- Inhibition exists
- No hangover
- More money for cake
No hangover is always a great start to the day.
Less depression. Less anxiety.
Being involved in my kids lives
Going to church and not falling asleep
Having energy
Fantastic sleep
More confidence
Almost 0 anxiety
- Fogless brain
- Being present in life
- No shame
- Remembering everything.
- Vast improvements in physical and mental health.
- Not hateing myself anymore.
*No shame
*No guilt
*No hangover/blackouts
No more sorry msgs the next morning
Got some money in the bank
No more lies
Its ok to have dessert now. Dessert is amazing
Feeling confident
Knowing what happened every day
~ not living a doubellife; feeling a whole person
~ no shame/feeling guilty
~ growing self confidence
Not been red hot all the time
No hangover
Not losing full days
No Shame , no quilty, no hangover
waking up early, feeling all my emotions, always being alert
- Always being accountable for my own actions
- Drive for success
- Better relationships
- Clear head (no brain cloud)
- Kid’s are proud of me.
- Sleep through the night
1-Freedom-I can do most anything I want/need to, anytime now
2-Healing-Spiritual, mentally and physically
3-Rediscovering myself and my passions
- being here / living in the moment
- having control of my life
- sharing my story
~ Ashley Marie
Being healthy
Feeling happy
Getting my health and exercise routine back.
Almost everything I say finally makes sense.
Having so much more patience with my toddler, my boyfriend and myself
Clouds in my head are vanished