Kratom discussion

I’ve been struggling with prescription pain killers for 15 years and recently discovered kratom. I’ve heard of people using kratom to beat their addiction. Do yall feel like it’s a second choice type thing and that it shouldn’t be used or do you think it’s a miracle plant for some people? I’ve done alot of research and have heard alot of good and bad.


You’re on a recovery forum. You are going to hear mostly bad. It’s an unregulated, untested drug. People get addicted to it and go through withdrawal. It’s basically like using alcohol to beat your cocaine addiction.


Cannabis is touted as a miracle drug by many. I was dangerously addicted to cannabis for years. I had severe withdrawal symptoms for two weeks when I stopped. I would be very cautious. It says in narcotics anonymous we are people with the disease of addiction, when we substitute one substance for another we release our addiction all over again.


You’re right. I’ve tried it and it does take the edge off. I also know people that’s used it to beat and addiction and stopped using kratom with little issues. I’m scared I’d just be creating another habit

I’ll just settle in and watch for a while



My Brother is a recovering opioid addict. He went from the pills to Kratom to now something new called Kava. He is just as addicted to the high from those two that he was when he was using. Kratom can be great for pain management, but you can achieve the exact same high if you take enough. It’s a super slippery slope. I have come home to find my Brother passed out sitting up straight on my couch after use, nothing short of the exact same image I have from when it was a high of the prescription variety. Each individual is different, but please be careful.


I myself am a recovering pain pill addict, (with a little over a year under my belt) and before going through rehab I tried Kratom over and over again. And just like with cannabis, there are several strains that do different things. But honestly, for me personally it made my cravings for the pain pills 100x worse and I always started the cycle over again. And I know here in Atlanta they actually do test for Kratom in drug screens. My advice, is to tell you it’s a propaganda product. And the side effects are horrible…severe nausea and vomiting, headaches, anxiety, agitation and can make depression so much worse. And the withdrawals from them are just as bad as withdrawals from pain pills. Again, this is not me stating that I’m Anti-Kratom, but me simply telling you my personal experience with it. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to ask. I hope this helps.


Yea I think it’s best I don’t use it. I’m just gonna go cold turkey. I wish the best for your brother


I appreciate the info. I was hesitant on making this post, but I’m so glad that I did now. Definitely staying away from it.


Can you get in to a rehab? Cold turkey sucks ass.


Thank you. I know that all substances react with each individuals body chemistry differently. I also unfortunately have seen it used as nothing more than a replacement substance. I understand the difficulty in going cold turkey, my Brother was forced to after being incarcerated. He suffers from a botched spinal fusion, so I do see the the toll it takes on the body and the mind living in constant pain. I’ve also seen that it can be used as much more than just pain relief. I truly wish you all the best and success in your recovery.


I didnt want to do rehab. I’m giving myself one more shot at beating this before going that route

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Depending on where you are now might be the perfect time. Waiting periods arenl shorter (in NY anyway) and it might be easier to take time off work with this whole covid business. This might be your sign.


I know that going through the withdrawals is one of the hardest things to do ever in life. But all the “magic medicines” like suboxone, methadone, subutex…they are all narcotics and they hurt you in the long run. If you decide not to go through treatment, then I have a few tips that will help you ease the pain during the process. Water, Gatorade and real fruit juices will help replenish lost nutrients as it’s hard to eat normally during the first phase. Potassium helps with the leg cramps (avocado and bananas). Melatonin helps with anxiety and sleeplessness. And long hot baths will literally take the pain away. Anything I can do to help, I’m here!!! There are H.A. meetings all around as well and are so supportive. Since we’ve all been through it. You can definitely do this!! I was stuck in my addiction with pain pills for the better part of 15 years and now I very rarely even reach for Advil. Anyways, I’m truly here for you, for anything you might need!


Thank you. I have very supportive people in my life and they have me on check 24/7. Life360 app etc… just work and home for me. Hopefully I’ll be able to check in Thursday and say I’ve made it 1 week. Would be a huge accomplishment


I really appreciate that. Just talking to people that can relate helps alot. The worst for me is the mental part. The depression etc… I think that’s way worse than the physical. I have a really good job and that’s why I’ve avoided rehab or taking time off. Didnt want to do anything to jeopardize losing it


I completely understand that aspect of it. But I also know 100% that the thought of rehab is absolutely terrifying. But that job, no matter how good it is, isn’t worth you’re life. And if you can’t get sober, not to be rude in any way, shape or form. But the addiction will take over and you’ll end up losing it anyway. Again, I’m just speaking from 1st hand experience. You have shit to do on this earth, shit that’s important and only You can do it. But you wont be able too in addiction, jail or death. I just want you to know, that if you put everything into your recovery, the mental pain and the physical pain stops!!! I mean, I used to pray for death…because I hated, utterly hated who I was. So I get it! Truly I do. But sometimes we need extra help with our illness, like rehab. I know I certainly did. The best advice I can give you for the mental aspect of the withdrawals is find a healthy outlet…like music that inspires you, or writing, reading something uplifting, going for a walk in nature. Things like that. It’s gonna be hard, and it’s a lot of work! But it CAN be done and it can be done by YOU!!!


That’s great advice that I will take up. I appreciate you talking to me for real. I have at times wished death because it just seemed like an easy way out. I got ahold of some bad pills about 8 months ago, and popped 5 of them. Wasnt but 5 minutes after taking them I knew they were bad. I honest to god thought that was it. I went home, laid in bed and wasnt expecting to wake up. I truthfully thought I was about to die and it’s sad to say but I would have rather died that day than go to the hospital and tell my loved ones about my problem. woke up the next day and looked at it as a second chance from god. Was clean just for a little while and gave in. It’s been one hell of a fight but I know I can do it. I really want to this time. I’ve been wanting a baby for the longest now and my gf told me today that if I can stay clean for 6 months she would give me one. Probably not the best time for me to bring a child into the picture but I believe that it would just give me something else to fight and stay clean for.


How long have you been clean? At what point did it get easier? The mental part

I am 395 days clean today. But I need to put a huge cloud of caution on you. I have 3 children, and I love being a mom more than anything else in this world. But my addiction caused my children so much more pain then they should’ve ever endured. I have a 10 year old daughter and a 12 year old son that I haven’t seen or spoken to since Mother’s day 2018. Their father cut me out completely. My youngest son who is now 3 has been in DFACS custody for the better part of a year. My love for them was never an issue, but on my own and by myself I wasn’t strong enough to fight my addiction. Please, please!!! Dont bring a child into this world on the basis that you want something to fight for, because the addiction will win the instant you think that way, and I dont want you to live with the pain that I do. That my children have been ripped away from me because of me and my illness. Yes, I am now on the verge of regaining custody but only because I did whatever was necessary to overcome my addiction. But I work at it every single day!!! This isn’t like quitting a job and trying to find another one. This is life changing, earth shattering, perspective altering type stuff. Please. Please think this through!!!