Like a cat on a hot tin roof

Right so here’s how day 1s gone down, can’t settle or sit still drank lots of reboot tea and I’ve just put on fresh bedding and I’ve brushed my teeth I’m contemplating shower, and that’s me done doesn’t sound much but it’s taken it outta me also hit a na meeting for half hr and reached out to some friends, i sends prayers out to the still suffering addicts


You accomplished a lot today in my opinion. In my early days, if all I did was brush my teeth, I called that a big win. I aimed to do at least 1 thing each day and if I did more than 1, I was over the moon excited. All that matters, is that you go to bed sober. Sending you lots of love. :heart::heart::heart:


Yeah head down clean Lisa goodnight good bless


Night, night my love.

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Good morning, I’m would like to check in morning and bedtime so I hope I don’t bore u too much, it worked for me before so, it can again, it’s been a year of highgs and lows stsrtyi g out on my recovery journey longest I made was 5 n hf months, but its become apparent I just swap one addiction for another so herion woukd be replaced by gambling, then that would be replaced by men n sex or ego driven all feeling avoid, its day 2ctoday so again of I can at least bruth my teeth n wash I’m a step ahead, I start a over the phone counselling session today aswell,. I wish you all a humble caring loving day for ourselves and loved ones.


Good morning. I’m glad you chose to check in instead of use. Sending you positive vibes on today.


Thanks kind ppl. X your love helps me until I can start lovi g myself again


Good you’re here Emma. Post away. I love to see people make progress. all success in your recovery. Hugs and love.


Good to hear from you Emma. Hello from Canada! Rooting for you. Thinking of you today. Take care and check in as often as you want. :smile:

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Thanks matt just had alittle sleep now starting my first councelli g session. Did some laundry so not all bad for day 2 feel exhausted thou. X


Sending love and doing prayer for you xx

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Thankyou. X

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This is so beautiful and so tru

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Good morning, I’m would like to check in morning and bedtime so I hope I don’t bore u too much, it worked for me before so, it can again, it’s been a year of highgs and lows stsrtyi g out on my recovery journey longest I made was 5 n hf months, but its become apparent I just swap one addiction for another so herion woukd be replaced by gambling, then that would be replaced by men n sex or ego driven all feeling avoid, its day 2ctoday so again of I can at least bruth my teeth n wash I’m a step ahead, I start a over the phone counselling session today aswell,. I wish you all a humble caring loving day for ourselves and loved ones.


OK the end of day 2 harder than yesterday, but got to shower brush my teeth and start my first councelling session over phone test of day have been sleeping, once again doesn’t seem alot but I’m so mentally tired each relapse takes that little bit more outta of you, but I’m willing and able to put the work in, I just need to be patient with myself. X goodnight all and thanks for the love. X


That a girl; I’m so glad you’re here! :kissing_heart:

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The only easy day was yesterday. Keep grinding every day, no days off. It may seem to get easier in the future, but it didn’t get easier…you just got stronger. The only way to get stronger is to keep getting after it.


And so I shall my dear friend

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Me too Donna me too it’s hell on earth out there


Great job staying strong just take it a day at a time you got this!