Like a cat on a hot tin roof

I know how that feels… relapse… starting over…
sometimes I would describing getting sober after a long period of drinking like swimming/floating around under water Submerged in barely consciousness , or sinking in deep oceans … because it does feel like you’re sinking …

And then emerging, crawling on the shore,drenched in water and all your Clothes are heavy. Your muscles are weak and need adjusting

But if all you can do right now is crawl, further and further away from the water

That’s amazing… it’s 1 day at a time

You will get on all fours
You’ll on your knees
You’ll get on ur feet
You’ll walk again
And you’ll have the strength to sprint again one day

Used to tell myself, It doesn’t matter how slow i go, time is on my side.
As long as I’m fighting upward


Ayyyyyy thanks for your tru kind words such love

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Hey Emma!!! I’m so glad you are here with us. It’s so hard coming back and I’m very proud of you lovely! Be gentle on yourself hun. Great to see you :pray:t2::two_hearts::two_hearts::two_hearts:


Thanks so lovely to be bk. Xx


goodnight Emma, proud of you :hugs:

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Another day done!! I’m really effing proud of you Emm!! Much love and rest well.

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Your strong @Lilemm you don’t stop fighting. So much respect for you! Your a f*cking warrior!

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So happy to see your posts every day, keep it going :slight_smile:

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Way to go! Those are all huge tasks to accomplish. Baby steps hugs

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Go Em! You can do it :muscle:

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You are a strong and courageous woman Em. Proud of you for choosing sobriety again! You deserve to be sober and happy! :hugs:

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Thanks growing stronger emotionally physically and mentally daily. I m digging deep and getting it down but learning from past experience it has to be done with gentle care and patience, reminder to self the world doesn’t have to work on my timescale and what suits me meaning the ego has to go. X


Playing to our strengths is wise! Rebuilding that sober toolbox, bravo to you!! :heart:


Day 3 still here fighting for my life, I ve been in bed and accomplishing teeth shower and sleep today I’m going on a a small walk with my friend first bit of fresh air in days, I said I can only be about hr as I get so tired so easily but feel good I’m making effort, didnt sleep well but tbe on opiate and downers, check in again later love u all Emma


Hey emma, been followin youe story for the past few days. Congrats on day 3. Stay strong you can do this. Remember the more time that goes by the better you will feel. Opiate withdrawal sucks but not waking up sick everyday is a blessing. Good luck to you!


Thanks buddy I’m suck of this never ending circle of misery and I know its all on me. Xx onwards I go

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Yes its definitly a never ending cycle or hell. Glad you have the right mindset!

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Courage!!! Every day sober counts!!! Eventually you will feel more energy. Three days without consuming is a great step


Just came bk from walk gona now rest as its taken it outta me atm to just exsist. X sad af really


Good for you Emma. Your body deserves this loving care - you deserve this love for yourself. Enjoy your walk!