I used to have an addiction to the hokey pokey, but then I turned it around.
Did you hear about the tree that went into banking?
It started its own branch
That’s what it’s all about.
You crack me up
There was a guy named Hunter. He was a vegan so we called him Gatherer
What do you call Santa after he’s had beans?
Farter Christmas
What do you call a really angry carrot?
A steamed veggie.
What’s white and jumps from cake to cake?
A Merengue-utan.
What did one furniture maker say to another during a tense discussion?
Let’s table this.
There was a Roman Emperor who never aged past the age of nineteen
His name was Constant Teen
Did you know there’s a support group for people who are incessant talkers?
It’s called Ramble On Anon.
My mom’s forbidden me from making any breakfast puns.
She says if I do i’m toast.
How waffle!
that was quick!!! nicely done
Who is the best singer in the garden?
Elvis Parsley
Why can’t you hear a pterodactyl going to the bathroom?
Because the “P” is silent.
Did you hear about the first restaurant to open on the moon?
It had great food, but no atmosphere.
When does a joke become a ‘dad’ joke?
When it becomes apparent.
What’s red and bad for your teeth?
A brick.
That one made me chuckle! I’m getting a little loopy, time for bed for this one.