where kids are present)
  20. Favorite show to binge? Queen of the south, Big Brother
  21. How tall are you? 5’10
  22. Kids? N/A
  23. Favorite color? Orange
  24. Can you whistle? Not well lol
  25. Where were you born? Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada (the shithole of Canada lol)
  26. Brothers or Sisters? 1 younger brother
  27. Surgeries? 1 - I had a detached retina once which needed to be surgically fixed
  28. Religious? I’m spiritual, I follow the aboriginal culture mainly
  29. Shower or bath? Showers
  30. Like gambling? No
  31. Favorite place you’ve been? The sweat lodge in the bush
  32. Broken bones? My knuckles
  33. How many tv’s in your house? 1
  34. Worst pain ever - There’s a few things I can think of lol
  35. Do you like to dance? Yes love it!
  36. Are your parents still alive? Yes
  37. If you could go back to one day what day would that be? Hmm not sure
  1. A place you’ve always wanted to go? Hawaii
  2. Coke or Pepsi- Pepsi but I prefer RC (Royal Cola)
  3. Do you own a gun? I’m from Texas but ironically no.
  4. Favorite kind of car? Subaru
  5. Skiing or swimming? Swimming
  6. Favorite Type of food? Spicy Mexican Backyard Barbecue Tacos ( EXTRA Spicy)
  7. Favorite holiday? Easter
  8. Can you do a 100 Push-ups? If I practice DEF, yes!
  9. Summer, Winter, Spring, Or Autumn? Summer
  10. Favorite hobby? Cooking
  11. Tattoos? Yes, two.
  12. Do you wear glasses? Yes
  13. Phobias? Darkness
    14.Nickname? Nessa
  14. Three drinks you drink? Water, tea and Dr.Pepper (occasionally)
  15. Do you believe in ghosts? Yes
  16. Biggest Downfall? Attention Span
  17. Rain or snow? Rain
  18. Piercings? No
  19. Pet peeves? Opened doors
  20. Favorite show to binge? The Office
  21. How tall are you? 4’11’’
  22. Kids? 3
  23. Favorite color? Green
  24. Can you whistle? Yes very lightly
  25. Where were you born? Texas
  26. Brothers or Sisters? One sis and one brother
  27. Surgeries? 4.
  28. Religious? Catholic
  29. Shower or bath? Bath
  30. Like gambling? Yes
  31. Favorite place you’ve been? SPI, South Padres Island Texas.
  32. Broken bones? Surprisingly NO!
  33. How many tv’s in your house? 3
  34. Worst pain ever -Eye infection
  35. Do you like to dance? Yesh!!!
  36. Are your parents still alive? M
    Thankfully YES.
  37. If you could go back to one day what day would that be? My birthday, 10/07/1986
& start all over again!

40 things about me. . .

  1. A place you’ve always wanted to go? Central America El Salvador
  2. Coke or Pepsi ? Neither ill take water.
  3. Do you own a gun? - No i use to own a Glock 45 i do want onother one there fun to shoot.
  4. Favorite kind of car? CADILLAC
  5. Skiing or swimming? Swimming. Never been Skiing
  6. Favorite Type of food? Tacos.
  7. Favorite holiday? New Years and Christmas
  8. Can you do a 100 pushups? No mayb 50
  9. Summer, Winter, Spring, Or Autumn? Winter i dislike the heat :hot_face:
  10. Favorite hobby? Reading my Bible.
  11. Tattoos? Yes i have 4 on my forearms i want more
  12. Do you wear glasses? Nope i got 20/20
  13. Phobias? Tight spaces

