Kids not understanding importance of meetings

Day before yesterday I went to my first NA meeting ever an brought home my 60 day tag which my girls (who are 13 and 11 ) waited up for me and were over the moon about seeing my tag and hugged me. Yesterday I felt like I needed and wanted to go back to another meeting and they flipped, throwing little hissy fits , saying I just wanted to get away from them, didnt want to spend time with them (the meetings are at 8 so I leave at 730… 4hours after they’ve gotten off the bus) , and compared it to me leaving to go out with friends (which after 71 days of sobriety, my first meeting was my first time out of the house without them… I haven’t felt ready to go out)… I tried explaining its what mommy needs to further progress in recovery and meet good sober people …new friends and also for adult time and support but no, I stayed home and stayed on this site and worked on my lettering hobby ive taken up. I kinda want to do 30 meeting in 30 days, but with a 3 year old making the noon meeting is impossible without a sitter until the evening. Any advice ? I thought after finally getting them back they’d understand and support me in recovery, but instead want me home 24/7 saying I did it for 71 days here without meetings, When I know I do.

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Ok. I get what you are saying. I do. Mine are 12, 8, and 5. When I first came home from rehab they would barely let me out of their sight. It took a long time before they would let me go anywhere without them knowing otherwise they would be scared and emotional. Remember that they are kids. Their brain literally has not developed the ability to understand a lot of what you are doing and going through. It’s ok. Keep reassuring them. Remind them that you need this to be able to stay healthy and keep being with them. Bring them with you if you need to. Recovery comes first because we won’t be anywhere if we aren’t sober. It will become a part of their life, too, either withyou staying out in your addiction or by staying in the world of recovery and getting better. Let them know your schedule and when you will be back. Do what you need to do right now to get better. Your kids may not like it but it is needed.


Fyi…you can bring your kids to your meetings. I basically raised my stepdaughter going to meetings. It’s part of our life. Bring coloring books to keep them busy and have them hand out the money basket


I have been to many meeting that there has been children…:man_dancing::dancer::dancing_women::running_man:

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I had no idea I could, I guess not seeing any kids day after yesterday I assumed best without the kids. Thank you!

There was a child at my meeting on Sunday. No one seemed bothered by it. Kids must be a priority so I understand your dilemma, but you need to focus on your recovery also to ensure they are your ongoing priority.

There are usually online meetings too if you are unable to make it, or you always have here as a safe space to share.

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You’ll see more kids at womens meetings. But it doesn’t matter. Work your program, get to meetings…people understand. Your children will have to get used to it because this is important.

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@Lindsay, There seems to be a lot of children at large meetings in large cities like Fort Lauderdale, Daytona, NYC, you know large cities. Specially NA meetings, don’t be afraid to take your children, it is important that they understand your addiction and that they are apart of your sobriety. Because it’s going to be a part of their life the rest of their life and something for them to understand. They’re more than welcome there if anyone says anything ignore them. I want to rehab with a guy and his dad went to a meeting every night of his whole life. He thought he was going to a work meeting, he had no idea that he was going to an AA meeting. Come to find out this guy that I went to rehab with was an alcoholic/addict and he could have used his dad’s help and guidance and the program and he had no idea his dad was an alcoholic. :heart::heart::innocent: