Lets talk about relapsing

I havent relapsed after i downloaded the app but a lot before i found this app. Tell ur own story abt relapses


I downloaded this app at around 100 days. I am a few days away from 2200 days. I come here pretty much daily. I’ll let everyone draw their own conclusions from that.


The biggest lie that you’ll hear about relapsing is that it’s part of recovery… No, it’s not, it’s part of addiction. The next relapse may be the one that kills us.

I relapsed when I stopped working on my recovery. I’m 1473 days sober now, I’ve done something recovery related on all of them. Best wishes to you :slightly_smiling_face:


I had many relapses until i found this app and thats what made the difference, we cant recover alone, im 14 months and ive been here daily since and not relapsed


Relapse is a choice. Every day I choose not to relapse. I will do anything to stay sober.


This is great topic, and one we don’t objectively talk about as much as we should IMO.

I relapsed once

I don’t really count all the non-starts (the 3 or 5 day stretches) as relapse, I never really got it going.

The relapse began days before drinking and I wasn’t aware that it was happening. I withdrew from here and became angry at the world. A fight with my wife was the last step and at the first opportunity, I drank, to complete the relapse process. I had made it 58 days sober before then.

Some data on relapse:

  • 40% to 60% of addicts will relapse - which means it’s NOT a part of recovery.

  • Most relapses occur within the first 90 days

  • Relapse is widely considered abandonment of a recovery program and often occurs days, weeks or months before actually using/drinking.

If you find yourself begining to withdraw from your program, you might be at risk. As long as you dont use/drink, there is time to turn around; get involved in your program, even if you don’t want to, you may thank yourself later!!!


I relapsed last night. I don’t even know why. I told myself around 500 pm I’m going to drink tonight and I kept replaying that 1 thought in my head until i did. I woke up this morning sick and not remembering what happened. I reset my calendar and here I am hilding myself accountable. Sorry ME.


I had never felt like I needed to stop… that is until going to jail a couple times and being told if I didn’t go to rehab I couldn’t work in medicine any longer.

I’ve never seen anyone share at a meeting that they were “so glad to have relapsed” and, I likely never will. Thinking I don’t need to try it again cause I’m sure as shit not special.

So, today I choose to be sober and I feel that being connected with you fine people, my home group and my HP I will continue to be happy, joyous and free. Simple


Great truth. I completely agree with you. :clap::clap::clap:


I relapsed two times in the first week after I set my intention to quit drinking. Both taught me I wasn’t adequately prepared. I cannot keep alcohol in my house if its a brand that I used to drink and I cannot test myself with just one.

I’m in the 600+ days now without alcohol but any day I could toss that away. Every day I remember how far I’ve come and how grateful I am for sobriety. I don’t test myself and I try to heal what made me drink a little more each day. I check in with addicts daily.


I quit drinking more then 10 years ago with the help of an Dutch online recovery group a bit alike TS.
Was sober for 5 years with the help of that app and started to think I got it.
Started to think I was cured after such a long time of not drinking.
At my birthday in a restaurant I ordered a glass of wine. Thought I could moderate it.
That went fine for a short period, but that voice of addiction was right back in my head.
After a while my drinking become more and also obsessive. Then the black outs where back as well.
I decided to quit again and found this app. A few weeks later was my sober date and I’m sober still more then 5 years now.
Being here almost every day keeps myself focussed and accountable.


You either work on your recovery our you work on a relaps. It took me quite some time to figure out what recovery is for me. So that for me would be the more interesting question. For me recovery means to work it, doing the steps and working on my mental health. One important finding for me is that social acceptance is also not recovery. Did that also a few times, new job , new partner etc. But real recovery happens within and for me is about building me a life I don’t need to run from :pray:


Your experience mirrors my own. I made it to 59 days. I am currently on Day 55 and very conscious of it so working really hard here to stay engaged. My first sign was becoming disconnected from here too.


Cant comment on relapse as i havnt yet , but it does happen , keep on trucking


Next time that thought pops into your head…come here first.


I now belong to the “no matter what” club.
I’ve experienced a lot during sobriety (death of family/friends, financial ruin, job loss to name a few).
I can think of a lot of excuses but I will not pick up no matter what.


Thats a pretty darn good club.


Almost two years ago now I hit a bad low where my mom kept pushing me to talk to someone so I started seeing a counselor who specialized in trauma. I have a lot of that coming from my parents divorce and my dad moving states away from us at 13 years old after some scary experiences my dad put us through, then going on to living with just my mom (and brother) and having a terrible relationship with her, to heavy drug and alcohol use where I blacked out most times, to traumatic romantic relationships since I can remember to getting pregnant at 19 with my abuser who left me shattered and to raise our son alone, to finding out my son has a lifelong severe disability, to my 22 year old cousin who was like my sister unexpectedly passing away from using…I buried everything with drinking. I always have. She straight up told me, I cannot help you unless you stop drinking. And I knew she was right…how were we to ever heal or even differentiate what was being caused by alcohol and where the trauma was that I desperately needed healing from. It took me awhile to commit to the idea of sobriety but I did. The longest I went was two months then I relapsed that same day, then went another two months straight and then I just gave up. Two months seems to be my kryptonite. I just wanted to drink more than I wanted sobriety. I only saw her for six months because that’s when my insurance changed and we had felt pretty good about the work we’d done. But the truth is I had so much more to do. I know healing is kind of a forever thing, but let me tell you, it’s kind of impossible to do when you are drinking to mask feelings or feel “happier” in the moment. I was also diagnosed with major depression, generalized anxiety, adhd, bipolar 2 and borderline personality disorder. And yet I felt numb…I wondered how much of the symptoms I had was really from alcohol. Or at least magnified them. Here I am at day nine, trying to start this new life that’s happening for me without the pain or disappointment of using alcohol in with it. My ex leaving was also actually a blessing in disguise because we drank heavily together. We both wanted to stop too…so I guess it’s good we are apart so maybe both of us can get sober.


I relapse on Alcohol and cigarettes, I feel rejected and been taughted for years now. I feel hurt and upset still about not seeing my kids, and the one person I really wanted to be in a relationship with, hurt me the most. I know I can stay sober it’s just I feel like my life is trashed. Today I feel not well. I’ve been questioning if I even need the sober time application for years. Been deleting and redownload the application for a year or so everyday.


Your not alone, I knew I was going to since I been having a hard time keeping myself employed. The pain hurts, and the ongoing taughting, but it was my breaking point. I’m upset.