14.Nickname? Speedy , killer , hercules , money

  1. Three drinks you drink? Water , OJ, Tea
  2. Do you believe in ghosts? Yes
  3. Biggest Downfall? ADHD :roll_eyes: gets me in trouble sometimes
  4. Rain or snow? Both.
  5. Piercings? No.
  6. Pet peeves? None
  7. Favorite show to binge? I dont watch any i read books .
  8. How tall are you? 5’9
  9. Kids? Not yet
  10. Favorite color? Blue , Royal Blue, Matte Blue
  11. Can you whistle? Yesss
  12. Where were you born? Virginia
  13. Brothers or Sisters? 2 younger brothers
  14. Surgeries? Yes surgery on my neck , chest , stomach due to complications in birth they said it was a miracle i lived.
  15. Religious? Yes Catholic and Proud to represent my Faith and Jesus !
  16. Shower or bath? Showers .
  17. Like gambling? No
  18. Favorite place you’ve been? Texas and Louisanna
  19. Broken bones? My Nose i loved to fight boxing was my favorite so i was in a handful of good ones .
  20. How many tv’s in your house? 1 .
  21. Worst pain ever ? I was a garbage truck driver once and the back almost caught my whole hand and tore it off it only caught the side of my palm when pulling away .
  22. Do you like to dance? I do.
  23. Are your parents still alive? Yes i try calling them everyday
  24. If you could go back to one day what day would that be? High School and Actually Graduate.
  1. A place you’ve always wanted to go? Honestly idk, I’ve been to Florida once. That was fun
  2. Coke or Pepsi? No soda
  3. Do you own a gun? - no, but I know how to shoot
  4. Favorite kind of car? Toyota supra
  5. Skiing or swimming? Swimming
  6. Favorite Type of food? Any.
  7. Favorite holiday? Christmas
  8. Can you do a 100 Push-ups? Yes
  9. Summer, Winter, Spring, Or Autumn? Summer. Hate winter
  10. Favorite hobby? Dirtbike, weights, jogging
  11. Tattoos? Not yet
  12. Do you wear glasses? I should
  13. Phobias? I’m afraid of everything lol
    14.Nickname? Lamica. Or lambchops
  14. Three drinks you drink? Water, almond milk, pre work out
  15. Do you believe in ghosts? Idk. I wake up thinking something is staring at me,
  16. Biggest Downfall? Wanting to be perfect, worrying to much about my looks.
  17. Rain or snow? Rain
  18. Piercings? None
  19. Pet peeves? Ppl who talk about nothing
  20. Favorite show to binge? Don’t watch TV much
  21. How tall are you? 5’ 11"
  22. Kids? 2 girls. 5 and 3 years old
  23. Favorite colour? All colors are cool
  24. Can you whistle? Yeah
  25. Where were you born? Platsburgh ny
  26. Brothers or Sisters? 1 sister
  27. Surgeries? Broken nose
  28. Religious? No, believe in a higher power tho
  29. Shower or bath? Both
  30. Like gambling? Yeah recently got bad with lottery ticket
  31. Favorite place you’ve been? Florida I geuss
  32. Broken bones? Ankle, hand, dislocated both shoulders, and nose
  33. How many tv’s in your house? 2
  34. Worst pain ever - had really bad ear infection one time.
  35. Do you like to dance? No
  36. Are your parents still alive? Yes
  37. If you could go back to one day what day would that be. I’m not sure, my gram always had good words. I miss her

38 things about me. . .

  1. A place you’ve always wanted to go?
    The Philippine Islands :palm_tree::sunrise:

  2. Coke or Pepsi? - neither, but Coke, if I had to choose.

  3. Do you own a gun? No! Never! Not even an option in Australia. :x:

  4. Favorite kind of car? Sports car

  5. Skiing or swimming?
    Swimming :swimming_man:

  6. Favorite Type of food? Spicy Mexican, or Vietnamese :hot_pepper:

  7. Favorite holiday? Any and all the holidays! :blush:

  8. Can you do a 100 Push-ups? Definitely not.

  9. Summer, Winter, Spring, Or Autumn? Summer, for sure :sunny:

  10. Favorite hobby? Learning Spanish, beach walks, watching a good movie.

  11. Tattoos? 2

  12. Do you wear glasses? No, but I think I need to

  13. Phobias? rats and lil creepy bugs

14.Nickname? Skiis

  1. Three drinks you drink? Water, celery juice, herbal teasđŸ”

  2. Do you believe in ghosts? Not sure, not really.

  3. Biggest Downfall? Addictive personality, worrying about what other people think, perfectionism, all or nothing mentality, anxious and scared all the time :pensive::-1:

  4. Rain or snow? Rain :umbrella: But really not a fan of either. Except I do like listening to the rain at night.

  5. Piercings? Ears & belly button

  6. Pet peeves? Too many to list

  7. Favorite show to binge? So many! #1 is That 70’s Show. The Grand Hotel. Friends. The office (UK version), Big Bang Theory
 and so many more!

  8. How tall are you? 167cm

  9. Kids? No thank you.

  10. Favorite color? Green :green_heart:

  11. Can you whistle? Not really but that doesn’t really stop me from trying, lolđŸ€Š

  12. Where were you born? Pinjarra, Western Australia.

  13. Brothers or Sisters? 1 brother and 1 sister

  14. Surgeries? 1. Was in a car accident. Arm was broken. Have a titanium plate now. Lung collapsed too.

  15. Religious? No. Spiritual, yes :pray::sparkles:

  16. Shower or bath? Shower.

  17. Like gambling? No

  18. Favorite place you’ve been? Been to so many wonderful places, I can’t choose just one.

  19. Broken bones? arm

  20. How many tv’s in your house? 1

  21. Worst pain ever - tube being pulled out of my side after repairing collapsed lung.

  22. Do you like to dance? Yes love it, just not very good at it.

  23. Are your parents still alive? Yes, thankfully :pray::heart:

  24. If you could go back to one day what day would that be? The last time I saw my Aunty, to tell her how much I love her and how amazing she is and that I’m so grateful to have her in my life and to say thank you to her for all her love, kindness, wisdom, compassion, knowledge and presence. I miss her so much. She passed away from breast cancer, she was so young. :cry::confounded:

