Life as Bob

Hello everybody, I’m Bob and I currently have 237 days of sobriety. I’m looking forward to getting to know the good people here.
I started drinking when I started drinking about 40 years ago, pretty casual until the last 27years when I was really getting after it. I drank every day except 2. Yep, there were 2 days on the last 27 years that I didn’t drink. How much you ask? When the doctor asked that question I told her, “as much as I can”. That was the first time I ever said it out loud, kinda makes me cringe to hear it.
Bourbon was my drink of choice, but I’d drink about anything that was around.
I was a very high functioning alcoholic, I never got in trouble with the law, or family, no medical problems. Have always excelled at my job. If I wasn’t on the clock, I most certainly had alcohol in my system, guaranteed.
I had originally stopped drinking on 9-9-21 and maintained my sobriety for over a year. Then, I thought I could be the exception to the rule, I could drink responsibly, I must have forgotten about chapter 2 in The Big Book. I absolutely cannot. I learned, I did a lot of pre-quitting research and planning. I used Chantix and quit smoking on 12-22-23. Yah, right before Christmas, and while still on the meds I quit drinking 30 days later. And here we are.
I’ve made significant life style changes. Took the bar out of the basement, got rid of all the alcohol in the house.
Managed to maintain my sobriety through a couple of summer vacations, one was an all inclusive resort in Mexico. I do not recommend that scenario to someone newly sober.


Bob, I love your post. It all rings so true. Congrats! Carry on…


Welcome Bob.
Congratulations on that 237 ODAATs
This is a great sober community to get and give support.
We got similar stories only I started drinking 45 years ago. Shit almost 50 years ago now. I’m coming up on 5 years in January. Been on this forum probably every day.

I start my day on the gratitude thread. Great bunch over here Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #7
I’ll save ya a seat. Bring your own coffee though.
Hope to see you around.


Welcome Bob! It’s good to read your story. I too thought I could go back out after 16 months, but nope. The experiment turned up the same results it always did.

I’m happy to say that with the help and support (and fun) of this amazing community, I’ve got over 2 years continuous sobriety, am working a program, and have zero plans of heading back out there!

No pressure, but if you use the magnifying glass at the top and find the pet thread, we’d love to meet who is at the end of your leash! :star_struck:

Looking forward to seeing you around the threads!


I must get new glasses, thought @Sturges68 was holding an edge trimmer! :rofl:


I thought it was a tennis racket :joy:
I didn’t look good.
I think you’re right M.
No where are those cookies?


LOL I hope you and @Dirk and I aren’t making @Sturges68 reconsider his choice of community! :smile: (Honest, we’re pretty normal, Bob!)

But… now you guys got me wondering if it’s a BBQ lighter? :face_with_hand_over_mouth: :see_no_evil:


Heck yeah, Bob! Good to meet you and that sure is a fancy cordless single handed power washer- lawn edger thingy! Hugs on those days & please stick with it.


This is Yoshi


This is Yoshi


Ok everyone, meet Yoshi


Congratulations Bob :confetti_ball: adorable dog :dog2:


Welcome to the community, Bob! My dad’s name is Bob, it has a nice ring to it :blush: Congrats to you on your recovery from alcohol and smoking, both a big deal. Hope you find some connection here.


What a sweetie! Check out the thread linked below for more pet pics :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Pet pics


Lol. You and me both.

Welcome to the community Bob. Glad you’re here. :v:


Thanks for sharing and congratulations on 237 days sober!


Welcome to the community, @Sturges68, glad to have you onboard! :clap:

P.S.: Yoshi is SO beautiful! :dog::heart_eyes:


I love Yoshi! Great picture!

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I used to manage a kennel Bob, and forgive me for saying this, but shibas could drive me to drink, so much energy. Handsome puppers though! Thanks for post
*and devilish jntelligence, if any dog would figure a way around our safeguards, it was a shiba, climbing backwards up chain link fence and leaping over.


Welcome to TS Bob (and Yoshi)!!