Loner nature

Glad your ok @vagabond ,happy meditations. I hope the rest of the summer treats you well and good luck in your move .please do update us :+1::muscle::love_you_gesture:

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Smithfield, North Carolina.

I visited two years ago, for a week. That week contained a lot of foreshadowing for what I would go on to experience.

The memoir would open here.

I’m sleeping at Riverside Cemetery during the day. And next to the public library in the wee hours, when it’s chilly and damp.

Well. Gotta go ask Farmer Brown if there’s any help he needs. Catch ya later.


I can relate to this so much. It’s hard to trust people so I just stopped doing that. I am trying to instead trust in the community of support available to get sober with the understanding that individuals will at some point let me down. Because humans are messy just like me.


We can conquer them someday. But for now… we train and grow stronger. Mentally and emotionally stronger. I don’t like lifting weights.