Liver disease

Wow so it was cold symptoms for you? It’s interesting how different everyone is.

Ya everyone at work and my family would tell me I never feel good. I work a 7-4 min-fri so I wake up at 530 come home after work settle in get drunk then pass out before 8 so my body/health is terrible. :disappointed: do you have cirrhosis too?

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It going to get better especially now that you have started to improve yourself. I don’t know if I do but I’m going to the doctors to get checked. I don’t have any symptoms the only thing that lingered but has improved dramatically was itching I had. I’m currently 30 days clean!

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That’s awesome congrats! My cold/hot sweats are coming up and I get antsy not knowing what to do so I’m trying to keep myself busy and getting back into cooking

Keeping yourself busy is key! It’s so important to recovery and feeling better

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Hey and welcome! I am around your age and got diagnosed with alcoholic cirrhosis at age 27. I’ve been sober for four years. When I first found out I didn’t stop drinking-I truly just wanted to die. Mine was so bad I was puking up blood, I was jaundice all over my face and eyes but I couldnt stop drinking due to the withdrawals. But like you, I finally reached out went to detox and rehab and have been sober ever since. I just got an endoscopy done of my liver and a scope biopsy of my liver and pancreas. My doctor told me after four years of abstaining from alcohol with the proper nutrients and losing weight, I have basically reversed my cirrhosis. Understand that a cirrhotic liver due to alcohol can become almost a normal liver again. They may not tell you this but I am your proof… You just need to commit to a healthy lifestyle and know if you continue down this path, you have a death sentence. Please message me if you have any questions. I’m here to support you as is everyone else. Hope my story helps you in moments where you feel hopeless @Lolo4shodoe :heart: as far as your blood work goes, I’m assuming your liver enzymes were elevated? Did a doctor specifically say you have cirrhosis? They’ll probably do a biopsy and endoscopy to see how far along it is.


It’s so good to see you. I admire the kids out of you.


Thank you for your story. I’m waiting for a follow up as other things were not at normal levels and waiting for an appt for an egd as well. I knew something was wrong about a week ago when I went to take a shot like any normal day and threw up blood. They haven’t specified the stage yet.



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I’m doing well, thanks for asking! I’m sorry to hear you’re dealing with the withdrawal symptoms but stay strong and keep on going!

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So glad you’re here! Welcome! I have had concerns with liver issues which is one reason of many I quit drinking. I had a blood work last year that said my enzymes were slightly elevated and it scared the shit out of me. I have done a lot of reading on it because alcoholism runs in my family and my grandpas brother died of cirrhosis. I’ve read obviously the damage can’t be reversed because it’s scar tissue but quitting drinking can return function. The liver is actually an amazing organ that can heal itself. I also started taking Milk Thistle supplement pills everyday 2-3 times a day per my doctor’s recommendation as it’s a natural liver healer/promoter. I recommend trying that if your doctor is okay with it. After taking them for 6 months my enzyme function was back to normal. I’m now dealing with a thyroid that’s slightly sluggish. My doctor said it’s not at a concerning level and that changing my diet wouldn’t help much, but I think that’s bullshit and I think drinking definitely has a negative effect on the thyroid. I’ve really been focused on trying to eat better and I’m getting ready to start a new workout routine again. I’m also sleeping a lot better since quitting drinking. Alcohol is basically one of the worst kinds of drugs there is because you’re slowly pouring poison into your body and the effects are staggering but stopping is the best thing you can do!


I’m sure you have already been learning about treatments but black seed oil is very good for liver injury. You should look into getting some and starting to take a spoonful a day. Everyone even without cirrhosis and just who has drank a lot can benefit from this too. I’m so sorry this has happened but you are doing great


I hope you can gain some…er, hope from yhe replies you’ve received. So many of us prove that healing is possible in sobriety…mind, soul, and body!


‘Alanine transaminase (ALT) is an enzyme that mainly exists in your liver. An ALT blood test is often included in a liver panel and comprehensive metabolic panel, and healthcare providers use it to help assess your liver health. High levels of ALT in your blood may indicate that you have damage to your liver and/or a liver condition’

At the peak of my drinking my ALT level in my bloodwork was 120…normal level is 0-35, after 2 months sober my ALT level was 35 and now im almost 6 months sober my ALT level is 18…just a little food for thought. Sending my love to you :heart:


Hi Hazy yes i absolutely hear you, i should have maybe stated that i have gone sober for many reasons …i only know my blood stats because im on a drug for psoriasis which i have to have regular blood , liver and kidney function tests for so i was just pointing out the difference in liver results since i went sober for the OP to see that sober time can make a difference, you are absolutely right that cold turkey is extremely dangerous and i wasnt advocating that


Nothing about cold turkey; just about the liver test :pray:.


That was just my experience with tests, everyone is different but i get what your saying


Thank you for the advice :blush::pray:t3:


Thank you I appreciate it :relaxed:


Thank you for sharing your story! Glad to hear you’re doing well :blush:

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