LGBTQ+ & Sober: Coming Out Later In Life

LGBTTQQIAAP (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, transsexual, queer, questioning, intersex, asexual, ally, pansexual)

New kind of nick is the alphabet mafia…
No one is left out the + is the end result of two many letters…

Sadly like everything in life not all but people that dont get an individual place them in the sterotypes theyve been brought up on or havent educated themselves enough to understand

Why cant the world see love as love
Like countries with different religions we as humans judge

And this is why i dislike people who come to mock, because i havevt understood what P he means now after reading below comments!


Care to explain who you refer to?


Just popping by to say I see you LGBTQ members and to offer my love and support. :heart::rainbow::heart:



This is a complete sentence


Well I came out at school in 6th grade and came out to my parents in 7th or 8th. Came out on insta in 9th grade, currently in 10th grade. I can honestly say that being bi has taught me some things. My father is simply accepting of me because I’m his daughter otherwise he’s unaccepting which sucks but there’s nothing I can do. Um yeah thats really it tbh. Everyone here has my support so live your life peoples !!


It gets better, I promise.


Thank you for trusting us enough to share your truth here. :heart:


I just want to say that I support you, love you, and admire you.

I am so happy that you feel comfortable sharing this part of yourself with us, here.

Shine on, my friend.


Comes down to about the same in my book. I’m glad for you anyway Mel. Love and hugs.


And there is nothing wrong with your sexuality… Your allowed to like who you want!..

Im sorry that simple minded/closed minded people would call you a dyke, i know unpleasant feeling it can cause.

You are being the authentic you!
As for your friend thinking its ok to do the flirt on you… Ive never quite got how people presume your into everyone! Some of my friends were admanant i wanted them, correcting them was fun… I dont like every lady like you dont like ever guy!!!

Anyway sending hugs and love your way for writing this here!


I too am bisexual. It’s been tough for me as people do not take me seriously when I tell them-like you said there’s a stigma or negative connotation associated with being bi. Almost like you just like to sleep around (or that’s how some people have made me feel) I fall in love with peoples soul’s not what gender they are and I don’t think I should be shunned for it. Thank you for being so honest and vulnerable, it has helped me just now to come out to this community :heart:


I know that feeling ever so well, do not fear because for some its not as easy to just come out.
Believe me i had to make a descision when i came out as i knew my family were never going to be supportive.
Even being honest about not being out is courage.
Its your life x

I think i got to a point with a couple of friends who were making the comments danni would so do me like i wasnt there, so i asked would you go with x or y from our group of friend… When they were on the defence and replied no, i calmly went ewwww i wpuldnt go with you either. They got it from that point or i would directly say now thats a lady i want!!! If someone was my type past…

The line i have a le$bean friend i think you’d like her, why would i, well shes gay for a start FML! That one would make me walk off


I been lurking and liking to show my support. I don’t know what to say. But I love everyone of you guys.
And it really pisses me off when I see the hate. :pray:t2::pray:t2:


You are all brave and fantastic people :heart:
I truly hope karma is casted upon those who hate you.


Hello everyone I’m Andy even do I try not to label myself you could say I’m a lesbian I came out 3 years ago I was almost 29. It wasn’t easy because I was always scared of what people would say especially my family. We are latins and my grandmother always talk about homosexuality as a sin. My dad still has a hard time talking about this because he comes from a really homophobic family but he has show his love and support. I had a really bad relationship two years ago that I started drinking a lot, now I’m a lot better I know who I want to be and I’m not scared of what the other say about me and my parents have been my number 1 support. Hope everyone has a nice day a big hug


And look how beautiful you are in recovery.


Apologies for the lack of accents…subtitle writer should be ashamed, Frasier Crane would never allow such disregard.


Thank you for sharing! Bisexuals definitely face discrimination from within the community - just as others do for not being “gay enough,” having a history with the opposite sex, not being a feminist, having children from a previous relationahip, or not being a “Gold Star,” etc… It’s so sad and unfortunate that we face scrutiny in a community that is supposed to embody inclusion and acceptance. I will say for the most part most of us are loving beautiful people, but like anything else, there are a few bad eggs.

I encourage you to embrace your truth, and don’t think too hard about the opinions of others. This type of behavior is usually a reflection of their own incompetence or insecurity, not yours. Being bisexual does not mean you’re attracted to everyone. It does not mean you’re promiscuous. It does not mean being with one gender negates your love and preference for the other.

I hope you have found some support and validation here. :heart:


Absolutely! Take your time. :two_hearts:

You’re most welcome! Thank you for pointing out some of the judgments bisexuals face. A lot of people also assume bisexuals end up with men. I can relate to a lot of this in the lesbian community as well. It took me a long time to find someone who understood my journey and loved me anyway. Today, I have a beautiful wife who is a perfect partner.

Love yourself. Hold your boundaries. Don’t lose hope!