  1. A place you’ve always wanted to go? the arctic
  2. Coke or Pepsi- neither
  3. Do you own a gun? - used to, know how to shoot
  4. Favorite kind of car? - none
  5. Skiing or swimming? - neither, but if I have to choose: swimming
  6. Favorite Type of food? any kind of pasta and any amount of szarlotka (Polish apple pie)
  7. Favorite holiday? - Christmas
  8. Can you do a 100 Push-ups? no
  9. Summer, Winter, Spring, Or Autumn? Autumn
  10. Favorite hobby? Playing piano
  11. Tattoos? - none
  12. Do you wear glasses? Yes.
  13. Phobias? fear of heights since parachute jump
    14.Nickname? None
  14. Three drinks you drink? Water, tea, coffee.
  15. Do you believe in ghosts? No.
  16. Biggest Downfall? - I’m a procrastinator.
  17. Rain or snow? Both.
  18. Piercings? None.
  19. Pet peeves? - Hate when someone gives unsolicited advice in sensitive topics
  20. Favorite show to binge? After life, IT crowd, Big bang theory
  21. How tall are you? Short.
  22. Kids? 2
  23. Favorite color? Green
  24. Can you whistle? No.
  25. Where were you born? Eastern Europe
  26. Brothers or Sisters? 1 brother
  27. Surgeries? Only 1 so far.
  28. Religious? No.
  29. Shower or bath? Shower.
  30. Like gambling? No
  31. Favorite place you’ve been? St. Petersburg
  32. Broken bones? Broke my toe when I got pissed off and kicked the wall.
  33. How many tv’s in your house? 0
  34. Worst pain ever - The emotional ones.
  35. Do you like to dance? No.
  36. Are your parents still alive? Yes.
  37. If you could go back to one day what day would that be? - Any day of my childhood to tell myself the sentence that changed my life.

40 things about me. . .

  1. A place you’ve always wanted to go? Santa Fe!
  2. Coke or Pepsi? Neither
  3. Do you own a gun? Nope.
  4. Favorite kind of car? I own a Nissan Rouge and I’m happy with it lol
  5. Skiing or swimming? Never been skiing but love swimming!
  6. Favorite Type of food? Sushi and basically any type of seafood
  7. Favorite holiday? Halloween
  8. Can you do a 100 Push-ups? No but I can do a few which is more than I could do before.
  9. Summer, Winter, Spring, Or Autumn? Summer for the fun vibe and activities and fall for the overall energetic feeling
  10. Favorite hobby? Photography
  11. Tattoos? None but I want some!
  12. Do you wear glasses? I have them but don’t wear them often
  13. Phobias? Falling from a great height. I’m not scared of heights but I would never do something like skydive or bungie jump
    14.Nickname? Brookie. Brookster.
  14. Three drinks you drink? Water, tea, milk
  15. Do you believe in ghosts? Yes!
  16. Biggest Downfall? I compare myself to others and can be overly critical of myself.
  17. Rain or snow? I like listening/watching the rain. Snow is ok at first when it’s pretty and new but then I’m over it quickly
  18. Piercings? Two in each ear. Had a conch piercing but it got infected after a month.
  19. Pet peeves? When people try to finish your sentences. Stupid people in traffic.
  20. Favorite show to binge? New favorite is Schitts Creek. I also like Lucifer and Grace and Frankie lol
  21. How tall are you? 5’4"
  22. Kids? 0 and plan to keep it that way
  23. Favorite color? Blue
  24. Can you whistle? Yeah but I don’t
  25. Where were you born? Maryland
  26. Brothers or Sisters? Technically a half sister but we are 7 years apart, we never lived together, and barely have a relationship which is fine.
  27. Surgeries? Eye surgery when I was a baby (I should be blind in my right eye but I’m not!), spleenectomy when I was 6, tonsillectomy when I was 12, wisdom teeth removed when I was 18 and it was literally horrible, appendix removed when I was 22 and I just had a D&C last week
  28. Religious? Nope
  29. Shower or bath? Shower but love the idea of baths lol
  30. Like gambling? I gambled a few times and I scared myself. I didn’t like the feeling, it was dangerous territory
  31. Favorite place you’ve been? Ireland
  32. Broken bones? None
  33. How many tv’s in your house? 1
  34. Worst pain ever - physical pain? When I got my tonsils out and when I got my wisdom teeth removed. Both were tourture.
  35. Do you like to dance? Yes but now that I dont drink I get self conscious lol
  36. Are your parents still alive? My dad died at 26 when I was 1. My mom is but we don’t speak. I was raised by my grandmom who is my mom and still alive! :slight_smile:
  37. If you could go back to one day what day would that be? A day to meet my dad probably.

Why thank you, fellow hexadecimal lover :rofl: :nerd_face: I wish I could get a whole set of dice in that style. That would make gaming so much funner. :laughing: