Two guys walk into a BAR…
The second guy should’ve known better.
OMG - I love it — I’m likely to be the second guy (so clumsy - less so now that i’ve stopped drinking but yeah
What has more lives than a cat?
A frog — cause it croaks every night.
Who’s bigger, Mr. Bigger or Mr. Bigger’s baby?
Mr. Bigger’s baby, because he’s a little Bigger.
Emilie –
Thank you. My Dad was the absolute best joke teller. He would come home from work and start telling us about his day and it would take a while to realize he was setting up for an elaborate joke. There are only so many times you can believe someone was caught in an elevator with a nun/clown/llama.
I lost him in 2020 and haven’t been telling jokes since. This will be laughter therapy for me.
OH Love - he sounds like a hell of a guy – what a great memory!
Well lets keep the jokes rolling - shall we…
What do dentists call their x-rays?
Tooth pics!
It’s great to read your jokes. I don’t understand all of them but it’s great. Smiling and laughing are therapy
The other day I found out I’m colorblind. That news just came out of the purple!
“I used to be an interpreter for bad mimes” - Steven Wright
This one is for you @anon74766472.
4 Americans are traveling in Canada and they go out to dinner. The waitress approaches the table and asks what they would like to drink. The first guy says I’ll have a glass of Cabernet. The second guy says that he will also have a glass. The third agrees and then the fourth. The waitress says “you guys should have a liter”.
After some conversation one man stands up to say “I’ll be the leader”.
I love the dad jokes. My kids just roll their eyes at me at this point.
How do you make a tissue dance?
You put a little boogie in it.
After an unsuccessful harvest, why did the farmer decide to try a career in music?
Because he had a ton of sick beets.
I only seem to get sick on weekdays.
I must have a weekend immune system.
This is going in the rotation for me.
Anyone can tell a dirty joke because most of the draw is shock value. If I can tell a joke to a child and make them laugh, bliss.
Some people say puns are a low form of humor. I don’t hang out with those people.
There’s nothing I like more than a good pun. The cornier, the better!
Agreed - a good pun makes life more interesting…
A crazy wife says to her husband that moose are falling from the sky. The husband says, it’s reindeer.
Ok I’ve Got One For Ya…
Why Did The Sperm Cross The Road???
Because My Son Put On The Wrong Socks This Morning
I don’t get why bakers aren’t wealthier.
They make so much dough.