Let's to fill the points together! 😉

Hello everybody.

You know those people who sometimes think that they might have a drinking probreml but they’re not sure…? Most of us know the answer…oh yes, mate. You very likely have a drinking problem because you’re questioning your drinking.

I was thinking about it. Because we are all so unique that we all can drink and behave different but still have a drinking problem. So what is the thing which is common for all of us??

I think it’s not about how many drinks we managed to have. If we drank to blackout. What kind of alcohol we drank. If we drank from the morning…etc.
What we all have in common is the way we saw the alcohol when we started to be addicted to it. That we saw it as a helpful tool, something we were putting at the first place.

And so I decided to write down few points how I saw an alcohol and you all feel free to add yours.

Maybe it will help to somebody to answer the question “Am I an alcoholic?”

:champagne: I loved the buzz in my head which came after few couple of drinks. That’s why I drank alcohol. There was no another reason.

:champagne: When I decided to drink I would be always making sure that there is enough alcohol not to run out of it.

:champagne: I would find events without alcohol boring.

:champagne: I would put events including alcohol before events where no drinking was involved.

:champagne: Alcohol would change my behaviour.

:champagne: I wouldn’t see any reason in drinking only few drinks. I would rather not to drink at all.

:champagne: I would feel more confident when drinking and it was one of reasons why I used to drink.

:champagne: I would hang out with people who liked drinking, too. I would put aside others.

:champagne: I hated when people decided to go home when I wasn’t ready to stop drinking yet.

:champagne: I would hate wasting alcohol.

:champagne: I would be saving money on everything except alcohol.

:champagne: I would be hiding how much alcohol I really drank in front of others. I would be cheating in order to get more alcohol.


Omg @Jana1988 you have put exactly how I felt I could of written the same as you did .! X

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For me at least it wasn’t drugs.
Alcohol is legal, champagne is luxury.
I didn’t break the law and I just could afford to treat myself with “good things”


I had an “emergency” six pack in the garage

If i went to an event that didnt have alcohol, i would make sure to drink before hand

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Yup. Would always make sure that there would be enough In the fridge to never run out. If i got down to a half a case i would go buy two more just so i knew I would have that reserve just in case I drank the entire night away. Doesnt help that the liquor store in my area also delivers either.

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I would bring my own alcohol to events that didn’t have it, to events where the alcohol was too expensive, or even when my friends and I would go to bars or restaurants because I “wanted to save money”. If I could use a flask I did, but at events where they checked you and your stuff I would ask a friend or my ex who I was going with to carry a fake lotion bottle in their purse. If it was an out door event I had a fake sunscreen bottle that I’d put in a bag with a few other items. It was always filled completely full so even if it was picked up and shaken, it seemed like lotion.

I never though I had a problem, just that I was being frugal. If I didn’t think I could get away with bringing in something, I’d be far less likely to go.

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:champagne: i would dismiss events last minute that i was excited to go to - even got all dressed up for - to continue drinking at home

:champagne: i would wake up with a raging headache in the morning bc i smoked a pack of cigarettes while drinking.

  • if there were drinks left on tables and people were dancing or away I’d quickly drink these / swipe them (yuck)

I was the queen of the “bump up bottle”… basically rum in a water bottle that could be added to any drink. :woman_facepalming:t4: God that’s embarrassing saying out loud. Glad that’s a thing of the past. Now I’m the gum girl :joy:


I would stash my empties to the point where all of my bags, my nightstand, my dressers were filled with empty bottles bc I was too afraid to throw them away. Would only buy half pints or shooters bc it wasn’t a fifth, figured that was better somehow even though I bought enough to equal a fifth anyway.
Would get hellaciously grumpy and rude if someone didn’t want to take me to the store again if I ran out. Flat out refused to go to events if I couldn’t drink. Only got rides with friends that allowed me to drink in their car.

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I was doing the same! :woman_facepalming:t3::smile: Or of the other person drank too slow and I felt too ashamed be ordering already fird drink meantime he had still the first one, I would “help” with his drink meamtime he was at toilet so he would finish it a bit faster :woman_facepalming:t3::woman_facepalming:t3::woman_facepalming:t3::smile::smile::smile::smile:

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Oh yes…cigarettes ways gave me headache because I would smoke only when I was drinking. Which was almost daily :smile: I also smoked at least a pack of cigarettes… Now I don’t smoke at all.


Is this exclusively for alcohol, or can I share about gaming addiction?

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Of course you can share yours, too. I am curious! :wink:

:video_game: I pretended to be I’ll over 10 times each year so that I could stay home and game.
:video_game: I always overslept and got late to school at least once ever week, because I watched YouTube all night.
:video_game: If I liked a Netflix show I would watch one season each day
:video_game: I neglected hygiene
:video_game: when someone passed away, I didn’t mourn
:video_game: I fucked up school
:video_game: I became very aggressive due to an abusive past that I pushed away with gaming
:video_game: I adapted my sleeping schedule to an Australian twitch streamer, I live in a completely opposite timezone
:video_game: All my friends were online or people I knew from school who gamed a lot
:video_game: At some point I communicated more in English than my native tongue
:video_game: In 4 days I managed to go from noob to top 10 of Europe. Was a new game so the rankings weren’t very high, but still
:video_game: Lying down for the entirety of the summer holiday to game
:video_game: Looking like a male snow white because I didn’t come outside except for cycling to the busstation or work
:video_game: Being physically weak and short of breath everytime you move

You don’t need to have all these things to have a
These are a few things one can recognize game/screen addiction from, I will add more if I think of more


Oh man, I used to do this too! :sweat_smile:

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That is crazy, man. Generally, how we push away normal life and normal things to feed our addiction. I am glad that you’re being so strong and without games! I really admire you. It’s amazing that you could realise and self-admit that you’re an addict. It wants a big ampunt of self-consciousness.


How many times this :point_up_2:t3::joy::sweat_smile:

Oh yes, the slow drinkers. I’m guilty to that one too.