Made sober plans with friends but they turned it into drinking

Told my friends i want to stop drinking to help my mental health, and they were really supportive!! we made plans to have a movie night without any alcohol, which i was really appreciative of

but now one of them is bringing alcohol, the other is going have ‘just one’, and someone else is apparently bringing drugs???

Just so frustrating because i have to not go now, because im not in a place where i can be around partying. Was really looking forward to seeing them as well…


Congrats on making the right and wise choice friend. Congrats on choosing you. And thanks for sharing. It’s a pity your friends aren’t supportive. BTW, partying has gotten a whol new meaning for me since I quit drinking and drugging.


thank you. I think i’m even more upset because the plan was originally supportive of me trying to be sober. I know it’s best for me to not go though and so I won’t


Understandable. I’m just glad it isn’t making you doubt your own sobriety.


I think it would have before, but I only just rethought my sobriety yesterday and i’m paying for it today! back to day 1 but wiser to my antics than before


Great choice!!! That is a huge step.


Great decision!
I know how hard that decision is and it really sucks that you were put in that place to have to make it. I’ve experienced very similar experiences on my road to sobriety and I lost a lot of “friends” because I decided to get sober. However, your true friends will stick by you and your decisions and support you. If they don’t then they aren’t really your friends.
You will wake up tomorrow without the hangover and knowing you made the right decision for yourself. Do those decisions get easier to make, yes they do. You just have to set the boundaries for yourself and others about what you’re going to accept and what you’re not going to accept. Getting sober is an eye opening experience in every area of your life and you will realize that not everyone has your best interests at heart and some of your current friends might be toxic and detrimental to you and what you’re trying so hard to achieve.


Don’t forget that some of your friends might relate to you primarily or only as a drinker. And they can feel threatened by your sobriety (“if my friend has a problem with drinking, what does that mean about my drinking?”) even if it is subconscious.

Seems like the plan worked - you stayed sober. And your sobriety is more important, in the end, than any movie or, and this might be tough to hear, than any friend.


Sorry to hear this. I know it’s an already isolating experience so it sucks that your friends were originally supportive and somehow it turned into more of a “party” experience. I know it’s easy to be angry and resentful but this journey is personal and sometimes we become the best versions of ourselves alone :heart:


Hey great choice…amazing…just shows you are serious about wanting a change to better your mental health.and also you might not see your friends much either now because they know you dont wanna drink and drug and might think your gonna be a buzzkill to them…and guess what nothing wrong with can make so many new friends who are sober and we have fun to just not with the morning regrets and shame and questions lol.


Absolutely trying to get better at setting my boundaries! i’ve never been great at it but i know it’s what i need to do to get better

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absolutely. it’ll be hard if i have to lose them as friends, but i need to put myself first


it’s tough but luckily i have other friends who are more understanding. think i definitely have to distance myself from these ones and they also have drinking problems


absolutely!! i’m getting back into old hobbies that don’t give me a hangover the next day. doing this for myself


just as an update: one of them has informed me that the other brought loads of alcohol and has bought cocaine. so so so glad i didn’t go. had a nice night spending time with my partner and playing games instead <3


Well done :clap:t2::clap:t2::clap:t2:

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I’m very proud of your strength

Begin your list

1 get sober
2 hang with friends to be sober
3 don’t drink
4 scrub the sober friends list
5 adjust your friends and inform them AGAIN
6 Change the place to be sober
7 continue with your own list

Yeah, my list is goofy but sooner than later you will develop your own list

Sobriety is so much fun and there are sober things to do and sober friends to be had

Best wishes and stay in this Sober mentality

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Well they don’t sound like good friends if they can’t respect your wishes I had friends like that too real friends respect your choice they don’t try and go against them

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thank you. I’ll definitely be telling them again, and hopefully they take it more seriously this time

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Yeah. i’m going to tell them again. they weren’t interested ding to force me to drink, but i don’t think they realise that i cant be around alcohol at the moment. will have another chat with them in a few days, as they’re probably hung over or still drinking now