Freedom, possibly the strongest reason
Mental and physical health
Freedom, possibly the strongest reason
Mental and physical health
No repetitive conversations
Less doubt
Much improved relationship with my sons,
Better sleep
Face looks better
Quality time and being present with children
No hangover/withdrawals
Getting on well with my family
My appearance and mentioned health have improved
Getting my emotions back
Seeing the beauty in the world
Stronger relationships with my kids
Pride in myself
A feeling of peace
All the possibilities.
Never having to deal with the crippling anxiety of a hangover again.
Showing up and being present for life.
Better physical and mental health
Not wasting large amounts of money on destroying myself
Discovering my true personality
Enjoying food
Not thinking of going to the shop to pick up
Being present for myself and children
Honesty. I don’t have to hide, lie and pretend anymore. It’s a great relief.
My kids and grandchild have a sober mom/granny.
I love to read again.
Freedoms I am afforded.
Ability to actually deal with my mental health and wellness.
Thriving instead of surviving (and barely at that).
Working in addiction care and contributing to people’s Recovery, including my own.
Working to improve my mental health and general well being.
Actually saving some money for the first time in my life.
-Enjoying my mornings
-No nausea or vomiting
-Feeling my emotions
feel good (rather than miserable and sick from hangover, regret, hangxiety).
Positive role model for the children in my life.
Freedom (especially to be able to leave - drive - when I want / need to.
Pride over shame
Better focus
Inner peace